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Yo Momma Vocabulary Builder

Yo Momma Vocabulary Builder. Set #2. Yo momma’s appetite is so insatiable , she eats muffins like tic tacs !. In sa tia ble {in SAY shuh bul } Adj. Unable to be satisfied

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Yo Momma Vocabulary Builder

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  1. Yo Momma Vocabulary Builder Set #2

  2. Yo momma’s appetite is so insatiable, she eats muffins like tic tacs! • In satiable {in SAY shuhbul} • Adj. Unable to be satisfied • If yo momma has an insatiable appetite, it cannot be satisfied or satiated. Insatiable is the real word that exists for the clumsy non-word “unsatisfiable.”

  3. Yo momma is so inexplicably clumsy, she could trip over a cordless! • In ex plic a ble {in eks PLIK uh bul} • Adj. Unable to be explained • Inexplicable things are difficult if not impossible to account for. They are mystifying. The popularity of Jersey Shore is inexplicable. I am completely unable to explain why I have to keep watching.

  4. Yo momma is so mercurial, her mood ring is a strobe light! • Mer cur I al {mer KYOOR eeuhl} • Adj. Subject to volatile changes • Yo momma is cool and relaxed one moment, then suddenly angry and wrathful. She’s composed and confident one day, and a wreck the next. Hence her strobing mood ring. With her mercurial moods, yo momma can be described as having a temperament that is fickle (constantly changing).

  5. Yo momma is so old, ladybugs are shipped in large boxes of pinecones! • Aw snap…Wait…what? There’s no word in the above entry because the sentence itself is an example of a non sequitur {nahn SEK wit uhr}, a Latin phrase that has come verbatim into English. Non sequitur means “it doesn’t follow.” On The Simpsons, Ralph Wiggum’s remarks show the humor that resides in a good non sequitur: Ralph: That’s my swingset, and that’s my sandbox. I’m not allowed to go in the deep end. And this is where I met the leprechaun. Bart: Right, the leprechaun. Ralph: He told me to burn things.

  6. Yo momma is so dumb, she thought Taco Bell was a Mex—By the way, have you had the Taco Bell chorizo fajita? It’s great. They have like this pepper jack cheese sauce, but I digress… • Di gress {die GRESS} • V. To wander off topic when speaking or writing • To digress is to deviate from the main subject when you are talking or writing. Children’s speech is often composed of one digression after another--“Can we get the movie? I like TV better than movies. I like Wiggles!”—until the main subject can no longer be remembered, and the digressions border non sequiturs. “I want juice. Yellow is my favorite color. I have a friend robot”.

  7. A good epithet for yo momma? Sasquatch. • Epithet {EP uh thet} • N. A phrase that characterizes someone or something (sometimes to substitute for a person’s name) • An epithet is a word or phrase used to describe something or someone; although it doesn’t have to be, an epithet can be, and usually is, a put-down. Some epithetical examples that aren’t insulting: “king of the jungle” (for lion); Alexander the Great.

  8. Yo momma’s so insouciant, I told her to chill out and she went up in temperature! • In sou ci ant {in SOO see uhnt} • Adj. Unconcerned, carefree, indifferent • Insouciant mommas are carefree. They’re not quite apathetic; they’re just casually light-hearted. We could have also said yo momma is nonchalant, but it’s cool. Whatever.

  9. Your momma’s so oblique, she won a limbo contest by accident! • Ob lique {uhb LEEK} • Adj. Reclined, slanted • Yo momma is neither perpendicular nor parallel to a given line or surface. She’s slanting or sloping, so naturally you’d think she’d win a limbo contest. Because she’s slanted.

  10. Yo momma’s so stupid, she tried to commit suicide by defenestrating herself…on the first floor! • De fen e strate {dee FEN estrate} (Latin “fenestra” means “window”) • V. Literally, to throw out the window • Evidently enough people throw people or things out of windows to warrant defenestrate’s admittance into the English language. In the old days, defenesatrationsstarted wars. It really is a word. What is not a word however, is “fenestrate,” meaning “to throw into a window.”

  11. Yo momma’s so mawkish, she cries when she talks about breakfast! • Mawkish {MAWK ish} • Adj. Excessively and overly sentimental, so much so that nausea or loathing can result • Mawkishness is not a quality you want. You’re sentimental to the point that everybody knows it. You cry at Hallmark cards and long distance commercials. You dig up unreasonably strong emotions when you mawkishly recall, at length, the drama of a middle-school soccer game. Romance novels and soap operas are usually mawkish, as well as some of the exceedingly in-your-face declarations of love.

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