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The Assistant Approach to Automatic Programming. Yishai Feldman The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Accounting Knowledge. brief, vague requirement. Accounting Expert. detailed requirement. System Analyst/Designer. Programming Knowledge. specification. Programmer. code.
The Assistant Approachto Automatic Programming Yishai Feldman The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Accounting Knowledge brief, vague requirement Accounting Expert detailed requirement System Analyst/Designer Programming Knowledge specification Programmer code Programming Activitiesand Agents Non-accounting Manager
Transformational Approaches clear efficient specification X ** 2 X * X m min(A) m fori 1 to size(A) do ifA[i] < mthen m A[i] implementation
Precondition: Postcondition: Deductive Synthesis
Very High Level Languages prev := {}; val := {}; val(x) := {x} ; (whilenewnodes {}) nfromnewnodes; ( m graph {n}) newval := val(n) + cost(n, m); ifval(m) = om or val(m) > newvalthen val(m) := newval; prev(m) := n; if m ythen newnodeswith:= m; end if; end if; end ; end while;
Natural Language Specification “The RATS transmission times are entered into the schedule” “Each RATS clock transmission times and transmission length is made a component of a new transmission entry which is entered into the transmission schceule” Problem is informality
Programming by Example {( ) ( ) (A B) (A) (A B C D) (A B) (A B C D E F) (A B C)} (DEFUN HALF (X) (H X X)) (DEFUN H (X Y) (COND ((ATOM Y) NIL) (T (CONS (CAR X) (H (CDR X) (CDDR X))))))
Delegating Workto the Apprentice • Productivity: Delegate routine details • Reliability: Standardization of common practices
Example: Table-Lookup functiontable-lookup(table, key) bucket table[hash(key)] loop ifbucket = nilthen return nil entry head(bucket) ifkey(entry) = keythen return entry bucket tail(bucket)
Table-Insert proceduretable-insert(table, entry) push(entry, table[hash(key(entry))])
Table-Delete proceduretable-delete(table, key) index hash(key) bucket table[index] ifkey(head(bucket)) = key thentable[index] tail(bucket) elsebucket-delete(bucket, key) returntable
Bucket-Delete procedurebucket-delete(bucket, key) previous bucket loop bucket tail(previous) ifbucket = nilthen return nil ifkey(head(bucket)) = keythen tail(previous) tail(tail(previous)) return nil previous bucket
Linear Search Analysis: Table-Lookup functiontable-lookup(table, key) bucket table[hash(key)] loop ifbucket = nilthen return nil entry head(bucket) ifkey(entry) = keythen return entry bucket tail(bucket)
List Enumeration Analysis: Table-Lookup functiontable-lookup(table, key) bucket table[hash(key)] loop ifbucket = nilthen return nil entry head(bucket) ifkey(entry) = keythen return entry bucket tail(bucket)
List Enumeration Analysis: Table-Lookup functiontable-lookup(table, key) bucket table[hash(key)] loop ifbucket = nilthen return nil entry head(bucket) ifkey(entry) = keythen return entry bucket tail(bucket) Linear Search
Linear Search Analysis: Bucket-Delete procedurebucket-delete(bucket, key) previous bucket loop bucket tail(previous) ifbucket = nilthen return nil ifkey(head(bucket)) = keythen tail(previous) tail(tail(previous)) return nil previous bucket
Trailing- Pointer List Enumeration Analysis: Bucket-Delete procedurebucket-delete(bucket, key) previous bucket loop bucket tail(previous) ifbucket = nilthen return nil ifkey(head(bucket)) = keythen tail(previous) tail(tail(previous)) return nil previous bucket
Splice Out Analysis: Bucket-Delete procedurebucket-delete(bucket, key) previous bucket loop bucket tail(previous) ifbucket = nilthen return nil ifkey(head(bucket)) = keythen tail(previous) tail(tail(previous)) return nil previous bucket
