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People are different. STUDENTS are different. Special Ed. Students are different with Special Needs. The Declaration of Independence states “ all men are created equal ” . but may I state with some reverence , it is “political/social hyperbole ”
The Declaration of Independence states “all men are created equal”. but may I state with some reverence, it is “political/social hyperbole” [hyperbole= exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally].
The largest group (45%) are the Guardians (SJ's) [Gold]*, DogsThe next largest (35%) are the Artisans (SP's) [Orange] Foxes, (14%) are the Idealists (NF's) [Blue] Cats,and only (6%) are the Rationals (NT's) [Green] Owls. *from www.true-colors.com
I SFP Introvert/Extrovert Sensing/Intuitive Feeling/Thinking Judging/PerceivingCOMPLETION ENTJ SJ- Guardians – [Gold], Dogs“should”/Rules/Cooperate SP-Artisans – [Orange] Foxes Perform/Challenges/Freedom NF- Idealists– [Blue] Cats SHARE with me your feelings/Just Experience NT- Rationals– [Green] OwlsCompetency/Planning/How Better
These "Chameleon Site“ properties should include • interaction design expertise[1] [“… "interaction design." The new field's mission is to ensure that complex encounters with machines proceed smoothly and naturally, and that information is exchanged in the most appropriate manner and form. … we can expect electronic products to become not only more sophisticated but also easier and more pleasant to use.“] and • feedback loops that • react to emotional signals and have • adaptation-related structural modelsdesigned with • Human Engineeringprinciples[2].
Adaptation-related structural models TEXT: MORE (Visually Impaired*) LESS(Young/ADD/Busy/ELL) SOUND: MORE (Visually Impaired) LESS(Hearing Impaired) Icons MORE (Lang./Vocab./Cognitive) LESS(Visual Confusion) Keying/ MORE (Quick picks/moves/NT’s) MousingLESS(Mobility Impaired) *(Unlabeled pictures, graphs, tables, maps can’t be synthesized easily.)
Adaptation-related structural models SJ (Gold):MORE (Lists, Groups, Rules) LESS(Funny, Gray Areas, Cute) SP (Orange):MORE (Fun, Risk, Gray Areas) LESS(Rules, Straight Lines) NF (Blue)MORE (Soft, Feelings, Gray Areas) LESS(Decisions, Judgements) NT (Green)MORE (Quick/Bullet Points/Abbr.) LESS(TouchyFeely/”Bull”) (SJ, SP, NF, NT are from David Keirsey’s, Please Understand Me II) (Colors are from www.true-colors.com)
REFERENCES: [1] Aldersey-Williams, Hugh, 1996, Interactivity With A Human Face, Technology Review, v99, p 34-39 [“…"interaction design." The new field's mission is to ensure that complex encounters with machines proceed smoothly and naturally, and that information is exchanged in the most appropriate manner and form. … we can expect electronic products to become not only more sophisticated but also easier and more pleasant to use.”] [2] Plutchik, Robert, 2001, The Nature of Emotions, American Scientist, v89 #4, p 344-50 [“What is an emotion? … Plutchik offers an integrative theory based on evolutionary principles. Emotions are adaptive—in fact, they have a complexity born of a long evolutionary history—and although we conceive of emotions as feeling states, Robert Plutchik says the feeling state is part of a process involving both cognition and behavior and containing several feedback loops.”] [3] Gardner H., 1989, To Open Minds: Chinese clues to the dilemma of contemporary education p 96, New York: Basic Books About the Eight Multiple Intelligences, see next reference. [4] Weinreich-Haste, 1985, The varieties of intelligence: An interview with Howard Gardner,, New Ideas in Psychology, p. 48 “Many people look at the eight categories – particularly musical, spatial, and bodily kinesthetic -- and wonder why Howard Gardner insists on calling them intelligences, and not talents or aptitudes. Gardner realized that people are used to hearing expressions like ‘He’s not very intelligent, but he has a wonderful aptitude for music’; thus, he was quite conscious of his use of the word intelligence to describe each category . He said in an interview, ‘I’m deliberately being somewhat provocative. If I’d said that there’s seven kinds of competencies, people would yawn and say ‘Yeah, yeah’. But by calling them intelligences,’ I’m saying that we’ve tended to put on a pedestal one variety called intelligence, and there’s actually a plurality of them, and some are things we’ve never thought about as being intelligence’ at all’.” [5] Armstrong, Thomas, Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 2nd Ed., p. 3, Assoc. for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN 0-87120-376 About the Eight Multiple Intelligences in the classroom. [6] Dembo, Myron H, Applying Educational Psychology, 5th Ed., p. 404-405, Longman, ISBN 0-8013-1398-8 Persistence/Distractibility: (Field-independent/Field-dependent)
