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Intro to Speech Basic Communication Process. Please take notes!. Objectives. Students will be able to explain why public speaking is an important 21st Century life skill. Students will be able to discuss why public speaking is a valuable tool for success in life.
Intro to SpeechBasic Communication Process Please take notes!
Objectives • Students will be able to explain why public speaking is an important 21st Century life skill. • Students will be able to discuss why public speaking is a valuable tool for success in life. • Students will examine elements of the basic communication process. • Students will recognize components of a great speech.
Essential Questions • What is public speaking and why is it important? • How will you use public speaking in the workplace? • How do you communicate with others? • What are the basics of the communication process? • What makes a great speech?
Think-Pair-ShareWarm-Up Activity • Pair up with ONE partner. • ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: • 1) Why is public speaking an important 21st century skill? • 2) How will you use these skills in your lifetime? In the workplace? (Be prepared to share your answers with the class!)
Warren Buffett video on the importance of public speaking skills: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHBRIzhbQ10
Why Public Speaking is an Important 21st century Life Skill • Subscribers to the Harvard Business Review rated the ability to communicate "the most important fact in making an executive promotable.” They ranked it more important than ambition, education and hard work. • Increases self confidence & alleviates fears • Makes you more comfortable around others • Opportunity to grow your leadership, your influence, your career • Allows you to make a difference in your life, business, community, career • Allows you to communicate with others more clearly • Demonstrates and increases knowledge
Communication can be defined as…. • the process of sending and receiving messages • the imparting or exchanging of information or news • the means of connection between people or places
Four Steps of Communication • sender->message->receiver->feedback
Types of Communication • Written- must be read • Oral/Verbal- must be spoken • Nonverbal- relayed through facial expressions or body movements, expresses your attitudes or moods about a person. Ex. Thumbs up; nodding a head; waving • Symbol- anything that stands for an idea and is used for communication which can be verbal or nonverbal
Six Steps to Building a Speech • Determine the purpose (perform, persuade, entertain) • Analyze your audience and occasion (age, gender, interests, attitudes) • Select and narrow your subject • Gather material from different sources (READ!) • Outline the speech • Practice, practice, practice!
Four Types of Delivery • Manuscript • Written word for word • Political figures often use • Memorized • Commit every word to memory • Gestures & facial expressions planned • Extemporaneous • Best method- most commonly used • Use outline or note cards • Free to think on your feet • Impromptu • Not rehearsed, off the cuff • Need quick wit and instant audience analysis • “Improv” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF_BQ79G8dM
Visual Aids • A tool used to enhance a speech or clarify a point • Charts • Graphs • Pictures and slides • Maps, models & overhead projections Keep It Simple!
Three Elements in Every Great Speech: • Content • Structure • Delivery And if you could only have one, delivery would be it. What makes a good delivery? Think of the qualities you look for in a person: authenticity, empathy, passion, and the ability to lock eyes with people in the audience, making them feel like they are the only ones in the room.
Personal Advice • Tell a great story-- If you make people feel what you are talking about, they won’t forget it. • Be confident & creative! • The best communicators understand the value in sharing information openly, honestly, and generously. • Passion, commitment and conviction are critical in delivery. • Practice, practice, practice!
Resources • http://publicspeakingpower.com/why-is-public-speaking-important/ • http://www.tuck.dartmouth.edu/newsroom/articles/the-ceos-speech-the-importance-of-public-speaking • http://www.forbes.com/fdc/welcome_mjx.shtml