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The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires schools to develop a comprehensive School-Wide Plan (SWP) that addresses various components, including needs assessment, improvement strategies, student support services, and professional development. This plan should be developed with input from key stakeholders and made available to parents and the public in a clear and understandable format. In addition, schools must comply with budgeting and documentation requirements. Title I employees must also fulfill their designated roles outlined in their job descriptions.
School-Wide Plan (SWP) and Title I Budget 2019-2020 School Year
ESSA Requirements for School-Wide Plans • The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that schools implementing a school-wide program develop a Title I School-wide Plan (SWP). • The SWP is designed to capture, in writing, a focused and coherent course of action to upgrade the entire educational program of the school while incorporating any other plans for individual programs within the school. The SWP should be all-inclusive of all activities and funding sources.
Components of a School-Wide Plan • A school that receives Title I, Part A funds and operates a school-wide program must develop a comprehensive plan that identifies: • 1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment • 2. Strategies for Improvement • 3. Student Support Services • 4. Student Opportunities • 5. Tiered Intervention • 6. Professional Development • 7. Early Childhood Transition • 8. Supplement not Supplant
School-Wide Plan Development and Requirements • The plan must be developed: • With the involvement of key stakeholders (including parents). Agendas and sign-in sheets must document these meetings. • In coordination and integration with other federal, state and local services, resources and programs. • The Title I school-wide plan: • Must be made available to the LEA, parents and the public and the information contained in the plan must be in a format and language that is understandable. • Use this language services statement to post with your School-wide plan for parents that may need translation or interpretation services. If a parent does request these services, please offer for a bilingual staff member to orally interpret the document for them. If a parent requests a written translation, send a request to Marcia Cattles.
School-Wide Plan Verification Worksheet • NEW: The School-wide Plan (SWP) Verification Worksheet contains a series of questions to assist schools and districts to determine or demonstrate compliance with School-wide requirements. • The worksheet covers the following key areas: • Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary • Strategies to Address Needs • Consolidated Funding Streams • School-wide Plan Assurances • The box for question #3 must be completed. The principal must sign and date. This form is due with your plan.
School-Wide Plans and Budgets • If funds were obligated before SWP and budget are approved, the school will be responsible for expenditures if not approved by Title I and Executive Director. • All due dates will be strictly enforced. Failure to comply may result in the school absorbing the cost of the expenditure.
Title I Employees • District-allowed Positions (Title I employees must be certified) • TAP Master Teacher (additional with school funds) • Interventionist (must see students all day with one regular planning period) • CSR (must see students all day with one regular planning period) • Restorative Practices Facilitator • Graduation Coach • Temporary Employee to provide interventions
Title I Employees (cont) • ALL Title I employees must be performing duties that are outlined in their job descriptions. Throughout the year, Title I Coordinators will visit schools to monitor the effectiveness of these positions and ensure that their time is spent solely on allowable duties. • It is imperative that your coordinator is informed of any changes to your Title I personnel as it occurs (resignation, new hire, position change, etc). • A Title I contact should be appointed at each school. This employee is responsible for ensuring that all plan, budget, and compliance documentation is submitted by the deadlines. No additional planning time during the school day is allowed for these tasks. However, a maximum of 32 hours of extended hours can be included in your plan and budget. NOTE: Master teachers cannot be Title I contacts.
Title I Employees (cont) • Temporary Employee • Academic Services – provide interventions • No more than 19 hours per week • Must be a certified teacher • $25/hour • Complete contract template • Complete Nepotism Disclosure Form • Once clearance from HR is received, services can begin
Plan and Budget • The template will be a Google document. There will be tabs for each component. Everything will be included in one document: plan, budget, Verification Worksheet and Assurance of Review. Your ED will share the document with the principal to access it on the Network drive. • It is due by Friday, September 6, 2019. Your principal should e-mail the ED once it is final and ready to be approved. • The ED will approve and then notify the appropriate Title I Coordinator. Once it is approved by Title I and the budget is entered in BP, you will be notified.
Compliance Documentation (cont) • Send home to parents and then tally/analyze the results. Send one form with the results to Title I. There should be an end-of-the-year meeting with parents to evaluate the Family Engagement Policy.
