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Omar Zaid, M.D . & Shaykh I mran Hosein Sep 2012, KL , Malaysia

From Cain to Madame Clinton The Origin, Basis, & Continuum of the Old World Order. Omar Zaid, M.D . & Shaykh I mran Hosein Sep 2012, KL , Malaysia. The cave of Pan in the Lebanon: called by the Greeks Paneas because of its dedication to the worship of the fertility god, Pan.

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Omar Zaid, M.D . & Shaykh I mran Hosein Sep 2012, KL , Malaysia

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  1. From Cain to Madame Clinton The Origin, Basis, & Continuum of the Old World Order Omar Zaid, M.D. & Shaykh Imran Hosein Sep 2012, KL , Malaysia

  2. The cave of Pan in the Lebanon: called by the Greeks Paneasbecause of its dedication to the worship of the fertility god, Pan. ... a stone image of Asherah has survived...found in ruins of Dan, where the golden calf was worshipped in what is now northern Israel, [which] dates from the eighth century B.C.E. The Goddess strongly resembles her neighboring deities Anet, Astarte, Ashtaroth." Johnson, Buffie. LADY OF THE BEASTS: THE GODDESS AND HER SACRED ANIMALS Rochester, VT., Inner Traditions, 1994. p. 315

  3. “… Dan shall be a serpent [Adder] by the way and a viper by the path ...” "Ephraim is joined unto idols. Let her alone.” - Genesis 49: 16-18 To Dan was given the symbol of Scorpio, which, in the ancient Egyptian zodiac was a snake. (Includes DruseCult) J. R. Church, Guardians of the Grail, p. 117

  4. “Art thou not aware that we have let loose all manner of satanic forces upon those who deny the truth — forces that impel them towards sinwith strong impulsion?” [Al’Qur’an 19: 83] America severed all relations with the Vatican in 1867 as a result of the Jesuit “black hand” in the Lincoln Assassination; they were not officially re-established until Ronald Reagan’s (Knight of Malta) presidency in 1984.

  5. his husbandry was cursed so that the earth would no longer respond to provide food Parasite • he was banned from the ‘face’ of Allah so that legitimate spiritual fellowship with God was no longer possible (reprobate: ‘one of the lost’) Leader of False Religion • he was condemned to the life of a fugitive and vagabond HomelessPirate • he was appointed to rule over sinif he did not repent;  Royalty - Kings of the Earth • he was somehow branded so that men would be loathe to kill him Shamanism Cain’s Curse Qabil & Habil

  6. What was Cain’s Alternative ? Answer:The Subversion of Host Colonies a science that is psycho-socio-politically anti-fitrah What does this mean? Answer: To persuade (lieto) the host colony that ‘Cainnites’ are Beneficial Parasites (leaders) that will guide them to better blessings  to a better life  ‘Progress’. This is far more efficient and pleasant than overt war, which is held in reserve when all else fails. The NWO is failing.

  7. So where did this father of sociopaths, • psychopaths, shamans, sorcerers & high priests • of idolatry, of banksters, of murderers, shysters& thieves-- (pirates, brigands, politicians & other elitists of the 1%) --go to found a system that was the Old World Order but is now trans-mogrifiedto the present rage of the New World Order ? • He went EastTo the Land of Nod • ancient Dravidia • present day Pakistan/India • Noah’s Flood, Ryan & Pitman, Columbia Univ., Simon & Schuster, 2000 • Extinct Humans, Tattersall & Schwartz, Westview Press, Oxford, 2000

  8. Dravidia

  9. My Studied Hypothesis

  10. Pre-Dravidian  cannibals, tongues, heads Dravidian  Goddess + High Priest +Sons & Daughters of gods = Human Sacrificial Fertility Cults Post Dravidian  Export sundry modifications of the same 5-8000 BC Babylon UR /ERECH Dravidia 6 - 8,000 BCE Primitive phallic worship