Analysis: Bucket-Delete procedurebucket-delete(bucket, key) previous bucket loop bucket tail(previous) ifbucket = nilthen return nil ifkey(head(bucket)) = keythen tail(previous) tail(tail(previous)) return nil previous bucket Trailing- Pointer List Enumeration Linear Search Splice Out
The Plan Calculus • Wide-spectrum • Canonical • Language independent • Expressive • Convenient for manipulation
s-X Define a program REPORT-TIMINGS with a parameter TIMINGS. <end> (DEFUN REPORT-TIMINGS (TIMINGS))
s-X Insert a simple-report. <end> (DEFUN REPORT-TIMINGS (TIMINGS) (WITH-OPEN-FILE (REPORT "report.txt" ':OUT) (LET* ((DATE (TIME:PRINT-CURRENT-TIME NIL)) (LINE 66) (PAGE 0) (TITLE {the title}) (DATA {the input structure of the enumerator})) (FORMAT REPORT "~5%~66:<~A~>~2%~66:<~A~>~%" TITLE DATE) (LOOP DO (IF ({the empty-test of the enumerator} DATA) (RETURN)) (WHEN (> LINE 63) (SETQ PAGE (+ PAGE 1)) (FORMAT REPORT "~|~%Page:~3D~50:<~A~>~17A~2%“ PAGE TITLE DATE) (SETQ LINE 3) ({the column-headings} {REPORT, modified} {LINE, modified})) ({the print-item} {REPORT, modified} {LINE, modified} ({the element-accessor of the enumerator} DATA)) (SETQ DATA ({the step of the enumerator} DATA))) ({the summary} {REPORT, modified}))))
s-N Next Role direct editing (DEFUN REPORT-TIMINGS (TIMINGS) (WITH-OPEN-FILE (REPORT "report.txt" ':OUT) (LET* ((DATE (TIME:PRINT-CURRENT-TIME NIL)) (LINE 66) (PAGE 0) (TITLE "Report of Reaction Timings (in msec.)") (DATA {the input structure of the enumerator})) (FORMAT REPORT "~5%~66:<~A~>~2%~66:<~A~>~%" TITLE DATE) (LOOP DO (IF ({the empty-test of the enumerator} DATA) (RETURN)) (WHEN (> LINE 63) (SETQ PAGE (+ PAGE 1)) (FORMAT REPORT "~|~%Page:~3D~50:<~A~>~17A~2%“ PAGE TITLE DATE) (SETQ LINE 3) ({the column-headings} {REPORT, modified} {LINE, modified})) ({the print-item} {REPORT, modified} {LINE, modified} ({the element-accessor of the enumerator} DATA)) (SETQ DATA ({the step of the enumerator} DATA))) ({the summary} {REPORT, modified}))))
s-X Fill the enumerator with a list-enumeration of TIMINGS. <end> (DEFUN REPORT-TIMINGS (TIMINGS) (WITH-OPEN-FILE (REPORT "report.txt" ':OUT) (LET* ((DATE (TIME:PRINT-CURRENT-TIME NIL)) (LINE 66) (LIST TIMINGS) (PAGE 0) (TITLE "Report of Reaction Timings (in msec.)")) (FORMAT REPORT "~5%~66:<~A~>~2%~66:<~A~>~%" TITLE DATE) (LOOP DO (IF (NULL LIST) (RETURN)) (WHEN (> LINE 63) (SETQ PAGE (+ PAGE 1)) (FORMAT REPORT "~|~%Page:~3D~50:<~A~>~17A~2%“ PAGE TITLE DATE) (SETQ LINE 3) ({the column-headings} {REPORT, modified} {LINE, modified})) ({the print-item} {REPORT, modified} {LINE, modified} {(CAR LIST), the output element}) (SETQ LIST (CDR LIST))) ({the summary} {REPORT, modified}))))
s-X Remove the column-headings. <end> (DEFUN REPORT-TIMINGS (TIMINGS) (WITH-OPEN-FILE (REPORT "report.txt" ':OUT) (LET* ((DATE (TIME:PRINT-CURRENT-TIME NIL)) (LINE 66) (LIST TIMINGS) (PAGE 0) (TITLE "Report of Reaction Timings (in msec.)")) (FORMAT REPORT "~5%~66:<~A~>~2%~66:<~A~>~%" TITLE DATE) (LOOP DO (IF (NULL LIST) (RETURN)) (WHEN (> LINE 63) (SETQ PAGE (+ PAGE 1)) (FORMAT REPORT "~|~%Page:~3D~50:<~A~>~17A~2%“ PAGE TITLE DATE) (SETQ LINE 3)) ({the print-item} {REPORT, modified} {LINE, modified} {(CAR LIST), the output element}) (SETQ LIST (CDR LIST))) ({the summary} {REPORT, modified}))))
s-F Fill the print-item with a print-out of "~&~5X~8:D". <end> (DEFUN REPORT-TIMINGS (TIMINGS) (WITH-OPEN-FILE (REPORT "report.txt" ':OUT) (LET* ((DATE (TIME:PRINT-CURRENT-TIME NIL)) (LINE 66) (LIST TIMINGS) (PAGE 0) (TITLE "Report of Reaction Timings (in msec.)")) (FORMAT REPORT "~5%~66:<~A~>~2%~66:<~A~>~%" TITLE DATE) (LOOP DO (IF (NULL LIST) (RETURN)) (WHEN (> LINE 63) (SETQ PAGE (+ PAGE 1)) (FORMAT REPORT "~|~%Page:~3D~50:<~A~>~17A~2%“ PAGE TITLE DATE) (SETQ LINE 3)) (FORMAT REPORT "~&~5X~8:D" {(CAR LIST), the output element}) (SETQ LINE (+ LINE 1)) (SETQ LIST (CDR LIST))) ({the summary} {REPORT, modified}))))