Family Engagement • Refer to the Family Engagement Crosswalk that is included in the plan and to the LDOE’s Monitoring Tool. • Parents must be included in the development/review of the school’s FE Policy, Compact, plan, and the spending of FE funds. Agendas and sign-in sheets documenting this are required. • An Annual Title I meeting with parents is mandated. The LDOE’s Back-to-School Night Presentation should be used as a guide to ensure that all mandated topics are covered.
Important Budget Dates • Two budget revisions will be allowed – one due by Nov. 1, 2019 and the final due by January 31, 2020. An agenda and sign-in sheets are required to document meeting to discuss revisions. NOTE: When revisions are done, a meeting should be held. A sign-in sheet and agenda are required. • 95% of Title I funds must be encumbered in Business Plus (workflowed to Title I) by November 1, 2019. • 100 % of Title I funds must be encumbered in Business Plus (workflowed to Title I) by February 21, 2020. • All due dates will be strictly enforced. Failure to comply may result in the school absorbing the cost of the expenditure.
Title I Budget Forms • All documentation not submitted in Business Plus must be submitted electronically by scanning the originals and e-mailing them to Title I. • NEW: Completed Pre-Approval Request Forms and documentation required for reimbursement (postage, printing, travel, refreshments, registration/admissions) MUST be uploaded by the account clerk into the TRA accounting system. These should NOT be sent to Title I. • Originals must be kept on file at the school for six years. • The entire employee sign-in sheet must be hand-written and legible. • All dates and times must match: employee sign-in, student sign-in, task sheets, agendas • Each meeting must be entered into Performance Matters with a title and the date (not a range). Credits should be issued, but these sheets do not need to be sent to your coordinator. • TRAVEL: the State must preapprove all travel, which means that it must be in the district’s grant. For that reason, the following MUST be detailed in your SWP and budget: conference name, dates and place of conference, number and positions of attendees
Requisitions $3,000-$29,000 • Purchases on State Contract: Attach the quote (with the state contract number) with the corresponding SWP and budget pages • Purchases Not on State Contract: • Sole Source: Attach the quote, current Sole Source Letter on the company’s letterhead, Vendor Price List, JPS Sole Source Justification form, and corresponding SWP and budget pages OR 2. Quotes from 3 different companies, Justification on why choosing that particular company/product (if not the least expensive), corresponding SWP and budget pages
New and/or Noteworthy • All deadlines must be adhered to. Requisitions in BP will not be approved after the due dates. Preapprovals, travel forms, and requisitions (approved by principal in BP) must follow these deadlines: • 95% of funds must be encumbered by November 1, 2019; • 100% of funds by February 21, 2020 • Administrators cannot be paid stipends or extended hours. • When paying for stipends or extended hours, employees cannot be paid for the 10 minutes prior to the official school start time nor for the 5 minutes after the end time. • All Title I employees must have a full schedule with the same amount of planning as all other teachers. • Title I contacts may receive up to 32 hours of extended hour stipends in order to ensure that all plan, budget, and compliance documentation is submitted by the deadlines. • TAP Master Teachers cannot be the Title I Contact.
New and/or Noteworthy (cont) • The school's administration, account clerk and Title I contact should all work together to ensure that Title I procedures are followed and that expenses are coded to the correct fund. Each school's Title I contact will receive access to the school's TRA sponsor portal to have read only access to the Title I account to ensure that expenses are properly paid from this account and viewable by the District. By using the sponsor portal, the Title I coordinator at the school will be able to see account history including expenses and revenue. • For postage, printing, refreshments, registration/admission and travel, the school’s account clerk should make payments and code the checks to TRA account 0005.0101. Once the check is issued, the account clerk should scan the supporting documentation (including the completed preapproval) into TRA and attach to the check. The documentation is no longer required to be scanned to your Title I Coordinator as it will be available to the District electronically through TRA.
Contacts • Coordinators: • Gini gini.cannon@jppss.k12.la.us (349-8932) • Susan susan.molbert@jppss.k12.la.us (349-7891) • Directors: • Yvette Gauthreaux, Director of Federal Compliance yvette.gauthreaux@jppss.k12.la.us (349-7909) • Carolyn VanNorman, Director of Family & Community Partnerships carolyn.vannorman@jppss.k12.la.us • Executive Director: • Lisa Gautreau, Executive Director of Instructional Allocation lisa.gautreau@jppss.k12.la.us