  11. Ancient & Modern Phallic Worship Rome St. Peter’s Square Israeli Supreme Court Egypt

  12. The Washington Phallus Cardinal O’Conner, US Pope, CFR Director (Fordham University) Cain: Sociopath: First Crusader Chief Pirate Final Crusaders Ponerocrats 0r ‘Sons of Cain’ “This Crusade -- this war against terror – is gonna take a while.” - G. W. Bush “Catholic Action”

  13. Ubiquitous Star of Ishtar From Babylon Dragon Cult Typical communist art form Propaganda Pics Reality

  14. Pablo Picasso’s Guernica An Apocalypse (unveiling)

  15. Cyclops, Bull (Baal), Madonna & Child Pentagram Eye of Horus Right Forearm News Print Propaganda Left Hand

  16. Anti-Fitrah El Cid Fitrah

  17. Natural expressions of Fitrah

  18. This is Babylon’s Ishtar, from where we get the word ‘star’ -- some say she is the wife of Baal; Others say she is Lillith, the wife of Iblis. This is not a reflection of human fitrah. Symbols for Sexual Magic Owl of Bohemian Grove Elitists Lions of Cybele: Mother of the gods

  19. Babylon Ruins 1930 American Troops at Saddam’s Reconstruction 2003 Cain’s“Kings of the Earth” The ‘One Eyed’ Babylonian Cult

  20. Cain’s ‘One Eyed’ Babylonian Cult • The priests of Nimrod or Baal were necessarily required to eat of the human sacrifices; and it came to pass that "Cahna-Bal," [khana-baal] or "Priest of Baal," is the established word in our own tongue for a devourer of human flesh. Mystery Religions by Charles Butler, 2003 • Nimrod (great grandson of Noah & grandson of Ham) ruled in Babylonia as the last representative of Cain's dynasty … [Ham married Naamah, Cain's descendant ]. • "Enmerkar" whom built the City of Erech, is Sargon, also called Cain. - (History of Egypt, Birch, p. 25)

  21. Amon was mythological Ham . . . a ruling race went down into Egypt from Syria or Armenia at the very beginning of history. We may reasonably assume that human sacrifice and cannibalism were instituted there by Ham, as we gather about him from the Bible and ancient records that he "went in the way of Cain... And Cain was most probably the instigator of cannibalism… Human sacrifices, were known as far back as the Acadian era, as shown by a bilingual text (K 5139) which enjoins the abgal, or 'chief prophet', [Chief High Priest or Pontifex Maximus) to declare that “the father must give the life of his child for the sin of his own soul, the child's head for his head, the child's neck for his neck, the child's breast for his breast.“  Babylonian Religious Law Professor Archibald Sayce, Hibbert Lectures, p. 78, 1887, Oxford

  22. The classical story of Kronos: "he devoured his sons as soon as they were born." … This legend … as applied to Nimrod, or "the Horned One," refers to the fact, that for him, as the representative of Moloch or Baal, infants were the most acceptable offerings at his altar. - Mystery Religions by Charles Butler The historian, Castor, tells us that it was under Baal that the Cyclops lived. … and that they were the brothers of Kronos(Baal). The eye in their forehead shows that originally this name was a name of the great god, for in that eye in India and Greece is found the characteristic of the supreme divinity[ third chakra  clairvoyance] The Cyclops, then, had been representatives of that god—in other words, priests of Belor Baal. We also find that the Cyclops were well-known as cannibals, ReferreritusCyclopum, "tobring back the rites of the Cyclops," meaning to revive the practice of eating human flesh. - Ovid, Metam., XV, 93, Vol. II, p. 132.

  23. Eye of the Cyclops Jesuit Coin Godfroi de Bouillon, a Merovingian, first Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion

  24. Polish Bishop Pope John 23rds Pectoral Cross Worn over the heart

  25. Goddess Europa sitting on Baal Tower of Babel promotes Euro Union Tritz - Crown for King of Jerusalem Cain . . . Baal Cronus . . . Nimrud Dajahl

  26. Members of the Pontifex Maximus Cult

  27. The Significance of Christmas

  28. This Eight Point Star of Shamash taken from Babylonian Clay Tablets male & female symbols fertility/sexual magic White House Christmas Tree Daemon (Jinni) Serpent Bones of Ancestors Thestarandcrescentis very ancient, dating back to early Sumerian civilization, where it was associated with the sun godandmoon goddess, and later with Goddesses Tanit and even Diana. The symbol remained in near constant use, and was eventually adopted into the battle-standard of the Ottoman Dynasty, who are mainly responsible for its association with Islam.