REFERENCES (con’t): [7] Jancba, Prof., Quick Facts About the Normal Curve, Willamette University; from www.willamette.edu/~mjaneba/help/normalcurve.html, accessed 2/1/03 The universe seems to impose some general properties, and most populations seem to fit what is usually called the Bell Curve or Gaussian Distribution. [8] Keirsey, David, Please Understand Me II, p. 2. Prometheus Nemesis Books This book contains the test and a full description of each of the Temperament Types. [9] Keirsey, David, Video: Please Understand Me Character & Temperament Types, Prometheus Nemesis Books, ISBN 1-885705-01-8 Percentage of entire population. All percents here are from this source. This video is a companion to the book referenced above, and contains some more info, including the percents used. [10] Case, Karl & Fair, Ray C., Principles of Macroeconomics, 4th Ed., p482-483, Prentice Hall A brief description of Comparative Advantage and how it differs from Competitive Advantage. [11] Lorenzen, Michael, Chaos Theory and Education, underline added, from www.libraryreference.org/chaos.html, How teaching and Chaos theory deal with millions on choices and conditions that can never really be predicted fully. [12] The Declaration of Independence –Original Rough Draft, from http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trt001.html [13] True Colors http://www.true-colors.com) Website that describes the different color types and where to go for further information. [14], Special Report on Aging, National Institute on Aging; Book; Washington D.C.; G.P.O.; 1980[“The physiology and sociology of aging are under increasing scrutiny as the numbers of elderly people in the U.S. grow … chronological versus biological age, muscle loss, personality traits that relate to memory, rate of brain aging, and Alzheimer's disease... The environmental influences investigated include …, intergenerational bonds and conflicts, communication techniques and political activities..”]
REFERENCES: (con’t): [15] O’Connor, Henrietta,Focus Groups in Cyberspace: Using the Internet for Qualitative Research. Qualitative Market Research; Bradford 2003 6; 2 p. 133-143; 2003 [The potential of the Internet as a valuable methodological research tool… This paper contributes to the debate surrounding virtual synchronous group interviews and the value of online research. Specifically, it introduces the use of a software conferencing technique - Hotline Connect - and discusses the implications of using the technique for Internet-based research. In particular, issues of interview design, developing rapport, and the virtual venue are considered. … "cyberparents" and concludes that the use of conferencing software holds great potential for synchronous online interviewing. However, this must be combined with sensitive, ethical handling of both the research process and the data to overcome problems inherent in any interviewing situation.] [16] Yoffle, Amy J., Web Advantages.; Adweek; Eastern edition; New York Oct 2, 2000 41; 40 p. 22; 2000 [In today's digital customercentric society, advertising agencies are under pressure to produce effective, highly targeted commercials quickly. At the same time, traditional research methods for ad tests are too slow to keep up with the tight deadlines imposed by companies operating in Internet time. To meet this challenge, market researchers are moving ad testing to the Web, via online focus groups..] [17] Weissman, Rachel X., Online or Off Target.; Adweek; American Demographics; Ithaca Nov 1998 20; 11 p. 20-21; 1998 [A growing number of focus groups have migrated from the real to the virtual world over the past 2 years, but market researchers say online media will never replace face-to-face focus groups, because the 2 are different animals. Even researchers who prefer traditional methods agree that online groups are extremely effective in bringing together people from different parts of the country. The most significant drawback, however, is that online groups effectively blindfold and earplug the moderator.]
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