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Ashish Thandavan Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies Centre

Experiences with the Globus Toolkit on AIX and deploying the Large Scale Air Pollution Model as a grid service. Ashish Thandavan Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies Centre. Outline. eMinerals project OGSA Testbed project Air Pollution Model Air Pollution Model as a grid service

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Ashish Thandavan Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies Centre

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  1. Experiences with the Globus Toolkit on AIX and deploying the Large Scale Air Pollution Model as a grid service Ashish Thandavan Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies Centre

  2. Outline • eMinerals project • OGSA Testbed project • Air Pollution Model • Air Pollution Model as a grid service • GT3 on the IBM • Air Pollution Model as grid service (again) • Current status & Future work

  3. Our IBM pSeries parallel computer Four IBM pSeries p655 nodes each with • Eight 1.5 GHz POWER4 processors • 16 GB RAM • 2 x 36 GB internal storage Private Gigabit ethernet AIX 5.2 and SLES 8.0 (dual boot) IBM C, C++ & Fortran compilers, IBM’s POE & LoadLeveler scheduler

  4. Environment from the Molecular Level • Using molecular simulation techniques to investigate fundamental problems associated with key environmental issues such as nuclear waste storage, pollution & weathering • Researchers & resources from 7 UK institutions • Funded by NERC www.eminerals.org

  5. eMinerals minigrid

  6. OGSA Testbed • Test and evaluate the first implementation of the OGSA core by installing the GT3 toolkit on a service-based grid testbed spanning organisational boundaries • Deploy a set of applications on this testbed as grid services & document experiences • 5 project partners & 2 associate members • Funded by EPSRC dsg.port.ac.uk/projects/ogsa-testbed/

  7. Applications from Reading • Phylogenetic Tree Construction • Sequential & parallel (MPI) versions in C • Runs on clusters & on IBM machine • Large Scale Air Pollution Model • Only parallel implementation (MPI) in Fortran 77 • Runs only on IBM machine

  8. Air Pollution Model • Developed by the Danish National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) • Mathematically represents interaction of physical & chemical processes : • Horizontal transport • Horizontal diffusion • Chemical transformations due to emissions • Deposition of pollutants to surface • Vertical exchange

  9. Physical and Chemical Processes System of Partial Differential Equations Splitting procedure Horizontal Transport Chemistry & Emissions Horizontal Diffusion Deposition Vertical Exchange Horizontal Transport & Horizontal Diffusion Vertical Exchange Chemical Reactions & Emissions & Deposition Air Pollution Model

  10. Running the Air Pollution Model • Hundreds of Fortran 77 programs organised logically into sub-directories (each a module) • Makefile provided; compiler xlf_r is used • A ‘main’ directory contains executable & configuration file (with initial input params) • Loadleveler job submission file calls poe with appropriate parameters

  11. IBM Resource Client Air Pollution Model as Grid Service • IBM machine has GT3 installed • APM available as a grid service that clients talk to • APMGS invokes MMJFS • MMJFS submits job to LoadLeveler … ideal scenario!! Client Client Internet

  12. GT3 on the IBM machine • A non-starter…. • GT 3.0.2 – didn’t build successfully… • GT 3.2beta – didn’t build successfully… • GT 3.2.1 – didn’t build successfully… • Different compilers (xlc, gcc) & ‘flavors’ (<g|vendor>cc<32|64>[dbg][pthr])

  13. GT3 on the IBM machine • NSF Middleware Initiative provided pre-compiled binaries of GT3.2.1 for AIX 5.2 • Release notes of latest version (5.1) confirmed problems with • globus_grim (due to which container cannot be started) on AIX • MMJFS on AIX • Other minor issues

  14. Client Client Globus gatekeeper IBM Resource Client Internet Possible solution • GT3 installed on intermediary • Accepts client requests • Performs authentication & authorisation • Mediates job requests between client and IBM resource

  15. Client Local LAN 1 4 2 3 IBM Resource Globus Machine Air Pollution Model as a grid service- job submit, cancel, hold, release, etc. 8 A B 7 5 6

  16. Client Local LAN 1 4 2 3 9 13 11 10 12 IBM Resource Globus Machine Air Pollution Model as a grid service- job and system status monitoring 8 A B 7 5 6 D C

  17. Constituent parts Three parts to this solution • Grid Service • Server – resource communication • Job submission, hold, release, cancel • Job & system status • Client Interface

  18. Current status • Resource communication • Job submission of simple commands implemented • Job & system status under development • Grid service part partially implemented • Command line client interface (developed & used mostly for testing the other parts)

  19. Future Work • Generic RemoteResourceJobService • will support different schedulers like Condor, PBS, SGE, LSF, etc • WSRF implementation of the grid service • Option to encrypt server-resource traffic • Client interface - portal & application versions • XML messaging, more robust

  20. Dziękuje!! Proszęo Pytania?

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