  29. WORLDLY AFFAIRS As administered by Sociopathsof CAIN’S CREED Ancient Mystery Religions based on Astro-Theology Occult Knowledge Institutionalizedexotericism- esotericismgnosticism PURPOSE: selfish control of others hence, ancient conspiracycomprising :sun god Networks of Socoiopaths = NWO (ponerocrats) Globalist Movement = New Imperialism Crusade of the Fourth Reich of romanism Result =permanent war Against non-sociopathsseeking to follow fitrah MAGI RightHand Path of Satanism Christmas LeftHand Path of Satanism

  30. Bohemian Grove (1919): all are Elitists British Flag ancient Akkad (pre-Babylonian) Catholic Bishop’s Staff & Sacramental Garments (Mystery Play)

  31. Krishna Dionysus Bacchus

  32. Krishna Isis Modern Philippines Mystery Play

  33. Church of the Annunciation, Jerusalem

  34. Three Satanic Tenetsactive esoteric movements in public (exoteric) forums • Moral Relativism • SocialDarwinism • Survival and Rule of the Most Ruthless • or “The Ends Justify the Means” Jesuit-Machiavellian Principle • Eugenics • death for the unworthy or useless; prosecuted by the elite  Luciferianism – Enlightenment – Illuminati - (Satanism)

  35. RESULT: (Left Hand Path = Conspiracy of Magi) Total Control based on Hidden Knowledge (esotericism) used against the ignorant masses Taqlid How Achieved? via(Right Hand Path) DIALECTICS (Dialogues) using memespropaganda mental control of the khassa (1%) vs. amma (99%) , mainly via religious, philosophical & political ideations (using symbols, iconography / semiotics) through the media and educational institutions: ideations that deviate from prophetic norms of Revelation Knowledge and which appeal to vanity (nafs) ; all of which are divisive. Creates repression via Neo-Patriarchy ‘boxed in’ mentality’ in all spheres of thought. Mass Education System (Now Outcome Based) destroys fortitude & creates pliable public servants = mind control Authoritarianism Fascism

  36. The First CrusadeYasin: 60; 05; & Al’Maidah: 27 – 30 The system just described is Open worship (obedience) to Satan’s Suggestions Cain’s rule over sin. What is SIN = Disobedience to Allah Did I not charge ye, O ye sons of Adam, that ye worship not the devil. Lo, he is your open foe. “Recite to them the truthof the story of the two sonsof Adam. Behold! They each presented a sacrifice (to Allah): it was accepted from one, but not from the other. Said the latter: “Be sure I will slay you.” The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him and became (himself) one of the lost ones.

  37. Amorites [Babylonians] of the 21st century BC worshipped the moon-god Sin and Amurru. The Israelites in History and Tradition, By Niels Peter Lemche, Westminster John Knox Press, 1998

  38. Cain’s Creed Principles Results Human nature is unredeemableHence, no-hope without man-god savior Absolute Hierarchy of Masters & Slaves or the Initiates & Profane amma Profane People (masses) are sheep to be led by Masters for slaughter and/or sheering Law of the jungle or Social Darwinism: leads to Tyranny : (CASTE SYSTEM) one must learn to control others [i.e. dominate]hence imperialism or competition win at all costs -- leads to war or the easier path via Psycho-Tyranny Eradication of ‘Free Choice’ hencejoin us khassabecome either slave or master; leads to mind & soul control via conformity to Manufactured Consensus Politically Correct Thinking Mass Stockholm Syndrome

