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How to Succeed in Socratic Seminars: Tips and Guidelines

Explore the essence of Socratic Seminars, how to prepare effectively, types of questions to ask, and the seminar format. Learn the key strategies to excel in these discussions and enhance comprehension of texts. Dive into Socratic Seminars and elevate your learning experience!

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How to Succeed in Socratic Seminars: Tips and Guidelines

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  1. Socratic Seminar2% of semester grade(That’s the equivalent of 4 quizzes!!!)

  2. What is a Socratic Seminar? • A Socratic seminar is a way of teaching founded by the Greek philosopher Socrates. • Socrates believed that: students learn best by asking questions. • It is the teacher’s job to moderate the discussion instead of leading the discussion.

  3. Why do we have Socratic Seminars • Socratic Seminars help us engage a text in class. • The thought process is when we work together to understand a text it will help everyone’s understanding.

  4. How do we prepare for a Socratic Seminar? • Come with a list of questions and main eventson the given handout for your assigned chapters.! • It is essential you read the text and prepare yourself with important questions and quotations.

  5. What type of questions should I ask during the seminar? • There are three levels of questions. • You will recognize these from when we did Mini MEL-Con practice!!!

  6. Level 1 (Knowledge Questions): • Can you state, in your own words? • Can you describe? • Can you defend your position? • Can you summarize the information?

  7. Level II (Application Questions): • Explainhow … • Explainwhy … • Interpretthe reasons … • Compare and contrast … • Connect and explain …

  8. Level III (Synthesis Questions): Synthesis means combining or connecting two different elements. In terms of the Socratic Seminar you will be connecting a text to the outside world.

  9. Level III (Synthesis Questions) Continued • Imagine … • What would happen if …? • Hypothesize … • Theorize … • Speculate… • How is Text similar to Outside World?

  10. What will the seminar look like? • The classroom will be arranged in a two concentric circles. • You will be assigned to either seminar A or seminar B.

  11. What do I do? If you are in the INNER CIRCLE, you will spend 15 minutes discussing the chapters with your peers. You must participate a certain # of times to get the grade that you want!!! If you are in the OUTER CIRCLE, you will be taking notes on the items that your classmates in the INNER CIRCLE bring up. You must take a certain amount of notes to achieve the grade you want!!!

  12. Look at the Socratic Seminar Requirements sheet!

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