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North Slope Borough School District Professional Performance Pay Plan Guide 2011-2012. Draft PPP Timeline. Please note the following dates as they relate to the Professional Performance Pay Plan September 26, 2011 – Submit Participation Agreement to Lisa Skiles Parady
North Slope Borough School District Professional Performance Pay Plan Guide 2011-2012
Draft PPP Timeline Please note the following dates as they relate to the Professional Performance Pay Plan • September 26, 2011 – Submit Participation Agreement to Lisa Skiles Parady • November 1, 2011 – Assignment of Students List to Principal and Lisa Skiles Parady • November 1, 2011 – Completed Student Learning Plan (SLPs) • December 2011 – Evidence of Fall Progress on SLPs Reported • January 13, 2012 – List of students to the Principal/Committee if different than first semester • February 13, 2012 – Evidence of Progress Reported • March 2012 – Evidence of Progress Reported • 3rd Quarter – Annual SLP Refinement Meeting (1 of 3)* • April 2012 – SLP Outcome recorded • Spring – Annual review of SLPs with a team consisting of Director or Coordinator reading and/or math coaches, mentors or teacher leader and principal; signed off by principal. • April 30, 2012 – SLP Evidence to Principals • April 30, 2012 – Contact Logs must be submitted to the Principal • 4th Quarter – Annual SLP Refinement Meeting (2 of 3)* • 4th Quarter – Annual SLP Refinement Meeting (3 of 3)* • May 4, 2012 – Evidence of Progress Recorded, Outcomes Recorded, End of Year Checkout • May 7, 2012 – Principal will send list of participants eligible for payment to the Committee. • May 7, 2012 – Principals submit SLP participants eligible for payment to Committee • May 7, 2012 – Principals submit Family Communication participants eligible for payment to Committee *Annual Refinement Meeting – you must only attend one of the three meetings that will be arranged by the District staff and will most likely be conducted via audio conference.
Participation Agreement • All participating teachers must sign the Participation Agreement no later than September 26, 2011. Long-term substitute teachers may participate on a case-by-case basis as decided by the PPP Committee. • All Participation Agreements must be submitted to Lisa Parady. Please print and make a copy of the Participation Agreement and interoffice, fax, scan or mail: Attention PPP Committee, C/O Lisa Parady, Central Office, P.O. Box 169, Barrow, AK 99723. Rescinding Participation • If a participating teacher decides to drop-out of the PPP at any time during the school year, the PPP Committee must be notified in writing, and the teacher will not be eligible for an Professional Performance Plan pay. • Please contact Lisa Parady at 907-852-9508, Lisa.Parady@nsbsd.org and/or Jill Exe at Jill.Exe@nsbsd.org if you have any questions.
Assignment of Students • Site administrator and teachers will collaborate on student lists. Teachers may share one or more students on a list, providing there are clear delineations of the Student Learning Plan (SLP) goals and/or objectives within those goals for which each teacher will be responsible. • Participating teachers must provide a list of their students to the Principal/Teacher Leader by no later than November1, 2011. • Teachers will maintain the same list of students throughout the 2011/2012 school year. Alternate lists will be accepted with appropriate documentation as determined by the PPP Committee. * • Payment will be based on student lists for some categories in the Professional Performance Pay Plan (specifically SLP Evidence and Family Communication). • Principals should maintain a copy of the student lists to verify that all students have SLPs. • Sample Assignment of Students Form – on following page • * An example of why an alternate list might be developed is that a student transferred in or away from your school or that students are with different teachers between 1st and 2nd semester.
