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Ashish Chhabria

Ashish Chhabria. Program Manager - Microsoft. Service Bus update. What is Service Bus?. Fully managed PaaS offering - “ Enterprise Messaging as a Service ”. Point to Point (Queue) and Pub-Sub (Topic-Subscription) semantics. Central arbiter of state / truth of transition or ownership.

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Ashish Chhabria

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ashish Chhabria Program Manager - Microsoft Service Bus update

  2. What is Service Bus? • Fully managed PaaS offering - “Enterprise Messaging as a Service”. • Point to Point (Queue) and Pub-Sub (Topic-Subscription) semantics. • Central arbiter of state / truth of transition or ownership. • You know the nouns: • Who is sending the message? • What is the message? • Where is the message being sent?

  3. Service Bus - Queues • Sender sends message to queue • Queue ACKs receipt • Receiver connects to queue & retrieves message • Receiver ACKs complete (or other action) Sender Receiver Queue

  4. Service Bus - Topics & Subscriptions • Sender only knows about Topic • Receivers only know about Subscriptions • Filters and Actions exist on Subscriptions Filter Subscription 1 type=quote type=order “type” = “order” Topic “type” = “quote” Subscription 2 Filter

  5. Service Bus – Pricing tiers Standard Exclusive Resources allocation. Predictable throughput/latency. Fixed pricing per messaging unit. Message size up to 1 MB. Recommended for Production environments. Enterprise features – Virtual Networks and Firewalls, Availability Zones, Geo-DR, RBAC, and Managed Service Identity. Premium • Cloud based enterprise messaging. • Pay-as-you-go variable pricing. • Message size up to 256 KB. • Supports ISO standard AMQP 1.0. • Rich client platform support. • Recommended for low throughput or Dev/Test environments.

  6. Azure Messaging 2PB Monthly data written to storage by Event Hubs Capture 99.9998% Weekly success rate for Service Bus >80PB Monthly Data Volume >22 Billion Message operations onAzure Service Bus per day 50regions Running our services 50,000+ VMs run our service 2.2 Trillion Requests every day to Event Hubs 95 Of the 100 largest Azure customers use messaging services

  7. What’s new? And coming soon! Clients & Connectors Enterprise Features Business Continuity Image credits – Business Continuity, Enterprise Features, Clients and Connectors

  8. Business Continuity – High Availability & Disaster Recovery

  9. Global Expansion and Availability Zones • Azure Service Bus is now available in 50 Azure regions! • Azure Service Bus now has “Availability Zones” in all compatible regions.

  10. Availability Zones • Fault tolerance for Service Bus Premium namespace within the same datacenter region. • 3 copies (Primary + 2 secondary) are stored across different datacenters in the same region. • In case of datacenter failure, one of the secondary copies becomes the primary, *automatically*. Primary Secondary Secondary

  11. Geo-Disaster Recovery Connection String • Fault tolerance across different datacenter regions for Service Bus Premium namespace. • 2 separate premium namespaces are provisioned and paired. • Metadata is always in sync. • Failover is managed by the customer. • Disaster Recovery with full data copy will follow! Region1 Primary namespace Metadata Region2 Secondary namespace

  12. This is great! But, how do I upgrade my Standard namespace to use these features?

  13. In-place upgrade for Service Bus Standard • Enables migration of existing Service Bus Standard namespace to Premium. • A new premium namespace is created and linked to the Standard namespace. • Metadata (Queues, Topics, Subscriptions) is copied over from the Standard namespace to Premium namespace. • On completion, Connection string becomes an alias for the new Premium namespace. Standard namespace Connection String Metadata Premium namespace No configuration changes needed

  14. Enterprise Features

  15. Virtual Network Service Endpoints & Firewalls Limit access to your namespace from specific Virtual Networks or IP address/s Virtual Network ACL Firewall ACL

  16. Managed Service Identity and RBAC • Currently in Preview – GA by July 2019! • Register your application with • Full Data/Management access via built-in “Azure Service Bus Data Owner” role • Custom roles per your use-case • Insert configuration into App.config file for your application.

  17. Clients and Connectors

  18. Client SDKs Node.js – Generally Available! • Java and .NET • Management Client • Web sockets support • Transactions support Python – coming soon! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

  19. Connectors and Integrations Logic App Connectors • Send and Receive Messages. • Create and delete Topic subscriptions. • Lock renewal. • Manage Sessions. Event Grid Integration • Service Bus Premium namespace can emit events to Event Grid. • Service Bus Queues as an Event handler – currently in Preview.

  20. Data Explorer for Service Bus • Data Explorer lives on the Azure Portal under the Queue or Topic. Coming soon! • Operations supported • Send/Receive/Peek from a Queue • Send to Topic • Receive from Subscriptions • Works with Dead-letter entities as well!

  21. Data Explorer - Queue • Send • Peek • Receive Message statistics Operation Pick Queue/Deadletter queue Message body List messages

  22. Data Explorer - Topic • Send to a Topic • Receive/Peek from a subscription Operation Pick subscription Message statistics Pick from subscription/dead-letter List messages Message body

  23. Additional updates • Premium Messaging - Expanded offerings to 8 MUs. • Coming soon … • Private Endpoints • Bring your own key for user-controlled Encryption at Rest.

  24. Service Bus – Q & A

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