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Learn the characteristics of true piety through the contrasting examples of the poor widow and hypocritical religious leaders. Discover how humility, sacrificial giving, and servant leadership reflect genuine piety in Christian living.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
True PietyMark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4 Characteristics of false religious leaders: 1) Self-proclaimed authority. 2) Hypocritical demands. 3) Loveless & uncaring. 4) Pretentious displays of piety. 5) Proud & arrogant
True PietyMark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4 Jesus labeled the scribes & Pharisees as: Hypocrites, Sons of hell, Blind guides, Serpents A brood of vipers
True PietyMark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4 They kept people from heaven; Robbed widows; Created self-righteous disciples; Were liars; Failed to keep God’s laws on justice; Were robbers & self-indulgent; Plotting murders
True PietyMark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4 Beware, false teachers abound - don’t let Jesus’ lament be applied to you Mark & Luke use the example of the poor widow as a stark contrast to the scribes & Pharisees
The SettingMark 12:41; Luke 21:1 Court of ↙Women Court of Gentiles
Court of Gentiles Court of Women
The SettingMark 12:41; Luke 21:1 After Jesus dealt with a series of confrontations, Jesus sits down opposite the treasury – which is within the Court of the Women
The SettingMark 12:41; Luke 21:1 He observes the flaunting manner of the rich as the put in their money - see Matthew 6:2 It is still common today for people to want to be recognized and praised for their acts of charity
The SettingMark 12:41; Luke 21:1 If you want God’s reward for acts of charity, then do it for Him instead of seeking the praise of men
The Widow’s ExampleMark 12:42-44; Luke 21:2-4 She was the opposite of the rich who wanted to be notice, she was trying to inconspicuous She is an example of piety (devout, reverent, worshipful) demonstrated I giving and trust
The Widow’s ExampleMark 12:42-44; Luke 21:2-4 James 1:27 - pure and undefiled religion Charity to the destitute is a pure form of fulfilling the command to love your neighbor as yourself Keeping unstained from the world is part of loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
The Widow’s ExampleMark 12:42-44; Luke 21:2-4 She gave all she owned and had to live on in an act of true worship trusting God for her own needs She was a living example of fulfilling Matthew 6:33; 1 Timothy 6:8; Isaiah 26:3
The Widow’s ExampleMark 12:42-44; Luke 21:2-4 Jesus is God in human form and is omniscient - he “knows all things” (John 1:47-49; 16:30; 21:17; Luke 6:8; 5:4-10; Matthew 17:27; 16:21) The widow could trust the Lord, so can you
Piety in GivingMark 12:43-44 The contrast between the widow & the Pharisees signifies the difference between the views of man & God People judge piety in giving by the amount - and James 2:1-7 is a rebuke of favoritism to the wealthy
Piety in GivingMark 12:43-44 God looks at your heart - your motivations - for giving regardless of the amount 2 Cor. 9:6-10 - giving is to be done cheerfully as you purpose in your heart, not grudgingly or of compulsion Piety is demonstrated in trusting God as you worship and obey Him
Piety in GivingMark 12:43-44 Those who teach “sowing and reaping” as a “seed faith” investment for material return are greedy heretics Piety is demonstrated in sacrificial giving that trusts God Scriptural examples of giving range from 10% by Abraham to 100% by the poor widow
Piety in GivingMark 12:43-44 Don’t give beyond what you can do cheerfully as an act of worship - change your heart to give more Nothing you handle is less significant than money nor more revealing of your heart
Additional Characteristics of PietyHumble The beginning point and foundational for all other characteristics Humility is necessary for salvation - James 4:6; Ephesians 2:8; Luke 18:10-14; Matthew 5:3-4 Humility reflects Christ in your life - Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew 11:29
Additional Characteristics of PietyHumble The world promotes pride as the key to success while the pious see humility as the key - Matthew 23:12 Piety follows the command of 1 Peter 5:6 because its desire is to do all for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31)
Additional Characteristics of PietySubmissive to God In recognition He is the ultimate authority and all legitimate authority extends from Him Their desire and prayer is for God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven and to submit their will to it.
Additional Characteristics of PietySubmissive to God The meek can do extraordinary things because they are in submission to God and obey His commands
Additional Characteristics of PietyServant Leadership Christian leaders are to follow Christ’s example (Mark 10:42-45) 1 Peter 5:1-3 - instructions to elders Only the humble who entrust themselves to God can lead as a servant
Additional Characteristics of PietyLoving and Caring They follow Jesus’ commands to love others (John 13:34) including enemies (Mt 4:44)
Additional Characteristics of PietyReticent They are adverse to calling attention to themselves The pious want God to be glorified and do not want to hinder or take away from that
Additional Characteristics of PietyTrustworthy True, honest and sincere, without pretense or guile, lie or deceit A rare person in the world (Prov. 20:6), but to be normal for believers (1 Cor. 4:1-2)
Additional Characteristics of PietyEvangelistic They want people to know the good news of Jesus Christ to they can repent and be saved They proclaim the gospel, speaking all of the truth in love, without marketing gimmicks
Additional Characteristics of PietyCharitable / Generous A heart of love for God and others will expend itself in compassion to those in need Examples: The good Samaritan (Luke 10), Tabitha (Acts 9); The Macedonians (2 Cor. 8:1-4)
Additional Characteristics of PietyCharitable / Generous 1 John 3:17-18 - Without this characteristic, a profession to love God is questionable
Additional Characteristics of PietyJust, Merciful, Faithful Keeps God’s priorities It is not hard to figure out God’s priorities - the weightier things in His law - Micah 6:8; Mark 12:28-31
Conclusion The poor widow is a stark contrast to the scribes and Pharisees - she is the example to follow
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