Assignment of Students (SAMPLE – These are not real student names) Teacher(s) Name(s) 2011-2012 1. John Smith 2. Helen James 3. Dorothy Allen 4. Bob Bender 5. Charles Atwood 6. Isaiah Lance 7. Benjamin Arthur 8. Mollie Rosewood 9. Kimberly Johnson 10. Randy Florstein 11. Debbie Greens Teacher(s) Name(s) 2nd Semester, 2012 1. John Smith 2. Helen James 3. Dorothy Allen 4. Bob Bender 5. Charles Atwood 6. Isaiah Lance 7. Benjamin Arthur – moved to ANC 11/24/10 8. Mollie Rosewood 9. Kimberly Johnson 10. Randy Florstein 11. Debbie Greens 12. Sarah Chase – enrolled 1/8/11
Minimum Requirements for Mandated SLPs • Principals will be part of the development and review of the SLPs. • Review student data to gather at least three data points for each student (e.g., SBAs, AIMSweb, MAP, course specific summative test or performance). • Complete a target for achievement for one of the academic areas identified in the SLP. Describe strategies that will be implemented to achieve the target. (No more than three targets/strategies will be identified on any SLP) For some students, this will require prioritization of targets upon which to focus. • Attach the Inupiaq Language goals/strategies for achievement that have been generated by the Inupiaq Language Teachers. • Special Education – TO BE DISCUSSED • Meet with the student to review the data, targets, and strategies. Guide the student to reflect and respond to the plan in the student’s own words. The reflection may be entered by the student, or the teacher may record the student’s words. • Meet with the student and parent/family/guardian to discuss the data, targets, and strategies. Obtain required signatures. • Assess student progress toward the targets three times during the year in the “monitoring status” section. If a student has mastered one or more of the targets, the teacher may develop different targets to achieve at any of the reviews as long as there are no more than three at any time. • Complete the “progress” section of the SLP at the end of the school year. • Submit completed SLP to the site administrator. • Exemplars to follow and to be posted on the NSBSD website: http://nsbsd.org/departments/curriculum-and-instruction/sample-ilps
Student Learning Plan (SLP) EvidenceEvidence of student achievement related to SLP goals To be paid for the SLP portion of PPP the following evidence is required for PPP with SLPs: • Meet all minimum requirements as determined by the Curriculum and Instruction Department found on the NSBSD website. PLUS: • SLPs posted according to the SLP Timeline. • Participate in review process of assigned student SLPs once annually with a team consisting of a representative of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (the Director or Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction and/or the literacy and/or math coach) or designee, mentors, or teacher leaders and principal; signed off by principal.* • Participate in one SLP refinement meeting annually, either in person or by phone. A meeting will be scheduled third quarter and two meetings will be scheduled during the fourth quarter. • Attach evidence of benchmark reviews to include benchmark screenings and narrative summary of decisions made at the fall, winter, and spring benchmark screening times.** • Update SLP target, specifying research-based interventions/strategies, if/when the original targets are met. • Attach and post evidence of conferencing (parent/family/guardian communication log or the last page of the SLP) with the students and parents/family following benchmark reviews. The spring benchmark meeting can be with the student only as a summary of progress towards goals for the year, however 3 parent communications are required during the year for payment. The PPP Committee reserves the right to review any SLP documentation to ensure equity and continuity at all sites. SLPs year-end sign off to Principals are due by April 30, 2012. Principals will send list of participants eligible for payment to the Committee by May 7, 2012. *This is meant to be an opportunity to discuss and share successes or frustrations with each child’s SLP and is the final observation by the Principal (and other supportive members as outlined above) that the evidence has been met. **The word “narrative” means a short description of evidence that shows changes in instruction. ***Special Education – TO BE DISCUSSED
Family Communication • Family Communication will promote communication between the school (teachers) and the community (parents/families). Family Communication will consist of Classroom/General Communication and Face-to-Face Communication. • Face-to-Face Communications must be documented on the SLP forms or in a contact log approved by the site administrator. Template will be found on the NSBSD website. • Classroom/General Communications must be in the format of a newsletter. Newsletters should be sent to the site administrator and to site tech to be posted on the school website as well as be sent home with students. • Evidence will be reviewed by Principal and forwarded to PPP Committee for payment approval. • As defined in the contract, the two types of communication that are being paid per the PPP Family Communications are classroom/general communications (newsletters) and face-to-face communications (Open House, Goal Setting/Benchmark Reviews, Parent/Teacher Conferences). • Evidence due to Principals by April 30, 2012 and principals will notify the Committee in writing by May 7, 2012. The PPP Committee reserves the right to review any documentation to ensure equity and continuity at all sites.
