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Katie S. Howe Centre for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research SOFC Research group

Katie S. Howe Centre for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research SOFC Research group www.fuelcells.bham.ac.uk www.hydrogen-wm-scratch.info. Dynamic Performance of Micro-Tubular Fuel Cells. Overview. Starting Point Fuel cells Status of dynamic performance research Experimental Work Results

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Katie S. Howe Centre for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research SOFC Research group

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  1. Katie S. Howe Centre for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research SOFC Research group www.fuelcells.bham.ac.uk www.hydrogen-wm-scratch.info Dynamic Performance of Micro-Tubular Fuel Cells

  2. Overview • Starting Point • Fuel cells • Status of dynamic performance research • Experimental Work • Results • Conclusions • Next Steps

  3. Starting Point: Fuel Cells • Change electrochemical energy into useful electricity • Like a battery, but not limited by how much fuel they can hold

  4. Starting Point: Fuel Cells • mSOFCs • Tubular • Better thermal shock resistance • Fewer issues with sealing

  5. Starting Point: Research Status Load-following capability is vital for most real-world applications In the literature: • Many papers on steady-state performance • Some modelling work on dynamic behaviour [1-3] • ...but hardly any experimental results [1] Nehter, P., 2006, Journal of Power Sources, 157(1), pp. 325-334. [2] Ota, T., Koyama, M., Wen, C. J., Yamada, Y., and Takahashi, H., 2003, Journal of Power Sources, 118(1-2), pp. 430-439. [3] Serincan, M. F., Pasaogullari, U., and Sammes, N. M., 2009, Journal of Power Sources, 194(2), pp. 864-872.

  6. Starting Point: Research Status • Thermal transport time dominates dynamics[4] • Readjustment time independent of step size[5] • Undershooting of voltage when current rises[5] • Size of undershoot related to step size [4] Bhattacharyya, D., and Rengaswamy, R., 2009, "A Review of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Dynamic Models," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48(13), pp. 6068-6086 [5] Achenbach, E., 1995, "Response of a solid oxide fuel cell to load change," Journal of Power Sources, 57(1-2), pp. 105-109.

  7. Experimental Work - Method • Single cells made to in-house techniques[6] • Operated at 750C • Fuel: 20ml/minute of pure hydrogen • SolartronTM analytical 1400 Cell Test System • Apply sets of square pulses of current • Paper submitted[7] with precise details [6] Dhir, A., 2008, "Improved Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells," PhD Thesis, University of Birmingham, [7] Howe, K. S.; Kendall, K., Transient Performance of Micro-tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology 2010, .Paper Accepted – awaiting editorial changes

  8. Results Transient behaviour:

  9. Results

  10. Conclusions • Short re-adjustment time of <0.5s is independent of step size • Agreement with models in the literature • No under-shooting of voltage on the change • Suggests thermal transport is better than expected in these tubes

  11. Next Steps • Combination of cells into small stacks • Higher powers • Dynamic performance testing of stacks • Effects of changing to a hydrocarbon fuel on transient performance

  12. Acknowledgements With thanks to... My supervisors: Kevin Kendall and Stephen Decent My sponsors: RCUK and EADS Innovation Works

  13. Thank you! Any questions? www.fuelcells.bham.ac.uk

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