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Understand the stages of human development from infants to adults. Learn how babies depend on others, toddlers explore, children become independent, teenagers transition to adulthood, and adults take charge. Witness the physical and mental transformations in each stage of growth. Discover what babies feed on, how toddlers learn to walk, what teenagers eat, and when they stop being teenagers. Explore the journey from helplessness to self-sufficiency.
How Humans Change as They Grow
Babies Adults Children Teenagers
Babies • Babies can do nothing for themselves when they are first born • What do babies feed on? ?
Children • As babies grow they turn into toddlers, then children. • Children learn to do things for themselves. • What is a toddler? ?
Teenagers • As children grow they become teenagers. • This is the time when a child starts to turn into an adult. • Teenagers eat lots!! • What ages are teenagers? ?
Adults • Adults are fully grown- they have stopped growing. • Adults can do things for themselves. • They can have babies of their own!
Babies drink milk. • This is because they have no teeth. • As they get older they start to grow milk teeth.
A toddler is a very young child who is just learning to walk. • Toddlers are a bit wobbly on their feet!
Children start to become teenagers when they are 13. They finish being a teenager the day they turn 20. All the time they are teenagers their bodies are changing …. fast!