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ATASS Budget Proposal

Explore ATASS budget context for 2004 and 2005, current systems, policies, developments, and future plans with APASC goals and staff support strategies.

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ATASS Budget Proposal

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  1. ATASS Budget Proposal Update on Fiscal Year 2004 & Fiscal Year 2005 Request

  2. Understanding the Context for the ATASS Budget • Where are we? • How did we get here? • Where do we need to go?

  3. Where Are We? Current Systems Supported by ATASS • Course Applicability System • On-line Course Equivalency Guides • Arizona Course Equivalency Tracking System • Arizona Curriculum Routing and Evaluation System • Arizona Statewide System for Information on Student Transfer • ATASS Web site

  4. Where are we? • Policies • Curriculum • Technical Support Systems

  5. Policies • APASC participated in a retreat in November 2002 • As a result of the retreat, APASC set goals in the following areas: • Evaluation of the transfer model • Intent for strategic planning for technology systems • Statewide staffing and support • Strategic planning for ATASS budget • APASC has since identified a budget subcommittee and a technology planning committee who will work jointly to plan for the systems

  6. Policies • APASC approved the GEATF recommendation to expand the AGEC policy so that individual community colleges can evaluate other regionally accredited higher education institution’s general education courses for inclusion in the AGEC

  7. Curriculum • APASC approved the curriculum framework for the new Associate of Arts in Elementary Education (AAEE) degree • APASC has charged the AAEE workgroup to develop advising models for the new degree • APASC has supported improvements to individual pathways based on ATF recommendations • APASC has charged a group to begin the evaluation of the curricular components of the transfer model beginning Fall 2003

  8. CAS Usage Statistics and Satisfaction Survey Results • Over 10,000 student accounts in CAS • 109,138 hits on CAS website per week • 15,745 forms have been processed through ACETS since its inception • CAS satisfaction survey results • 89% feel CAS has useful information • 81% find CAS user friendly • 94% would use CAS again

  9. AzCAS Developments • Development and Pilot of ATF Chatlines • Original deliverable of CAS RFP • Online chair report form and meeting notes • Allows institutions to update ATF membership information • Academic Curriculum Routing and Evaluation System ACRES is fully implemented at Central Arizona College and is being piloted by ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Business. Arizona Western College is preparing to pilot ACRES in early 2004.

  10. AzCAS Future Developments • Arizona Transfer Pathway Guides • Transfer Student Ombudsperson Application • AGEC Planning Guides and Course Lists

  11. ASSISTDevelopments • All institutions are current in their submission of ASSIST data • ASSIST is being utilized by colleges for management information and decision making • ASSIST continues to be utilized for Carl Perkins III reporting and Student Right to Know • University data documentation complete • Community college data documentation is underway and is scheduled for completion in September • Data documentation is the final deliverable in the original ASSIST agreement • ASSIST training will continue as needed

  12. How did we get here… • Convey a common understanding how the systems have grown • Many enhancements to the CAS systems since inception of the project • Requests for system enhancements have come from institutions and have been prioritized and approved by APASC • Recognize a need for support plan for mission critical applications • Systems need to be sustained for model to be successful

  13. Where do we need to go.. • APASC commitments • Develop strategic plan for technical support systems in collaboration with annual budget request • Develop multi-stage process for the evaluation of the transfer model

  14. Staff Support for AzCAS Systems • An additional technical person is requested • Provide support continuity for current mission critical systems, such as the CEG, Transfer Guides, and ATAC communication (ACETS) • Maintain growth of new software applications in support of the transfer model and those supporting it • Keep underlying technical environment at expected support levels • Keep pace with emerging technologies to avoid obsolete systems. For example: • Server-to-server protocols • Data exchanges • Interfaces to various SIS

  15. ATASS Funding 2003 & 2004 • FY03: $569,900 (including adjustments) • The state funded $217,100 of the $225,700 requested and $3,400 was reverted to the state mid-year. • The community college and university sectors each provided $178,100 in match money. • Notes: • The university sector match is divided equally among ASU, NAU, and UofA. • The community college sector match is divided by FTSE.

  16. ATASS Funding FY 2004 • FY04: $566,914 • The state request is for $213,700. • The community college and university sectors will each provide $176,607 in match money. • Adjusted FY04 Budget including proposed new hire is $641,914. • New Systems Analyst ($75,000) will be funded in FY04 with ATASS carryforward funds.

  17. FY 2004 Request Summary

  18. ATASS Funding FY 2005: Proposal • Continuation budget request • The state will be asked to fund $227,100. • The community college and university sectors are each being asked to provide $186,871 in match money. • Decision package budget request • $75,000 for additional technical staff line • The community college and university sectors are each being asked to provide $37,500. • Note: Combined requested from each sector: $224,371

  19. Scenarios for FY 2005 Funding • Best case scenario for Decision Package Funding • Each sector would fund a portion of the $75,000 • The remaining portion of the position funding would come from ATASS carryforward • This would be determined after FY 2004 based on state revertments • Worst case scenario for Decision Package Funding • Each sector would fund $37,500 • Each sector needs to commit to the worst case scenario for Systems Analyst position to be hired in FY 2004

  20. FY05 Request Summary

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