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Savanna and Tropical Rainforest Biomes

Savanna and Tropical Rainforest Biomes. Savanna Biome. Location: Often located between Deciduous Temperate and Desert Biomes Abiotic Factors Temperature Range 20° to 30 ° Celsius Annual Precipitation 50 – 90 cm Seasons – 3 distinct seasons Cool and dry (Winter) Hot and dry

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Savanna and Tropical Rainforest Biomes

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  1. Savanna and Tropical Rainforest Biomes

  2. Savanna Biome Location: Often located between Deciduous Temperate and Desert Biomes • Abiotic Factors • Temperature Range 20° to 30 ° Celsius • Annual Precipitation 50 – 90 cm • Seasons – 3 distinct seasons • Cool and dry (Winter) • Hot and dry • Warm and wet (Summer) • Soil is very porous and low in nutrients

  3. Savanna Biome

  4. Savanna Biome

  5. Savanna Biome

  6. Savanna Biome

  7. Savanna Biome

  8. Savanna Biome Unique Characteristics • Tall Grasses with limited trees • Prone to grass fires

  9. Savanna Biome Flora Adaptations: • Resistance to drought • Trees/shrubs shed leaves during dry season • Nutrients stored in roots underground • Ability to endure fires

  10. Savanna Biome Star Grass Adaptations: deep roots; tolerant of heavy grazing; recover quickly after fires; resistant to trampling Rhodes Grass Adaptations: regrows quickly after grazing; drought resistant; resistant to trampling

  11. Savanna Biome Lemon Grass Adaptations: turn brown to limit transpiration; store moisture/nutrients in roots

  12. Savanna Biome Acacia Tree Adaptations: long deep taproots; fire resistant Baobab Tree Adaptations: only produce leaves during wet season; small to limit transpiration; stores water in trunk

  13. Savanna Biome Fauna Adaptations: • Migration (during dry season) • Dormancy

  14. Savanna Biome Elephant Adaptations: migration; uses strength and trunk to access water stored in baobab tree; trunk used as appendage

  15. Savanna Biome • Fork-tailed Drongos • Adaptations: insect eater; drawn to fires; aggressive towards predators Giraffe Adaptations: can go weeks without water; long neck for feeding at high levels in trees and watching for predators

  16. Savanna Biome Zebra Adaptations: long legs for speed; travel in herds for protection; large ears to release heat; light coloration to reflect light Spotted Hyena Adaptations: specialized communications; powerful jaws; speed

  17. Tropical Rainforest Biome Location: between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn along equator • Abiotic Factors • Temperature Average 20° to 25° Celsius • Annual Precipitation 200 – 1,000 cm • Seasons – No distinct seasons • Very poor and infertile soil • Excessive weathering from rain • Warm humid conditions equals faster decay

  18. Tropical Rainforest Biome

  19. Tropical Rainforest Biome

  20. Tropical Rainforest Biome

  21. Tropical Rainforest Biome

  22. Tropical Rainforest Biome

  23. Tropical Rainforest Biome

  24. Tropical Rainforest Biome Unique Characteristics: • Contains more than half of the Earth’s flora and fauna • Dense canopies – 4 layers • Emergent – 100 to 240’ tall trees (small pointed leaves) • Upper canopy – 60 to 130’ trees (contains most fauna; leaves with drip spouts) • Understory – 60’ trees, shrubs, plants • Forest floor – completely shaded with little flora • Plants typically keep leaves year-round

  25. Tropical Rainforest Biome Flora Adaptations: • Drip tips to promote drainage • Thick root mats on ground surface to absorb nutrients before entering soil

  26. Tropical Rainforest Biome Flora Adaptations: • Trees have smooth thin bark

  27. Tropical Rainforest Biome Peacock Plant Adaptations: limited sunlight requirements; broad leaves with red-purple underside to capture light Sacred Fig Adaptations: fast growing epiphyte; drip tips

  28. Tropical Rainforest Biome Pitcher Plants Adaptations: carnivorous plant to supplement nutrients; specialized leaves to hold water; nectar and color to attract insects; slippery cells on inside; enzymes for digestion Lianas Adaptations: climb high using tall trees for support

  29. Tropical Rainforest Biome Bromeliad Adaptations: get nutrients and water from air; central tank to hold water

  30. Tropical Rainforest Biome Fauna Adaptations: • Specialized feeders to reduce competition • Camouflage • Warning colors

  31. Tropical Rainforest Biome Giant Anteater Adaptations: strong claws; long worm-like tongue; sticky coating on tongue; tongue can protrude up to 2’ out of mouth; tongue can be flicked 150 times a minute

  32. Tropical Rainforest Biome Silver Arawana Adaptations: can propel body out of water to snatch prey; specialized eye structure to see above and below water; barbells on chin to detect movement Scarlett Macaw Adaptations: specialized beaks for peeling fruits; strong beaks for breaking nuts

  33. Tropical Rainforest Biome Bullet Ant Adaptations: large mandibles for fighting, carrying water, clamping onto food; hard exoskeleton; toxic sting Coati Adaptations: long tail for balance; long snouts to sniff out food

  34. Tropical Rainforest Biome Spider Monkey Adaptations: long thin arms, legs, & tails to live in trees; limbs pick fruit

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