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Viruses Living or Not

Explore the unique characteristics of viruses, including their small size, dependence on host cells, nucleic acid composition, and various shapes. Learn about different types of viruses, such as DNA and RNA viruses, viroids, and prions. Discover the association of prions with diseases like Mad Cow Disease. Gain insights into viral replication processes.

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Viruses Living or Not

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  1. VirusesLiving or Not ???????

  2. Characteristics of Viruses • Among the smallest biological particles that are capable of causing diseases in living organisms • Constructed of compounds associated with cells

  3. Not Considered Living • A virus is not a bacteria, fungus, protist, plant or animal. • They can not carry out cellular functions. • A virus can not replicate without infecting cells and then using the organelles and enzymes of the cells of the host.

  4. A Virus Has Two Essential Features • A Nucleic Acid • DNA or • RNA • But not both • A Capsid – a protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid.

  5. Some may have a membrane like structure outside the capsid called an envelop • Examples: • Influenza • Chickenpox • Herpes-simplex • HIV

  6. Viral Shape • The shape of the virus is determined by either its capsid or its nucleic acid • Two examples of shape • Icosahedron has 20 trianglular faces -- herpes simplex, chicken pox and polio • Helix is a spiral shape ( like DNA) -- rabies, measles and tobacco mosaic virus

  7. There are Two Types of Viruses • DNA • Replicated in one of two ways • Directly produce RNA that make new viral proteins • Join with the host cell’s DNA to produce new viral proteins

  8. RNA • Viral RNA is released into the host cell’s cytoplasm and uses the ribosomes to produce new viral proteins • Some are known as retroviruses containing an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. These use the RNA as a template to make DNA. This DNA is integrated into the host cell’s DNA.

  9. Viroid • Smallest known particles able to replicate • Short single strand of RNA • No capsid • Disrupts plant metabolism and may damage an entire crop

  10. Prions • Abnormal forms of proteins that clump in cells • Linked to diseases of the brain • Consist of 250 amino acids and not associated with any nucleic acid • Examples: • Scrapies in sheep • Mad Cow Disease in cattle

  11. What is Mad Cow Disease • Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), is a fatal brain disorder that occurs in cattle and is caused by some unknown agent. • Brain cells die leaving the brain of the cow to look like a sponge. • It is believed to have come from a similar disease in sheep called scrapie.

  12. Viral Replication

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