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Hello to you all!!! Nice to meet you again !. ENFORCED VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. COMENIUS 2009 - 2011. 3.Meeting in Kezmarok / Slowakia 10.10 . – 15.10.2010. Our running Projects:. Projects with p arents. Projects with s tudents. Projects with students :
Ourrunning Projects: Projects withparents Projects withstudents
Projects withstudents: • Evaluation of skillsandabilitiesbytheirown(guidedpractice in fourvocationalfields, selfassessmentbysoftware, assessmentbyteachersandsocialworker) 2. Presentationof theresults (invitation of theparentswithsnacksmadeby „AG Gastro“ ) 3. Learnhowtokeepandworkwiththeportfolio „Unterwegs zum Beruf“(„On thewaytoprofession“) 4. Job fair 5. Job counsellor
1. Evaluation of skillsandabilities Workshop at „BFZ“: Studentscanselectfour of tenvocational fieldstotry out eachfieldfortwodays: metallelectronics woodconstruction colourtrade storehealthandsocial cosmeticandhygiene hotelandgastronomy
Student`sDiary: Work experiencesat BFZ The BfZ is a job centre where you can test different kinds of jobs. We stayed there between 8 am till 3 pm like in a real company. We could have work experience in metal, woodwork, as an electrician, as a brick layer, as a hairdresser or in a stockroom of a warehouse. Our teacher were masters in their professions. We had to do a lot in the different jobs. So the hairdressers had to check the skin, the quality of the hair, they had to do hairstyling and to put on a make up. Of course we had breaks there – three times: from 9.30 am to 9.45 am, from 11.45 am to 12.15 am and the last from 2.00 pm to 2.15 pm. It was very interesting to learn about and to work in different jobs.
1. Assessmentbyteachersandsocialworker asbasicalschoolskills cognitivecompetences physicalconstitution workingandsocialbehaviour socialbackground maturityforapprenticeship aptitudeforthechosenprofession
3. Portfolio e.g. - Curriculum vitae - Skills andabilities - Private aims - Practicalsubjects - Investigation of companies - Placements - Applications - Certificates
4. Job Fair Student`sDiary: Job Information at St.-Georg-VS Apart from the lessons in economics, crafts and domestic science we have a second part of vocational orientation. On three days experts from companies and schools inform us about jobs and different kinds of apprenticeships in these three parts. We heard a lot about practical training, special qualifications and about the things which your boss will expect! We listened to the experts and we could ask all the questions, which are important.
5. Job Counsellor Student`sDiary: Mr. Volk is our job counsellor The “Job Counsellor” A future for young people Vocational training is future • Goals are: - to help young people to develop a suitable future perspective - to qualify young people for their first steps towards vocational training - to help young people to find companies for training on the job and for work placements - to support the come together and understanding between the generations Mr Volk helps Enes to find a company for his apprenticeship
Projects withparents 1. Information letterforparentswithschedule of theenforced vocationaleducation 2. Parents-teacherconference 3. Presentationof the „planet Beruf“ softwarefromthejobcentreandtheportfolioeverystudenthastoworkwith 4. Invitation tothepresentation of theworkpiecesmadeduringthefour different workshopswithsnacksmadeby „AG Gastro“ 5. Handingout a personalicedbrochurewithinformationaboutvocationalchoice 6. Parentsintroducingtheirprofessions
1. Schedule of theenforcedvocationaleducation: • Meetings withthejobcounsellor of thejob • centre • Office hours of ourschoolsocialworker • Workshops at „bfz“ • Visiting„biz“ atthejobcentre • Additional workshopsat „bfz“ • Working placements • Job fair
Thankyouforyourattention! The St. Georg Team: Gerti Yvonne Winni Elke See youagain in Spain!