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Explore the biodiversity of the Lower Prut region through interpretative trails. Discover the unique ecosystem of Lake Beleu and its surrounding marshlands, home to rare flora and fauna species. Learn about the importance of protecting natural areas in the Black Sea Region.
Sustainable approaches toInterpretation: SharingExperiencefrom the BlackSeaRegion Common borders. Common solutions. INTERTRAILS: NATURAL JEWERLY OF LOWER PRUT dr. Larisa Bogdea- biodiversity expert Institute of Zoology, Academy of Science of Moldova Interpretative Trails on the Ground Support to the Management of Natural Protected Areas in the Black Sea Region (InterTrails)
The state protected natural areas provide the most favourable conditions for the development of plant communities. The protected areas cover 1.96% of the country's territory. Protected Areas, 2000 • Scientific reserve • National park • Natural monument • Natural reserve • Protected landscape • Resource reserve • Area with multifunctional management • Biosphaeric reserve • Botanical garden • Zoological garden • Dendrological garden • Secular trees • Rare flora and fauna species • Landscape monuments
Trail I. Lake Beleu Protected area “Lower Prut” is the synonym of the virginity of nature. It is located in the bottom of the Prut River. In its composition enter the lake Beleu, a network of ponds which, together, form a unique ecosystem of national and international importance. Protected area “Lower Prut river” was created to protect flora and fauna of the lake Beleu and of the floating meadows from nearby. Reservation's surface is 1691 hectares, about 1/3 of the reservation surface is occupied by the Lake Beleu waters; rest of the territory is represented by the marsh vegetation and the floating meadows.
Scientific reserve “Lower Prut” was founded on April 23 1991. Beleu Lake (628ha) is the main geographic component of Reserve “Lower Prut”, a relict of the Danube bank, with 5-6 thousand years. Maximal depth 2.0m. The aquatic ecosystem of the reserve is unanimously appreciated as one of the most important wetlands from Republic of Moldova. The fauna is specific to aquatic ecosystems that serve as nesting place for birds, during seasonal migrations this aquatic ecosystem serves as place for rest and feed for migratory birds.
The turists can see in this area rare and endangered plant species such as: white water lily (Nymphaea alba), floating fern (Salvinia natans), thistle (Trapa natans), wild grape (Vitis sylvestris), sedge (Carex pendula), arrowhead (Sagittaria sagitifolia) etc. ensures the habitats.
Florile plutitoare ale Prutului Water lily
Anas platyrhynchos Anas crecca Aythya ferina Aythya nyroca Phalacrocorax carbo Phalacrocorax pygmeus Recurvirostra avosetta
The birds are forming the breeding colonies later than in the fisheries areas due to the water level fluctuations, usual during May or, sometimes in the beginning June. For example, we found a small mixed colony with 9 nests of Recurvirostra avosetta and 4 nests of Vanellus vanellus in the swampy area Recurvirostra avosetta Vanellus vanellus
Podiceps cristatus Chlidonias hybridus Podiceps grisegena Fulica atra Podiceps nigricollis Tachybaptus ruficollis
Amphibians of Beleu Lake Rana lessonoe Bufo viridis Bufo bufo Hyla arborea
Point 12. Gârla Manolescu. In the section "Gârla Manolescu" great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) was observed together with a nesting colony of whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybridus). Great cristed grebe is relatively easily accepted in colonies of Chlidonias hybridus.
1. Pair formation 2. Inition courtship 3. offeringsby male 5. Violently floating in oposite directions 4. Gesture of greeting 6. Offer each other the algae ETOGRAMMA - dance of courtship ofPodiceps cristatus
Point 6 - Lake Manta It is the largest lake in the Republic of Moldova with an area of 2100 ha. has kept its natural and constitutive components until the sixties of the twentieth century, until exasperating man's intention to turn the whole area of the valley Lower Prut river in agrocoenoses. Until then it have a deep lake water of 6-8 m, sometimes reached up to 10 meters, the water was clean and transparent. The biggest mats divided water space into several smaller lakes called by the people, Rotunda, Badelnic, Dracele, Marioara, Fontan etc. Here are nesting thousands of birds: gooses, herons, swans, waders, coots, et.al.; and in mammals: otters, mink, muskrat, arvicole, rats. There are can penetrate and wild cats, wild boar and deer in some places along the valley wet, covered with trees and reeds, falling in the border with Romania.
13.Cioroiu Between the Popovca and Cioroiu of the lake Beleu is located the strictly protected area of reserve, find a small swamp with reeds, sedge and short willows, with permanent water, being in contact with a collector channel. One of the banks have a strip of reed edges quite wide, favoring many species of birds nesting. In the square Cioroiu just outside the reed and water lily foliage was observed nesting colonies of common tern, black-headed gull, eurasian coot (Sterna hirundo, Larus ridibundus and Fulica atra). Here we can see the grebes, wich are elite divings with short legs, on the land its can move only by crawling.
Cea mai însemnată colonie din R. Moldova de cormoran mare (Phalacrocorax carbo), lopătar (Platalea leucorodia) şi stârci de noapte (Nycticorax nycticorax), respectiv de egrete mici şi mari (Egretta garzetta şi Ardea alba) cuibăreşte în mijlocul lacului şi, pe tufele de sălcii care au crescut aici în perioada în care nivelul apei în lac este scăzut. Mixte colony of Egretta alba, Ardea cinerea, Platalea leucorodea – Scientific reserve “Prutul de Jos”
Mute swan (Cygnus olor) is the most widespread of swans and nesting in the compact reeds in the sector CioroiușiSibirca. Non-breeding birds gather in large flocks feeding. Territorial fights are violent that dominant males away over jumps intruders by spraying them with water with wings and golfs or water slides. The adults of swans can be aggressive even to man, especially during the nesting. In flight, this species produces a continuous hissing, serving to maintain compact flocks in flight at night. This species is included in the Red Book of Republic of Moldova.
In feeding flocks associated with great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and solitary specimens of pygmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus). Adult birds form a semicircle and knock noisy water by wings and the fish retreats at shoreline where pelicans gathered with great skill. In the process of feeding are involved and juveniles of pelicans, they do not form a semicircle, just plunging but after and when the fish are driven ashore, landing on the water and feed. Cormorant role is to ward off the fish to shore, as they possess the ability to sink, which can not make pelicans. It is, practically, an alliance for efficient feeding.
Diurnal birds of prey Milvus migrans Accipiter gentilis Falco vespertinus Buteo buteo
Wonderful world of the oak – Trail III. Codrii Tigheci
TIPURI DE PĂDURE • stejar pufos cu stejar pedunculat, jugastru, etajul arbuştilor – sîngerul, scumpie si dîrmoz. • gorun custejar pedunculatși amestec de tei, frasin și arțar, etajul arbștilor – corn, sînger, dîrmoz • pădure de frasin (Fraxinus excelsior) cu un amestec neînsemnat de gledicie (Gleditsia triacanthos): • pădurea de gorun (Quercus petrea) • pădure de salcâm (Robinia pseudoacacia) – suprafețe mici.
Specii de păsări ce cuibăresc în ecosistemele forestiere Canopy hollows Parus major Dendrocopos major Fringilla coelebs Turdus merula Milvus migrans Picus canus Phoenicorus pnoenicorus Buteo buteo On ground Erithacus rubecula Arbuşti (tufari) Phylloscpus collybita Lanius collurio Sylvia communis
Turduspilaris Sylvia atricapilla Picus canus Muscicapa striata
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