s-W What needs to be done? Fill the summary. s-N s-N direct editing (DEFUN REPORT-TIMINGS (TIMINGS) (WITH-OPEN-FILE (REPORT "report.txt" ':OUT) (LET* ((DATE (TIME:PRINT-CURRENT-TIME NIL)) (LINE 66) (LIST TIMINGS) (PAGE 0) (TITLE "Report of Reaction Timings (in msec.)")) (FORMAT REPORT "~5%~66:<~A~>~2%~66:<~A~>~%" TITLE DATE) (LOOP DO (IF (NULL LIST) (RETURN)) (WHEN (> LINE 63) (SETQ PAGE (+ PAGE 1)) (FORMAT REPORT "~|~%Page:~3D~50:<~A~>~17A~2%“ PAGE TITLE DATE) (SETQ LINE 3)) (FORMAT REPORT "~&~5X~8:D" {(CAR LIST), the output element}) (SETQ LINE (+ LINE 1)) (SETQ LIST (CDR LIST))) (FORMAT REPORT "~2&~{mean:~8D (deviation: ~:D)~}" (MEAN-AND-DEVIATION TIMINGS)))))
s-<end> Finish editing the function REPORT-TIMINGS (DEFUN REPORT-TIMINGS (TIMINGS) (WITH-OPEN-FILE (REPORT "report.txt" ':OUT) (LET* ((DATE (TIME:PRINT-CURRENT-TIME NIL)) (LINE 66) (LIST TIMINGS) (PAGE 0) (TITLE "Report of Reaction Timings (in msec.)")) (FORMAT REPORT "~5%~66:<~A~>~2%~66:<~A~>~%" TITLE DATE) (LOOP DO (IF (NULL LIST) (RETURN)) (WHEN (> LINE 62) (SETQ PAGE (+ PAGE 1)) (FORMAT REPORT "~|~%Page:~3D~50:<~A~>~17A~2%“ PAGE TITLE DATE) (SETQ LINE 3)) (FORMAT REPORT "~&~5X~8:D" (CAR LIST)) (SETQ LINE (+ LINE 1)) (SETQ LIST (CDR LIST))) (FORMAT REPORT "~2&~{mean:~8D (deviation: ~:D)~}" (MEAN-AND-DEVIATION TIMINGS)))))
KBEmacs Example: Summary Define a simple report program REPORT-TIMINGS with one parameter, a list of timings. Print the title "Report of Reaction Timings (in msec.)". Print each timing and then print a summary showing the mean and deviation of the timings. Do not print any column headings. Define a program REPORT-TIMINGS with a parameter TIMINGS. Insert a simple-report. Fill the title with "Report of Reaction Timings (in msec.)". Fill the enumerator with a list-enumeration of TIMINGS. Remove the column-headings. Fill the print-item with a print-out of "~&~5X~8:D". Fill the summary with (FORMAT ... )
KBEmacs Example: ADA Define a simple report program UNIT_REPAIR_REPORT. Enumerate the chain of repairs associated with a unit record, printing each one. Query the user for the key (UNIT_KEY) of the unit record to start from. Print the title ("Report of Repairs on Unit " & UNIT_KEY). Do not print a summary. Define a simple_report procedure UNIT_REPAIR_REPORT. Fill the enumerator with a chain_enumeration of UNITS and REPAIRS. Fill the main_file_key with a query_user_for_key of UNITS. Share the first READ and the second READ. Fill the title with ("Report of Repairs on Unit " & UNIT_KEY) Remove the summary.
Automated Program Recognition (DEFUN HT-MEMBER (STRUCTURE ELEMENT) (LET ((BUCKET (AREF STRUCTURE (HASH ELEMENT)))) (LOOP (IF (NULL BUCKET) (RETURN NIL)) (SETQ ENTRY (CAR BUCKET)) (COND ((STRING> ENTRY ELEMENT) (RETURN NIL)) ((EQUAL ENTRY ELEMENT) (RETURN T))) (SETQ BUCKET (CDR BUCKET))))) HT-MEMBER is a Set Membership operation. It determines whether or not ELEMENT is an element of the set STRUCTURE. The Set is implemented as a Hash Table. The Hash Table is implemented as an Array of buckets, indexed by hash code. The buckets are implemented as Ordered Lists. They are ordered lexicographically. The elements in the buckets are strings. An Ordered List Membership is used to determine whether or not ELEMENT is in the fetched bucket, BUCKET.
And Also • The Requirements Apprentice • Bug Localization • Debugging Reactive Systems • Automatic Translation from Assembly to C • Automatic Translation of Database Software from Network DML to Embedded SQL • Automatic Discovery of Software Contracts