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Funding Science and Technology to meet the cost C hallenge in O&G Sector

Join us at the Funding Science and Technology Conference to find out how Finep, Brazil's National Innovation Agency, can support and finance innovation projects in the Oil & Gas sector. Learn about the challenges and opportunities in the industry and explore collaborative environments for innovation. Don't miss out on this chance to network with industry leaders and discuss the latest trends in subsea technology, nanotechnology, and more.

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Funding Science and Technology to meet the cost C hallenge in O&G Sector

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  1. Funding Science and Technology to meet the cost Challenge in O&G Sector November Conference – Oct. 31st, 2016

  2. Our Mission and Vision • To promote the economic and social development of Brazil; • Governmental funding of Science, Technology and Innovation; • Support for companies, universities, technological institutes and other public or private institutions; • To transform Brazil by means of Innovation. Finep: Brazil’s National Innovation Agency Finep is a Federal Government Company linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications - MCTIC, created in 24 July 1967;

  3. Finep: Brazil´s National Innovation Agency • Finep supports allstages of scientific, technological and innovation process in several sectors. InvestmentfundsandEquity Grants (non-refundableresources) EconomicSubvention Loans Pre-Incubation Incubationand Start -Up Emergingcompanies Scientific & Technology Research and Infrastructure Expansionofcompanies

  4. Evolution of the Main Numbers Finep – Disbursement of Resources per Instrument Credit Grants for Research Institutes Grants for Companies

  5. Finep rate x Selic rate Fev/12 Fev/13 Fev/14 Fev/15 Fev/16 Fontes: Finep, BCB-Demab e BCB-Secre * Finep rate for Pionnering Inovation

  6. Loan Conditions Interest Rate - from 7,5% to 11,5% per year Grace Period – up to 48 months Total Period (grace period + amortization) – up to 144 months FINEP’s Participation – up to 90% of the projects’ budget Whatcanbefunded: • Civil works/facilities, equipment (domestic and imported), software (domestic and imported), raw materials, personnel, training, consultancy, contractors, air tickets and per diem, other.

  7. Finep - Challenges • To create bridges between players: universities, high-tech companies, contractors, operators, suppliers etc. • To encourage implementation of ongoing R&D activities in companies; • To increase competitiveness of Brazilian companies; • To support entry of innovative companies into global markets; • To stimulate private investments in innovation; • To foster procedures to promote sustainability.

  8. Universities and S&T Institutions Brazilian STI System: Institutions’ action zones Public Laboratories Companies Interaction Zone Recursos CNPq / CAPES / FAPs BNDES Death Valley Embrapii Applied Research Education Technology Readness Levels - TRL TechnologicalDevelopment Prototypes and Scale-up Basic Research

  9. R&D in selected countries as a percentage of GDP Source: OECD. It doesn’t consider Higher education, Private non-profit and Funds from abroad.

  10. Most Relevant Innovation Obstacles Source: IBGE* / Pintec** * Brazilian Statistical Institute ** Brazilian Innovation Survey

  11. Oil and Gas Challenges in Brazil The developmentof a global innovativeoilandgassupplychain in Brazilis a big challengeandpre-saltis a greatopportunityto do it. • Innovationisthekeytoreducecosts, keepingproductivity, competitiveness, qualityandoperationalsafety in industry. • How Finep cancontributetoraisecompaniesinvestments in innovationprojects in O&G sector in Brazil? • Reducing financial risks for developers; • Supporting more collaborativeenvironment for innovation; • Offeringsuitable financial tools tolong-termandstrategicprojects (ex: subseafactoryconceptandindustry 4.0); • Innovationoriented policies byregulationactivity • Promotinginternationalcooperation.

