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Open Source software in medical informatics--why, how and what.
Open Source software in medical informatics--why, how and what Clement J. McDonald, Gunther Schadow, Michael Barnes, Paul Dexter, J. Marc Overhage, Burke Mamlin and J. Michael McCoy, Open Source software in medical informatics--why, how and what, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Volume 69, Issues 2-3, March 2003, Pages 175-184
Open Source, History, Licensing • Open Source means open source + open licensing • It’s been around; the web (Apache, Linux, MySQL, Perl, Java, Ruby, Python) & used in bioinformatics • It’s been around in medicine—COSTAR ambulatory medical records
Merits of OS • Free software frees up resources to the software industry • Adds continuous peer review, task delegation, innovation to software development
Why Open Source • Openness of source, licensing & participation in the absence of corporate dependencies lead to improvements in efficacy, stability, security, durability • E.g., the US Military does not use Microsoft for sensitive systems & instead opts for open source solutions • Innovation encouraged by allowing the little guy to get involved & create niches
OSS and Standards • SQL, ODBC, JDBC, XML, HTML, JPEG, TIFF • Medicine - HL7, ICD9 (Open standards)
OS and Bioinformatics Bioperl http://bioperl.org/ Biojava http://www.biojava.org/ Biopython http://biopython.org/
OS and Medical Informatics OSCARhttp:// OS Clinical Applications http://oscarhome.org/ & Resourceshttp://tinyurl.com/2qr52 Practice + knowledge: secure, integrated electronic clinical record that safeguards patient data, allows secure access by multiple caregivers and offsite on-call physicians, and offers customisable clinical resources at the point of care. OpenGALENhttp://tinyurl.com/2oww4 http://tinyurl.com/2awb7 Generalized Architecture for Languages, Encyclopedias and Nomenclatures in Medicine Pulls together clinical applications, disparate coding and classification schemes, & classification schemes together with clinical applications
Regenstrief’s 3rd GenerationMedical Record System (RMRS) • OS EMR (requires core repository + application modules) • research database that uses a term dictionary • data model that maps to HL7 message fields (orders, clinical observations, images, user access details) & is db vendor independent & scalable
How to accelerate OS in Medical Informatics • Federal policy that requires all federally supported medical software development to be made OS, to use open standards, & to build up from pre-existing pieces • Need a mouthpiece to the medical industry (AAMC is working on it)
OS Medical Info Project Goes Bust • MedPlexus EHR System – MedPlexus was going to “gift” their proprietary system to the American Academy of Family Physicians • Other Physicians’ organizations became nervous about OS as an unknown quantity (http://tinyurl.com/2m4v3)