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UW-River Falls Student Organizations Budget Training

UW-River Falls Student Organizations Budget Training. Allocable Fee Appropriation Board October 2011. Definitions. “ Event” refers to any occurrence either on or off campus that is organized and/or put on by a recognized student organization.

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UW-River Falls Student Organizations Budget Training

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  1. UW-River Falls Student Organizations Budget Training Allocable Fee Appropriation Board October 2011

  2. Definitions • “Event” refers to any occurrence either on or off campus that is organized and/or put on by a recognized student organization. • “Recognized Student Organizations (RSO’s)” refers to a group of individual members that have followed all policies and procedures to become official student organizations. RSO’s must have a: 1. Five student member minimum with an advisor. 2. Mission Statement that reflects their mission to campus. 3. Constitution that states the rules and functions of the organization. • “Funding” refers to any distribution of the allocable portion of the Segregated University Fees (SUF). • “Single Event Funding” refers to funding that can be applied for on a one-time event basis. One RSO may apply for a maximum of 3 times per semester. • “Budget Request” refers to any request by a RSO for funding.

  3. Annual Budget Timeline • October: Recognized Student Organization Training for Annual / Single Event Budget Request procedures • November 22, 2011: Annual Budget Requests Due • Late November / Early December: Budget Hearings for organizations • Late January / Early February 2012: AFAB budget deliberation • Mid February: Initial budget request to Senate, appeals process • Early March: Secondary AFAB budget deliberation (if necessary), request to Senate • Mid/Late March: Provided budget is passed through Senate, official allocations letters sent to organizations • Early April: Summer Funding Process • August 2012: Money transferred into respective accounts

  4. Expenses • Create an Excel spreadsheet; follow the format on the instructions document. • Detail all events that you are requesting funding for; include projected cost and projected revenue on the Excel sheet. • Detail all events on the Budget Form document – include all relevant information, including date(s) of event, location, and purpose.

  5. Revenue • This applies to organizations that plan on earning money outside the AFAB process. • This includes organizations that charge dues, organizations that charge admission to their events, organizations that collect donations for their treasury, and organizations that perform fundraisers. • Create an Excel spreadsheet; follow the format on the instructions document. • Detail all projected forms of revenue on the Excel table. • Detail all revenue on the Budget Form document – include all relevant information. • Note: ‘Revenue’ only applies to money that your organization is collecting and keeping. Money collected that is immediately donated (i.e. a philanthropy event) does not count towards organization revenue.

  6. Recertification • Student Senate is requiring all student organizations to recertify by December 1, 2011. • AFAB is requiring all organizations applying for an annual budget to recertify along with their budget. • Recertification requires: • An up-to-date organization Constitution and Mission Statement (updated within the last year) • A letter of intentto remain organized, with the names of at least five organization members • The names of two student organization leaders that are responsible for making space reservations for the organization.

  7. Information Needed for Annual Budget As part of your budget, be sure to submit: • Completed Request Form • Form ‘Front Page’ • Detailed description of expenses • Detailed description of revenue (if any) • Excel spreadsheet containing itemized requests • Excel spreadsheet detailing revenue (if any) • Recertification materials • Up-to-date Constitution and Mission Statement • Letter of intent to remain recognized • Names of five organization members • Names of two organization leaders responsible for reserving space. ALL MATERIALS DUE by no later than Noon on Tuesday, November 22, 2011! Submit materials via e-mail to patrick.okan@my.uwrf.edu and matthew.levine@uwrf.edu

  8. Can / Cannot Fund CAN FUND • Operations, activities and programs by recognized student organizations • Concerts & lectures • Operating/Overhead costs of • Student Government • University Newspaper, Radio, or Television • Support for University personnel hired • Cost of leasing Non-University facilities (with stipulations) • Cost of contractual services that benefit all students (with stipulations) CANNOT FUND • Academic credit-producing activities • Student services considered “essential to basic mission of the University” • Personal food or advisor expenses For complete policies, see the AFAB’s website: www.uwrf.edu/studentsenate/allocablefeesappropriationboard.cfm

  9. Priorities • Highest priority given to “On-campus programmatic events and services that are open to the general University Community.” • After that, approval of funding for events and organizations will have this priority based on: • Level of student inclusivity – This refers to events that allow as many students as possible to attend. • Promotion of the University – This refers to events that most directly benefit or promote the University and its students. • Engagement in the Community – This refers to events that most directly benefit the River Falls community.

  10. Single Event Funding • Organizations which do not receive or apply for an annual budget are eligible for Single Event funding • Restrictions: • Requesting organization must contribute a minimum of 50% to total travel costs (registration fees, transportation and lodging) • Limit of $1500 or three events (whichever comes first) per organization per academic year. • Requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event. • Representative from the requesting organization must appear at an AFAB meeting to discuss request and answer questions.

  11. Appeals Organizations can appeal funding decisions by the AFAB. • Appeals are submitted to the AFAB chair. Appeals should summarize the amount(s) request, amount(s) granted, and a justification for appeal. • The Chair and Vice Chair of the AFAB, along with the Student Body President, will decide whether an appeal should go before the AFAB again. • If it does, the appeal is brought before the AFAB; the AFAB can revise its original allocation by a 2/3 majority vote. • If it does not, or if the organization is still not satisfied after the first appeal, it is taken to the Student Senate Ethics Committee. • All appeals must be finalized before the final budget is presented to the Student Senate.

  12. Questions and Assistance • Organizations are able to request one-on-one budget training and assistance with a student programmer from Falcon Programs. • If interested, e-mail fporganizations@uwrf.edu to set up an appointment. • This is especially useful if you have a complicated budget, or if you have not requested an annual budget in the past. • Other general budget questions should be directed to AFAB Chair Patrick Okan • Please ask questions now, or e-mail them to patrick.okan@my.uwrf.edu • Please ask all questions sooner rather than later – don’t wait until the last minute!

  13. Reminder… • Requests are due by no later than noon on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 • Submit Requests and necessary attachments by email to patrick.okan@my.uwrf.edu and matthew.levine@uwrf.edu • Incomplete or late budgets WILL BE DENIED. Questions?

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