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The Billboard: How a lonely New Yorker hatched an idea that traveled the globe and won him not just a wife, but a family - Kindle edition by Tom Barrella. Buy it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, Android or iOS. Use features like bookmarks,note taking and highlighting while reading.http://www.amazon.com/Billboard-lonely-Yorker-hatched-traveled-ebook/dp/B01401BMU6
http://www.amazon.com/Billboard-lonely-Yorker-hatched-traveled-http://www.amazon.com/Billboard-lonely-Yorker-hatched-traveled- ebook/dp/B01401BMU6
About Book The Billboard: How a lonely New Yorker hatched an idea that traveled the globe and won him not just a wife, but a family - Kindle edition by Tom Barrella. Tom Barrella is the man behind “the Billboard,” a giant advertisement for himself and plea everywhere. The resulting media frenzy landed Tom on television and introduced him to many women—but no one fit the bill. Through a series of coincidental events, he eventually landed in Brazil, where he met Sueli and her two daughters. Sparks flew, and she agreed to marry him. The ensuing years would present their newly blended obstacles: culture shock, financial ruin, and the loss of their home. Want to more read about story then you can read our book. to single ladies family with many
File Size: 8645 KB Print Length: 192 pages Publisher: Abaco Press (August 15, 2015) Publication Date: August 15, 2015 Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B01401BMU6 Text-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Not Enabled Lending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,146,485 Paid in Kindle Store
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