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Notices, Agendas and Minutes

Notices, Agendas and Minutes. How to write them. Prithvirajsingh Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon . prithvithakur1@rediffmail.com. Notices. Notices are: Short pieces of information Aimed to convey important information

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Notices, Agendas and Minutes

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  1. Notices, Agendas and Minutes How to write them Prithvirajsingh Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon. prithvithakur1@rediffmail.com

  2. Notices • Notices are: • Short pieces of information • Aimed to convey important information • Displayed at public places • Usually short and simple • May contain: • Date, time and venue of events • Names of contact persons • Last dates etc. Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  3. Format of a Notice A Notice has following parts: • Heading or subject • Date of issue • Body • Signature or name of the issuing authority with designation Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  4. Example Date of issue Heading Body of the notice GyanVikas School NOTICE Date: 25 November 2008 All the students are hereby informed that he preliminary examinations of all the classes will be held from 25 December 2008. Students are informed to collect the syllabus and time-table from their class teachers. Principal Issuing authority Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  5. Example LokmanyaTilak Co-op. Society, Nagpur NOTICE Date: 12 January 2014 All the members of the society are hereby informed that the Annual General Meeting of the society has been organized on 10 February 2014 at 11:00 AM in the Gandhi Memorial Hall. All the members are requested to attend the meeting without fail. Sd/- Secretary Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  6. Agenda • A program or outline of the business to be conducted in a meeting • Accompanies notice • Prepared by the secretary Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  7. Format of the Agenda AGENDA <Name of the organization> <Date> <Time> <Venue> • Reading and confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting • ---- • ---- • ---- • Any other matter with the permission of the chair Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  8. Example of an Agenda AGENDA KJ College Cultural Association, Nagpur Date: 5 December 2010 Time: 10:00 AM Venue:VidyarthiSabhagruha • Reading and confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting. • Presentation of the report of the activities of previous year. • Planning of the college annual gathering. • Organization of a lecture series in February. • Organization of a book exhibition. • Any other matter with the permission of the chair Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  9. Minutes • Formal report of a meeting conducted. • Statement of the work done during a meeting. • Prepared by the secretary. • Based on the agenda. • Read and discussed/confirmed in the next meeting. Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  10. Example MINUTES Meeting of the KJ College Cultural Association Date: 5th December 2010 Time:10:00 AM Venue: VidyarthiSabhagruha Members present: • Mr S. K. Agrawal (President) • Mr. R.K. Kapoor (Secretary) • Ms. S.M. Sinha (Treasuerer) • Ms. K. J.Mitra (Member) • Mr. S.S. Ghosh(Member) • The secretary Mr. Kapoor read the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th June, 2010. The minutes were discussed and then confirmed unanimously. • The secretary presented the report of the activities conducted during the previous year Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  11. It was decided to organize the college Annual Gathering from 27-29 January 2014. It was decided that a lecture series of ShriBabasahebPurandare be organized in February. Ms.Mitra was given the responsibility to work out the details. It was decided that a book exhibition should be organized in March. Mr Sinha took the responsibility of arranging it. 6. No other matter came up for discussion and the meeting concluded with the members being thanked for their presence. Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  12. Exercise Prepare notice, agenda and minutes of the annual general meeting of the Dayanand College Employees’ Co-op. Society, Latur Prithvirajsingh Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon.

  13. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

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