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Minor- and Pre-master programmes for Computing Science or Information Sciences

Learn about the minor and pre-master options for Computing Science or Information Sciences, suitable for HBO/University students. Choose from specializations like Data Science or Security. Find detailed course information and admission criteria.

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Minor- and Pre-master programmes for Computing Science or Information Sciences

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  1. Minor- and Pre-master programmes for Computing Science or Information Sciences Erik Poll March 2017

  2. For whom? Students from HBO / University of applied science Typically from Computing science, Information science, Bio-informatics, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, etc. Only with a minor / pre-master is it possible to enter Master Computing Science Master Information Sciences

  3. Admission criteria for the MSc programme Two options • Minor during BSc programme at HBO / Univ. of Applied Scienc • Pre-master after graduation Standard Minor/pre-master = 30 ec (from September – January

  4. Terminology HBO-minor / pre-master is part of the Bachelor program - Bachelor is called “Informatica” Master is called “Computing Science” or “Information Sciences” This distinction is important when registering in studielink: as pre-master student you always register for "Informatica"

  5. Structure of minor / pre-master • Courses from bachelor programme (mostly in Dutch) • Choice of courses will depend on choice of master (specialisation) • Computing Science • Data Science • Software Science • Security • Information Sciences • Choice of courses will depend on education (determined individually) Note: not for MFoCS, SIS/SMI

  6. Pre-master / minor variants for HBO students Computing Science, specialisation Software Science pre-master (30 ec) Common (24 ec): NWI-IPC020 - Wiskundige Structuren (3 ec) SOW-BKI124 - Lineaire Algebra voor AI (3 ec) NWI-IBI007 - Onderzoeksmethoden (3 ec) NWI-IPC002 - Talen en Automaten (3 ec) NWI-IBC018 - Discrete Structuren (3 ec) NWI-IPC021 - Security (6 ec) SOW-BKI104 - Wiskunde 1a (3 ec) Specialisation dependent (6 ec): NWI-IBC027 - Algorithmen en Datastructuren (6 ec)

  7. Pre-master / minor variants for HBO students Computing Science, specialisation Data Science pre-master (30 ec) Common (24 ec): NWI-IPC020 - Wiskundige Structuren (3 ec) SOW-BKI124 - Lineaire Algebra voor AI (3 ec) NWI-IBI007 - Onderzoeksmethoden (3 ec) NWI-IPC002 - Talen en Automaten (3 ec) NWI-IBC018 - Discrete Structuren (3 ec) NWI-IPC021 - Security (6 ec) SOW-BKI104 - Wiskunde 1a (3 ec) Specialisation dependent (6 ec): NWI-IBI008 - Data Mining (6 ec)

  8. Pre-master / minor variants for HBO students Computing Science, specialisation Securitypre-master (30 ec) Common (24 ec): NWI-IPC020 - Wiskundige Structuren (3 ec) SOW-BKI124 - Lineaire Algebra voor AI (3 ec) NWI-IBI007 - Onderzoeksmethoden (3 ec) NWI-IPC002 - Talen en Automaten (3 ec) NWI-IBC018 - Discrete Structuren (3 ec) NWI-IPC021 - Security (6 ec) SOW-BKI104 - Wiskunde 1a (3 ec) Specialisation dependent (6 ec): NWI-IBC022 - Network Security (3 ec) NWI-IBC034 - Operating System Security (3 ec)

  9. Pre-master / minor variants for HBO students Information sciences pre-master (30 ec) NWI-IPC023 - Requirements Engineering (3 ec) MAN-BCU321 - Systeemtheorie (6 ec) NWI-IPC019 - Modelleren (3 ec) NWI-IPC021 - Security (6 ec) NWI-IPK001 - Formeel Denken (6 ec) NWI-IBC020 - Informatiesystemen (3 ec) NWI-IBI007 - Onderzoeksmethoden (3 ec) Note: enrollement in the master Information Sciences is only possible in September, i.e., only a minor seems a good option.

  10. Additional information to determine your program Study guide Bachelor Informatica / master Computing Science http://www.studiegids.science.ru.nl/2016/science/ Studiekeuze en loopbaancentrum http://www.ru.nl/studiekeuzeloopbaancentrum/ Students / Teachers at Computing Science / Information Sciences Located in Mercator 1, floors 1-3 Open dagen / meeloopdagen / proefstudeerdagen / etc.