Family Communication Rubric $300 per year – paid at end of school year • Four Classroom/General Communications – 1 per quarter, and One Face-to-Face Communication with student/parent/family per student – 1 per year $700 per year – paid at end of school year • Seven Classroom/General Communications – 3 or 4 per semester, and Two Face-to-Face Communications with student/parent/family per student – 1 per semester $1000 per year – paid at end of school year • Ten Classroom/General Communications – 5 per semester, and Three Face-to-Face Communications with student/parent/family per student – 1 or 2 per semester
Family Communication Documentation • Payment will be determined by the number of Classroom/General Communications (newsletters) and the number of Face-to-Face Communications as per the previous page. • It is imperative that PPP Participants keep a copy of each of their newsletters and a log of face-to-face communications as well as provide a copy to their teacher leader and/or administrator. • It is strongly suggested that teachers keep the back page of the SLP as documentation for both SLP and Family Communication purposes. However, there are additional times throughout the year that parent/family members may have face-to-face meetings such as Open House…please make sure you have a sign in sheet! • Family Communication documentation should be contained in one place at the end of the year and your site administrator should have a copy.
Professional Learning • College or University coursework or workshop in the instruction of reading, writing, math, science, or the use of differentiated instruction, Inupiaq language, history and culture classes and/or technology with a grade of “C” or better posted on a transcript. • Courses paid for by NSBSD are not eligible. • For questions related to course eligibility, please contact the PPP Committee in advance of taking the class. • Documentation must be in the form of a transcript and include a course syllabus. • Documentation can be sent separately to the Committee upon completion. • Classes completed prior to September 1, 2011 will not be accepted with the exception of Ilisagvik’s Instructional Inupiaq Language, History, and Culture classes. • Click here to download a copy of the ASDN 2011 Fall Cataloguehttp://asdn.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/asdn_fall_2011_catalog_web.pdf
Professional Learning Rubric $150 for 1-semester credit hour class – paid at end of school year • Professional learning designed to meet the specific needs of the students being taught. • Relevant new knowledge and skills applied to instruction. $300 for 2-semester credit hour class – paid at end of school year • Professional learning designed to meet the specific needs of the students being taught. • Relevant new knowledge and skills applied to instruction. $500 for 3-semester credit hour class – paid at end of school year • Professional learning designed to meet the specific needs of the students being taught. • Relevant new knowledge and skills applied to instruction. • Instructional Inupiaq Language, History, and Culture Classes.
Teacher Development Plan • Plan is developed by teacher and site administrator with the ultimate goal of improving student learning and achievement. • Intended for personal professional development outside of the district instructional framework. • Site administrator must approve plan that does not directly relate to District Adopted Programs. • Click here to download a copy of the ASDN 2011 Fall Catalog http://asdn.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/asdn_fall_2011_catalog_web.pdf • Level III payment is contingent upon the return of the participating teacher for the next school year. • Documentation to Committee must include participants, attendance, performance goals, agendas, accomplishment/mastery of Development Plan goals, and verification of staff development or training to other teaching staff.
Teacher Development Plan Rubric $500 per year – paid at end of school year • Attended ≥ 80% of teacher development meetings led by PPP Teacher Leader(s). • Professional learning goals accomplished/mastered and documented. $750 per year – paid at end of school year • Attended ≥ 80% of teacher development meetings led by PPP Teacher Leader(s). • Teacher will provide staff development or training on accomplished/mastered professional learning goal to the rest of the teaching staff. $1250 per year – paid at end of school year • Attended ≥ 80% of teacher development meetings led by PPP Teacher Leader(s). • Teacher will provide staff development/training in the next school year on accomplished or mastered professional learning goal as needed and requested by NSBSD.
Professional Collaboration • Collaboration of teams or small groups of teachers to improve or accelerate student learning and/or achievement. • Collaboration topics must have site administrator approval or for a District wide initiative, PPP Committee approval. • Collaboration must include meaningful performance goals tied to specific learning outcomes. • Documentation to principal or the PPP Committee, must include participants, performance goals, agendas, timelines, and brief summary of learning outcome and the effectiveness of collaboration related to student achievement and/or learning. • Professional Collaboration must be different than Teacher Development Plans. • Five meetings minimum per collaboration opportunity. • Collaboration topics are not limited to the examples given.
Professional Collaboration $50 per Separate Collaboration Opportunity – Teamwork to Accelerate Student Achievement and Maximize Student Learning • Participation in separate team or small group collaboration opportunity with the approval of the site administrator. • For example: Grade level or primary teachers meet to collaborate on a specific reading strategy; • OR Click here to download a copy of the ASDN 2011 Fall Catalog http://asdn.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/asdn_fall_2011_catalog_web.pdf • OR Special Education teacher and regular education teachers meet to collaborate on implementation of differentiated instruction strategies; • OR Teachers meet to learn from each other regarding a specific instructional strategy, i.e. 6-Trait Writing, Storytown Reading Curriculum, Saxon Math, McDougal-Littell, North Slope Science etc. • 1 Collaboration = 5 meetings = $50. You many participate in up to 5 Collaborations per year for a total of $250.
