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Romania. Arge ş County.

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  1. Romania

  2. Argeş County

  3. Arges is a county of Romania, in Wallachia, with the capital city at Pitesti. This county has a total area of 6,862 km². In the north side there are the mountains, from the Southern Carphatians group – the Făgăraș Mountains with Moldoveanu Peak (2,544 m), Negoiu Peak (2,535 m) and Vânătoarea lui Buteanu peak (2,508 m) towering the region, and in the North-East part the Leaotă Mountains. Between them there is a pass towards Braşov, the Rucăr-Bran Passage. The heights decrease, and in the center there are the sub-carpathian hills, with heights around 800 m, crossed with very deep valleys. In the south there is the northern part of the Romanian Plain. The main river that crosses the county is the Argeș River .

  4. Tourism • The main tourist destinations are: • The city of Piteşti • The city of Curtea de Argeş, where one of the most well known monasteries in Romania is located • The Câmpulung – Rucăr area • The Făgăraş Mountains – the Transfăgărăşan • The Leaota Mountains • The Poienari Castle • The Cotmeana monastery.

  5. The Cotmeana monastery Cotmeana Monastery is the oldest in Wallachia. Initially, it was built by Radu I, ruler of Wallachia (1377- 1389), then the church was restored by Mircea the Old (1386-1418) between 1387-1389, being an excellent place of stopover on the way from Pitesti to Cozia Monastery. It became one of the important foundation of the voievode Mircea the Old.

  6. The Poienari Castle Poienari Castle, notable for its connection to Vlad III the Impaler.

  7. Curtea de Argeș Cathedral  The Cathedral of Curtea de Argeș (early 16th century) is a church in Curtea de Argeș, Romania, located in the grounds of a monastery. It is dedicated to Saint Nicholas.

  8. The Făgăraş Mountains Făgăraș Mountainsare the highest mountains of the Southern Carpathians, in Romania. The highest peaks are Moldoveanu(2544 m), Negoiu (2535 m), Viștea Mare(2527 m), Lespezi (2522 m),Vânătoarea lui Buteanu(2507 m), and Dara (2501 m).

  9. The Transfăgărăşan The Transfăgărășan , also known as Ceaușescu's folly is the second-highest paved road in Romania, and considered by some to be the most dramatic The road connects the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia, and the cities of Sibiu and Pitești.

  10. The Leaota Mountains The Leaota Mountains are located in central Romania, north of the city Târgovişte. They are part of the Southern Carpathians group of the Carpathia Mountains, and have as neighbours the Bucegi Mountains to the east and Piatra Craiului to the west. The 2,133 meters high pyramidal Leaota peak raises in a superb land of dense fir forests, wild animals, few wanderer shepherds, and almost no tourists.


  12. LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC COSTESTI Str.Pietii,nr.8, Arges, Romania 0248672538

  13. Liceul Tehnologic Costesti is the most important high-school in the south-east of the Arges county and includes the following classes: mechanics, echological agriculture, transports,commerce.

  14. HUMAN RESOURCES Didactic Staff - 44 Tenured: 27 Qualified Substitutes : 17 • With I-st degree: 21 • With II-nd degree: 13 • With definitive degree :6 • Debutants : 4 Students :587 HighSchool classes: 18 Vocational classes: 4 Post high- school : 2

  15. 20 classrooms, many of them endouded with modern teching equipements and presentation tools; • 2 Informatics Labs with performant computers and internet accesss; • 1 Chemistry Lab; • 1Physics Lab; • 1 Biology Lab; • 1Transport Lab ; • 1Religion Cabinet ; • Library; • Psichology Cabinet; MATERIAL RESOURCES

  16. Chemistry Lab

  17. Physics Lab

  18. Transport Lab

  19. Mecatronic Lab

  20. Religion Cabinet

  21. Psichology Cabinet

  22. In Romania the school programme includes 35-36 weeks per year. There are 20-30 hours of different subjects in a week, depending on the level of education. At the primary level there are 20-25 hours per week and the pupils are studying Romanian Language(5-7), English(1-2), Mathematics(4-6), Nature Sciences(1), Arts(2) and Physical Education(2). At the secondary and lyceum upper levels there are 26-30 hours per week and the students are learning Romanian Language(4), English(2) and French(2), Mathematics(4), Sciences(2-6) , Informatics(1-4), History(1-2) , Geography(1-2), Arts(2) ,Physical Education(1-2)and other subjects according to the classes profile. The scool curriculum containes also attractive optional subject

  23. THE HEADMASTER The headmaster is subordinate to the County School Inspectorate, represented by the General School Inspector. Headmasters job descriptions and evaluation sheet is prepared by the School Inspectorate; Obs. According to The new Education Law which will be approved soon by The Romanian Parliament,the headmaster will be hired by The School Administration Council of whom members will be representatives of The Local Council and of The Representative Parents Council. Representing the school in dealings with other persons and legal entities; The head of the school has the right of guidance and control over all personnel employed by school; The headmaster is the president of The Administration Council and of The Teachers Council to whom he has to present semestrial and annual reports;


  25. Comenius corner

  26. Biology Lab

  27. Authors: Tudosoiu Dumitru – Deputy General Inspector of Arges County School Inspectorate Nicolae Gherghina – Headmistress of Liceul Tehnologic Costesti Canuta Constantin – Coordinator of Comenius Project, teacher of Liceul Tehnologic Costesti Dragomir Diana- Oana - Teacher of Liceul Tehnologic Costesti Popa Nicolae Paul- Student of Liceul Tehnologic Costesti

  28. Va multumim pentru atenţie

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