  39. Methodology Satanic Magi/Initiates Khassa1% Gnostics Patriotic, Educational & Religious Conformism Left hand Path - Initiation Exoteric Cults => Right Hand Path • Religion • Sectarianism • New Age, Universalism , Perrenialism, (Eumenicism) • World Peace Movements, Amnesty International • Interreligious Dialogues • Political Parties , Clubs (country, golf), Foundations, Media, Sports, (Soccer, Olympics)Bohemian, Bilderbergers, etc. • Education Policies • Outcome Based • Fabian Socialism Global Majority • Consensus Building, Democracy • Fellowship • Brotherhoods, Masons, Rotary, Knights of Columbus, Boy & Girl Scouts, etc… Esoteric Cults 60-100 million • For elite Sheep 99% Amma

  40. Methodology

  41. Mohammad's letter to Khosrau II, the Persian Shah: He has sent me for the guidance of all people so that I may warn them all of His wrath and may present the unbelievers with an ultimatum. Embrace Islam so that you may remain safe. And if you refuse to accept Islam You will be responsible for the sins of the Magi

  42. “Corrupt States arise mostly from the following: (a) sinfulness of the Gnostics[middle management] (b) betrayal of thelovers[DESTROYS AMANA - immorality ] (c) the lying of the initiates [ Magi ] .” Stated by: Iman Abu Hafs al Bukhari, Founder of the HanafiMasab Principles of Sufism (11 Cent.) by al- Qushari; translated by BR von Schlegell, Intro by Hans Algar; Mizan Press, Berkley, 1990

  43. WHO & HOW Left Hand Path - e.g. Merlin (Druids) e.g. L. Ron Hubbard Right Hand Path e.g. Kings (Arthur) Gnostics. . . . . . . . are not all Seen (public) Exoteric Masters Initiatesare all Gnostics Unseen (private) Esoteric Masters or MAGI Religious leaders e.g. Scientology Cult leaders New Age Theosophy, Social Dawinism Socialism, Atheism, Humanism • Doctrine • Ritual • Socialization • Hard Core Satanists at the top of the Pyramid: Magi • Top Dogs who control from behind the closed doors of inner circles or “Rings” • Pavlovian conditioning of sub-human naturereward and intimidation, • Called compensatory or condign governance by 

  44. John Kenneth Galbraith: The Anatomy of Power (Boston, 1983), suggests three historical and effective means of wielding power over such polities, regardless of their metaphysical orientation, so that injustice is certain to triumph: Condign: meaning the ability of the khassa to impose sufficiently unpleasant or painful alternatives; 2. Compensatory: win submission by offering affirmative rewards something of value to those submitted) i.e. cronyism or apartheid systems of reward (e.g. large numbers of government employees – USA 100 million now dependent on government) Conditioned: exercised by changing beliefs via persuasion, education, amma and social commitment to what seems natural, proper, or right. Is Most Applicable to the civilized “developed” world. mind control

  45. Freemasonic Compass & Tritz Crown of Jewish King of Jerusalem Conditioning Tools Poppy (Bush, Sr. ) Saudi Boy Scout Badges Cyclops Eye of Horus

  46. Boy Scout Leader Red Cloak represents satanic authority of the dragon cult with roots in Sodom & Gomorrah The cloak worn by King Bera of Sodom


  48. MAGI Success: they utilize shamanic memes & icons from ancient Mystery religions to cast spells in public. 1. Depends upon the ignorance and naiveté of the public: i.e., the public’s disbelief that such wickedness exists across the very top of a broad spectrum of governance (both public & private). 2. Magi understand positive aspects of this system of knowledge (Gnosticism) but willfully manipulate it for selfish gain and absolute power i.e. nimrud’s response to prophet Ibrahim (pbuh)

  49. On SurahFalaq& SurahNaas, HaafizIbneQayyim wrote: • "The benefits and blessings of these two chapters and the people's need towards them is such that no human can become independent of them. • These chapters have great effect in removing (the effects of) magic, witchcraft, evil eye and all spiritual and physical calamities. • And if we understand the reality, then the human is in more need of it than his breathing, food, clothing and everything else. • Mufti ShafiRahmatullahiAlaiyhe

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