  12. E & P Trends: Subsea Factory Concept • Implementation in modular stages • New generation of process equipment either on platforms and seabed; • Light, simple and compact equipment solutions • Riser-free drilling • Seismic Acquisition and Processing Data in 4D (Nodes) • Integrating functionalities • Non-retrievable and long lifespan devices • Nanomaterials • Nanoparticles • Submarine power productions and distribution • New standards and operational protocols (metrology)

  13. E & P – Subsea Hub’s Segments • Multiple fields of knowledge: robotics, automation, nanotechnology, new materials, instrumentation, internet of things, bigdata, distributed processing data, geology, geophysics, simulation, chemistry, HSE – health, safety and environment etc.; • Range of economic sectors: shipyard industry, IT, microelectronics, ROV industries, instruments, metallurgy, chemicals, electronics, electric, subsea engineering, monitoring, maintenance, seismic, logistics services etc.;

  14. Oil and Gas - Oportunities • Important Contacts / Partnerships / Public Calls: • Operators: Petrobras, Shell and Statoil • Contractors • Innovation Norway and Research Council – MoU - BN-21 (Brazil - Norway) • BNDES • ANP • Projets (Loans) 2011 - 2015: R$ 1,5 bilhões • Pre-Salt Public Calls (Grants for Universities, Scientific and Tecnological Institutions): 2010 - 2013: R$ 160 milhões

  15. JOINT PUBLIC CALL FINEP-RCN • Objective • SupportingprojectselaboratedthroughcooperationbetweenBrazilianandNorwegiancompaniesusingthecurrent financial instruments, accordingtothefollowingthematiclines: • Subseatechnologies • EnhancedOil Recovery • Environmental Technologies Final joint selection decision

  16. JOINT PUBLIC CALL FINEP-RCN • Financial resources for theprojects Norway will finance Norwegian companies through RCN, while FINEP will finance Brazilian companies. • RCN: NOK 10 million, grants. (~ U$ 1.2 MM) • Finep: R$ 5 milhões, grants. (~ U$ 1.6 MM) Priorities: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs - Brazilian and Norwegian); The innovation projects must be developed through partnerships between Brazilian and Norwegian companies. Universities and scientific institutionsfrom both countries may also participate as service suppliers; The projects must be balanced between the participants and significant to both countries; The duration of the project can be no longer than 3 years.

  17. Preliminary selection results* • Selection of 5 projects from 16 pre-proposals * The final joint selection decision will occur after the submitting request for reconsideration period , in december 7th

  18. Regulatory Incentives • 1% of O&G revenue to fund R&D projects (ANP regulation); • At least 50% of the resources applied in R&D in Universities; • At least 10% of the funds should be invested in projects or programs carried out by Brazilian companies; • The remaining funds can be applied to run the project in the operator own facilities, universities or Brazilian companies; • Pedefor - Government program to stimulate competitiveness in Brazil’s oil and gas supply chain -> incentive to companies developing innovation and technology; • The end of the requirement for Petrobras to participate in at least thirty percent of all pre-salt oil exploration in the country (Senate Bill).

  19. Examples of Projects supported by FINEP • Development of vessel to support submarine interventions for human shallow diving and ROV operation for submarine engineering, maintenance and repair of pipelines and risers. • Light work-over services and well intervention operations semi-submersible platform • Flow assurance technology of oil for heavy oil extraction in deepwater field. • Onshore underground storage of gas service through conversion of a depleted oil and gas field • Software development for special seismic processing and inversion of high resolution AVO (finalist of ANP Innovation Award – 2015)

  20. Overcoming the Challenges • Improve capital efficiency: to ensure deepwater innovative projects success is to take the time necessary to do a adequate pre-project planning and define the right project; • Times of financial restrictions are an opportunities to housekeeping, evaluating and creating the best governance for RD&I in your firm and reflecting about innovation culture for better times; • Also, is time for colaboration: Increase the dialogue between industry, local government and technological institutions; and, • Adoption of collaborative models between operators, service providers and equipment manufacturers for the deployment of integrated deepwater technical solutions.

  21. Thank you!Mauricio Alves SyrioSuperintendentmsyrio@finep.gov.br SAC: 21 2555-0555 | sac@finep.gov.br Ouvidoria: 21 2557-2414 | ouvidoria@finep.gov.br

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