  11. Enrollment for HBO-minor students HBO-minor students re-enroll at their own HBO institution Request approval from your own exam committee Request a proof of payment (in Dutch: Bewijs betaald collegegeld) Fill in the admission form for HBO-minor students at http://www.ru.nl/studenten/inschrijving/inschrijven-0/formulieren/ Bring (preferred) or send the forms (with all appendices) to Radboud Universiteit https://perrygroot.youcanbook.me tav Perry Groot room HG00.541 Onderwijscentrum FNWI on monday and tuesday, 8.20-16.00 Heijendaalseweg 135 6525 AJ Nijmegen Note: dont send forms by e-mail !!! Leave fields wrt exam committee open

  12. Enrollment for pre-master students Pre-master students enroll in Studielink (for pre-master Informatica, even if you want to do Information Sciences!) Fill in the admission form for pre-master students at http://www.ru.nl/studenten/inschrijving/inschrijven-0/formulieren/ Bring or send the forms to Radboud Universiteit https://perrygroot.youcanbook.me tav Perry Groot room HG00.541 Onderwijscentrum FNWI on monday and tuesday, 8.20-16.00 Heijendaalseweg 135 6525 AJ Nijmegen Perry.Groot@science.ru.nl Note: enrollment from June 1, elligibility can be checked earlier

  13. Exemptions It might be possible to request for exemptions. You have to ask the teacher of the course and provide evidence that you passed the goals of the course Responsibility lies with the HBO-minor / pre-master student Pre-master students should do this before they are formally enrolled as they pay for the amount of EC of their pre-master programme Exemptions for pre-master programmes can be done by the teacher by e-mail with the study advisor Perry Groot. Exemptions for HBO-minor students are more stringent, since the ECs need to be formally recorded. The teacher needs to fill in a form and send it to the exam committee

  14. Advice The pre-master program is very difficult. Prepare yourself in advance Preferably obtain a VWO-diploma Wiskunde B • Possible options: CCVX, Boswell-beta, NHA Study the reader “Rekenen” (request by e-mail) Prepare your courses in advance, some information is on-line: - Wiskundige Structuren: http://www.cs.ru.nl/~hubbers/courses/ws/ - Security: http://www.ru.nl/ds/education/courses/security_2013/ - Discrete Structuren: http://www.cs.ru.nl/~hubbers/courses/ds/ - Calculus & Kansrekenen: http://www.math.ru.nl/~souvi/wiskunde1_07/calculus.pdf http://www.math.ru.nl/~souvi/wiskunde1_07/kans.pdf - Matrixrekenen: http://www.math.ru.nl/~souvi/wiskunde1_07/linalg.pdf - Formeel Denken (2013): http://www.cs.ru.nl/F.Wiedijk/courses/fd-2013/ Online courses: www.coursera.org

  15. Contact Contact person for the minor programme and for the pre-master programme: Perry Groot: Perry.Groot@science.ru.nl Huygens Building: HG00.541 (Monday, Tuesday) https://perrygroot.youcanbook.me Note: HBO-minor students also contact their own Examination Board! Tutor providing additional support Pieter van der Hoeven: p.hoeven@science.ru.nl(Wednesday)

  16. Pre-master / minor variants for University students Computing science pre-master / minor for students with a university bachelor Typically for Mathematics / Physics / Artificial Intelligence Standard programmes for Artificial Intelligence students In consultation with specialisation coordinator, study advisor, and exam committee

  17. Pre-master / minor variants for University students Information sciences pre-master / minor (18 ec) for students with a university bachelor Computing Science or Artificial Intelligence. Minor Bedrijfskunde voor Informatici MAN-BCU007 - Organisatietheorie (6 ec) MAN-BCU321 - Systeemtheorie (6 ec) MAN-BCU244A - Knowledge Management (6 ec), or MAN-BCU019B Intervention Methodology (6 ec) Note: enrollement in the master Information Sciences is only possible in September, i.e., only a minor seems a good option.

  18. Pre-master / minor variants for University students Information sciences pre-master / minor (18 ec) for students with a university bachelor Business administration. Minor Informatica en Informatiekunde voor Bedrijfskunde NWI-IPC014 - Imperatief Programmeren 1 (3 ec) NWI-IPC019 - Modelleren (3 ec) NWI-IPC023 - Requirements Engeineering (3 ec) NWI-IPC021 - Security (6 ec) NWI-IPC024 - Databases (3 ec) Note: enrollement in the master Information Sciences is only possible in September, i.e., only a minor seems a good option.

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