Professional Collaboration $100 per Separate Collaboration Opportunity – Assess Student Learning More Deeply • Participation in separate team or small group collaboration opportunity focusing on constant review of assessment data related to student progress and achievement and provides constant feedback that helps students improve and meet higher standards. • For example: Grade level or primary teachers meet to collaborate on a specific assessment tool to improve performance; or a school–wide social skills/discipline model; • Click here to download a copy of the ASDN 2011 Fall Catalog http://asdn.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/asdn_fall_2011_catalog_web.pdf • OR Special Education teacher and regular education teachers meet to collaborate on interpretation of standardized test results; or how Tier II, III and IV, RtI can better meet the needs of mainstreamed sped students; • OR Teachers meet to learn from each other regarding a specific assessment tool, i.e. AIMSweb, SBAs, HSGQE. • 1 Collaboration = 5 meetings = $100. You may participate in up to 5 Collaborations per year for a total of $500. • 2011-2012 PPP Professional Collaboration Form – EXERCISE – subcommittee • Core Content Area Team (C-CAT) Members - Opportunity
School Performance Bonus AYP Attainment • Paid to participating teacher in a school that makes AYP. $500 per year – paid in September of Following Year • To each participating teacher in a school making AYP. Paid upon official notification by Alaska EED in September of next school year.
Mentor, Leader, Facilitator Teachers Selection • Mentor: Teachers apply to site principal and are selected for the position by the site principal. • Leader: The position will be posted similarly to an added duty contract at the site. Teachers apply to site principal and are selected for the position by the site principal. • Facilitator: Will be posted through the NSBSD Human Resources Department. • Coaches: These are full time district wide coaches in specific content areas. These positions are posted through the Human Resources Department.
Mentor $1766 per year – paid at end of school year • The Mentor will work at the site with teachers as assigned by the site principal. The primary focus of the mentor with the protégé is to strengthen the protégé’s understanding and application of subject area content, instructional practices, school processes and to provide skills, knowledge and experience that improve instructional performance and lead to student success. • Protégé is identified by principal as person in need of support to increase capacity of the protégé and ultimately increase student achievement. • The ratio will be one mentor to foster the progress of no more than 3 protégés. The mentor will respond informally to the requests for technical assistance by the protégé as well as establish a schedule of meetings. Each mentor will meet regularly with the teacher leader, no less than bi- weekly. • Contact logs and any documents will be reviewed and approved for payment by principal and all documentation will be maintained on site. Contact logs due to Principals by April 30, 2012 and principals will notify the Committee in writing by May 7, 2012. The PPP Committee reserves the right to review any documentation to ensure equity and continuity at all sites.
Leader $5,309 per year – paid at end of school year • The Leader is a school wide leadership position(s) that coordinates district wide initiatives within the school site and is a full, year-long commitment. • The leadership responsibilities will include, but not be limited to assisting with planning and implementation of district wide initiative such as RtI, Data Analytics Collaboration time, etc. as determined by the site principal. • This position also includes the PPP coordination at the school site. • The PPP site coordination duties will consist of the following: 1) PPP teacher leader will coordinate all meetings for the PPP members at the site, 2) PPP teacher leader will conduct teacher development planning meetings, 3) PPP teacher leader will coordinate necessary paper work for the PPP to the PPP Committee and support other PPP site needs as necessary. • The individual(s) in this position will have an existing certified contract.
Facilitator $7084 per year – paid at end of school year • The Facilitator is a district wide leadership position that coordinates amongst and between schools, working with the NSBSD District on district wide initiatives. • The indivdual(s) in this position will have an existing certified contract. • The NSBSD District may have multiple district wide initiatives occurring at the same time. These positions will likely include summer work. • The Facilitator associated with the curriculum process will sit on the Curriculum Development Committee under section 702 of the current negotiated agreement. The committee chair is designated as the facilitator during the development and implementation year in the curriculum cycle of the content area. * • *Compensated as per the negotiated agreement during other years of the cycle.
Thank you! • Questions?