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Yo Momma Vocabulary Builder. Set 2. Yo momma’s so fat, she told the doctor she needed an anodyne for her feet, and he told her to sit down!. An o dyne {ANN uh dine} N. a pain-killer (drug or medicine) Adj. Inoffensive or uncontroversial; unlikely to provoke
Yo momma’s so fat, she told the doctor she needed an anodyne for her feet, and he told her to sit down! • An o dyne {ANN uh dine} • N. a pain-killer (drug or medicine) • Adj. Inoffensive or uncontroversial; unlikely to provoke The more broad usage of anodyne is to describe things that don’t offend. The band Uncle Tupelo, which gave alternative rock an infusion of country in the early 1990’s, named their final album Anodyne.
Yo momma’s such a Philistine, she thought Crime and Punishment was a WWE tagteam! • Phil is tine {FILL uh steen} • N. Someone with no knowledge of or interest in culture • Adj. Having no knowledge of or interest in culture, lowbrow. Yo momma thinks the Missouri Compromise is an NBA team. To her, a night of culture is watching Real World/Road Rules Challenge. She cannot differentiate between jazz songs: there is one song, and it is called “Jazz.” She looks at modern art and immediately hollers, “I could do that.” The only culture she gets is when she’s tested for strep. And worse, she doesn’t care about her ignorance. Yo momma is a philistine.
Yo momma’s so dumb, you told her you enjoyed persiflage, and she bought you a hunting outfit. • Per si flage {PER si flahj} • N. Playful, teasing talk, done in a light tone Persiflage is a great word that, contrary to yo momma’s ideas, has nothing to do with camouflage. You and your friends probably engage in persiflage more often than not. Trading Yo Momma jokes is a form of persiflage. Synonyms are banter and badinage.
Yo mom is a palindrome! • Pal in drome {PAL in drohm} • N. a word or phrase spelled identically backward and forward Oh, no you didn’t! You didn’t just call my momma a palindrome! Actually, yo “momma” is not a palindrome. Yo “mom” is. Yo “dad” is, too. Other examples: “race car”, “radar”, Bob, Anna, Otto, and “A man, a plan, a canal, Panama”.
Yo momma’s such a parasite, when she wants to watch TV, she goes to Best Buy! • Par a site {PAIR uh syte} • N. Someone who, without giving anything back, benefits from others; a moocher A parasite is a biological term that refers to an organism that lives in or on another organism. From this, the word has come to describe people who receive support from others and offer nothing in return. The 30-year-old man that still lives in Mom and Dad’s basement and pays no rent is a parasite living off of his parents.
Yo momma’s so solipsistic, she married herself! • Sol ip sis tic {sah lip SIS tik} • Adj. Believing only oneself exists; highly self-centered • Solipsism is the theory that the self is the only thing that exists. It’s a philosophical word that, for obvious reasons, can also be used to describe a general preoccupation with oneself (egocentrism). Solipsism is an idea that every college sophomore thinks he is the first to think of, until later he learns that so many other people have thought of it, there’s a word for it and everything. This mentality, the “I know everything when you really don’t” mindset, can be described by using the word “sophomoric,” which is derived from the Greek loosely meaning “wise fool.”
Yo momma’s feet are so callous, when she walks on a wooden floor, it sounds like she’s tap dancing! • Cal ous {CAL luhs} • Adj. Having or exhibiting a lack of care; covered with calluses If something is callous, it’s hardened. It can mean literally having calluses (hardened parts of the skin), as in the above example, and can also mean “emotionally hardened or toughened, unfeeling.” While you can have a callous sole, you can also have a callous soul.
Yo momma’s teeth are so askew, it looks like her mouth’s throwing up gang signs! • A skew {uh SKYOO} • Adj. & adv. Not level or even Askew is a special kind of crooked, meaning turned or twisted to one side. A picture can be knocked askew on the wall. A tie can be askew if not tied right. Note that askew can be an adjective (“that askew picture” or an adverb (“the picture was hanging askew”).
Yo momma’s so obtuse, she puts stamps on faxes! • Ob tuse {ahb TOOS} • Adj. Slow to understand or perceive; difficult to understand If yo momma is obtuse, she is slow to catch on. She sits on the TV and watches the couch. It takes her an hour to cook minute rice, etc. Usually, if someone merits being called obtuse, he or she has somehow frustrated you. Obtuse’s other meaning indicates that something is hard to decipher.
Yo momma’s so asinine, when you said it was chilly outside, she ran out with a spoon. • As I nine {ASS uh nine} • Adj. Stupid, foolish The biggest difference between obtuse and asinine is that asinine usually applies to behavior. That is, someone doesn’t have to be stupid to be asinine.