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Soil Temperatures of the Transylvanian Plain, Romania

Soil Temperatures of the Transylvanian Plain, Romania. D. Weindorf 1 , B. Haggard 1 , T. Rusu 2 , H. Cacovean 2 , S. Johnson 1 1 LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2 USAMV, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Objectives.

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Soil Temperatures of the Transylvanian Plain, Romania

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  1. Soil Temperatures of the Transylvanian Plain, Romania D. Weindorf1, B. Haggard1, T. Rusu2, H. Cacovean2, S. Johnson1 1LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2USAMV, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

  2. Objectives • Characterize the soil resources and establish a network of datalogging stations to measure soil temperatures across the Transylvanian Plain (TP) • Develop interpolated soil temperature regimes from collected data

  3. Objectives • Evaluate variables such as slope inclination and aspect which impact soil temperatures • Make recommendations to farmers on optimal planting dates based on growing degree data from temperature study

  4. Location

  5. Location • Transylvanian Plain • Area: 395,616 ha • Elev.: 231-662 m • Landform: Rolling hills

  6. Transylvanian Plain (TP)

  7. Soils of the TP • Digital soils map created • Original 1:200,000 scale maps were georeferenced and digitized • 1,472 soil polygons digitized • Classification updated to reflect SRTS 2003 • Strongly influenced by • Topographic relief • Stream dissection • Land use / management • Prone to gully and slump erosion on south facing slopes and those underlain by calcareous marls

  8. Soil Order

  9. Soil Type

  10. Soil Subdivision

  11. Background • 20 sites across TP • 10 with rainfall data • 10 online in March 2008 • 10 online in March 2009

  12. Configuration (+ Rainfall) • HOBO Microstation • Soil moisture at 10 cm • Soil temperature at 10, 30, 50 cm • Tipping bucket rain gauge • Air temperature • Rainfall

  13. Configuration (- Rainfall) • HOBO Microstation • Soil moisture at 10 cm • Soil temperature at 10, 50 cm • Air temperature at 0 cm

  14. Hoboware Pro

  15. Transects • North-South • Nuseni-Balda-Band • West-East • Cojocna-Sillivasu-Voinceni • Selection of transects based on length of available data and consistent configuration of probes

  16. Transect Differences • Duncan’s post hoc test was run on all of the sites for March, April, May, June, and July 2009 • For Cojocna-Sillivasu-Voinceni (W-E) • Voinceni is significantly different • For Nuseni-Balda-Band (N-S) • Nuseni is significantly different

  17. Cojocna • Typic Haplustoll • Cernoziom Cambic • Slope: 10-14% • Aspect: NNE • Backslope • 579m

  18. Sillivasu • Humic Dystrudept • Disticambosol molic • Slope: 5-9% • Aspect: NW • Footslope • 463m

  19. Voinceni • Aquertic Hapludoll • Faeoziom gleic • Slope: 0-1% • Aspect: SE • Toeslope • 345m

  20. Cojocna-Sillivasu-Voinceni (W-E)

  21. Cojocna-Sillivasu-Voinceni (W-E)

  22. 00:00 Voinceni

  23. 00:00

  24. 02:00

  25. 04:00

  26. 06:00

  27. 08:00

  28. 10:00

  29. 12:00

  30. 14:00

  31. 16:00

  32. 18:00

  33. 20:00

  34. 22:00

  35. Nuseni • Aquic Hapludert • Vertisol pseudogleizat • Further observation needed to confirm classification • Slope: 30% • Aspect: SE • Backslope • 296m

  36. Balda • Vertic Haplustoll • Cernoziom vertic • Slope: 10-14% • Aspect: ENE • Backslope • 360m

  37. Band • Typic Haplustoll • Cerniziom cambic • Slope: 0-1% • Aspect: SE • Toeslope • 318m

  38. Nuseni-Balda-Band (N-S)

  39. Nuseni-Balda-Band (N-S)

  40. 00:00 Balda Nuseni Band Nuseni

  41. 00:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  42. 02:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  43. 04:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  44. 06:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  45. 08:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  46. 10:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  47. 12:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  48. 14:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  49. 16:00 Balda Nuseni Band

  50. 18:00 Balda Nuseni Band

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