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Precinct 17 Murder investigation Team. Murders at Porto Beach Office Number 17. Introduction. Precinct 17 Murder investigation Team. Members Lindsay Unver Callyann Brooks Louise Kelly Donna Maclaine Joanne Eastham Keeley Herrington Bailey Snell Louise Park Roquia Shah.
Precinct 17 Murder investigation Team Murders at Porto Beach Office Number 17
Introduction Precinct 17 Murder investigation Team Members • Lindsay Unver • Callyann Brooks • Louise Kelly • Donna Maclaine • Joanne Eastham • Keeley Herrington • Bailey Snell • Louise Park • Roquia Shah Summary: Over the last five weeks students from Scotland, England and Florida have being working together as part of a murder investigation team in relation to a case example called Porto Beach. This presentation shall give a brief overview of their findings.
Week One – Gathering Intelligence Summary: • The first week of this investigation was about gathering some basic information including getting to know each team member. • Describing and analysing a murders media article from our own personal locations was to help give an understanding of what the victims would entail. • Victim profiles where also to be done by this week unfortunately this wasn't achieved until week two, due to lack of understanding.
Week One – Gathering Intelligence Evaluation: The key skills exercised in week one were: • Communication • Analytical and evaluation skills The murder victims were found to have these characteristics: • Domestic abuse • Racism • Gang
Week Two – The Investigation Team • SIO Lindsay Unver • PIO Callyann Brooks • PIC Louise Kelly • PIR Donna Maclaine • PIR Joanne Eastham • EDO Keeley Herrington • SA Bailey Snell • GIA Louise Park • GIA Roquia Shah
Week two: Statistical analysis The statistical analysis of data found: • When looking into the murder rates in comparison to Porto Beach all three locations-Scotland, England and Florida- had a lower rate of murder than that of Porto Beach. • In relation to the concern that there had being increase of murder s within Porto Beach the group had indicated that there had been an slight increase over the past year, as the table across indicates. • That the most murders had been carried out in public streets and within private dwellings, and that is where police should be placing their attention.
Week two – Statistical Analysis Response to budget cuts and a new murder: • To help reduce the amount of street violence the group considered the idea of a community based police officer • The group also discussed the concept of a community watch programme. • This then lead to PIC Kelly producing a PowerPoint and press statement relating to community watch programmes THE COMMUNITY AND POLICE TO WORK TOGETHER!! 12 March 2010 Porto Beach police department today announced a new scheme to help tackle the crimes in Porto beach The police of Porto beach have established that the crimes committed are not connected, thus there is no crazed serial killer roaming our streets. please be put at ease by this. Statistics show that Porto beaches crimes rate allow have slightly risen in the past weeks is still a safe place and is low on average of national crime rates. The police suggest that the community works together with the police and creates a neighbourhood watch scheme. The aim is to ensure the criminals are found promptly and this cooperation will indeed help. more police officers will be present around Porto beach, as will the presence of CCTV. Contact Details Precinct 17 PIC Louise Kelly Porto beach police department 0989 787 787
Week two: Statistical analysis • Evaluation: • Overall it showed how Porto Beach had a higher rate of murders compare to the three other locations. • Personal skills developed : • Statistical analysis • Researching • Design
Week Three – Community Links Florida: Domestic violence. Fort Walton Beach an organization called Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida. They offer counselling services that is based on income. They offer counselling on a number of issues: anger, abuse, self-esteem, men & women issues, depression, etc. (CCNF: 2010) I think it is a great organization because, first of all they do not charge a great deal of money, they base it off of if you can pay or not. (CCNR: 2010) And plus they offer a wide variety of services. This could help potential victims and the people who are creating the violence in their homes. • Reference: • Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida (CCNF) (2010) Counselling services. [Online] available at http://www.catholiccharitiesnwfl.org/10-counseling-services (accessed on February 25, 2010) Summary Within week three the group was to give details of programmes which might benefit the locals of Porto Beach in relation to improving community confidence in police and reduce the amount of violence within the Porto beach area. The next extracts shall give a summary of the types of programmes which were found within Florida, Scotland and England.
Week Three – Community Links Scotland: Domestic abuse The Scottish government plans to resolve some of these issues relating to domestic abuse by aiming to provide information to prevent domestic abuse, encourage people to report incidents of domestic abuse to the police and help give out information on support services which would help people escape from domestic abuse. (VRU: 2010) With these aims in mind the police have encountered in a multi agencies pilot service with the NHS where they have placed two domestic abuse support staff would work in the A&E hospital in Aberdeen. (VRU: 2010) • Reference: • Violence reduction unit (VRU) (2010) Accident and emergency based domestic abuse support worker. [Online] Available at http://www.actiononviolence.com/node/82 (accessed on 6th March 2010) Scotland: Reduction in gang violence. To reduce gang violence within Glasgow, the community initiative to reduced violence has been set up. (VRU: 2010) The CIRV is a multi agency project whish not only involves the police, but health officials and social workers. (VRU: 2001) This initiative is set up not to target individual gang members but rather to treat them as a unit. (VRU: 2010) The process starts by street workers approaching gang members and offering them an alternative to the violent gang existence. (VRU: 2010) They are then offered a voluntary placement at a seminar and gang members who are responsive to the seminar are then given a telephone number to “One Stop Shop” where they can find information and support on education, careers advice, health services and other agencies which can help them turn their lives away from violence. (VRU: 2010) • References: • Violence and reduction unit (VRU) (2010) [online] CIRV available at http://www.actiononviolence.com/CIRV (accessed on 04.03.2010)
Week Three – Community Links England: Reducing racism. Greater Manchester Federation of Clubs for Young People has dedicated to provide opportunities to young people from Greater Manchester and the surrounding areas. (GMVSC: 2010) Their services are for all young people in their affiliated clubs, although there main target are those aged between 9 to 22 years. (GMVSC: 2010) They help clubs to provide activities and training for young people and volunteers that are safe, planned, purposeful and progressive. (GMVSC: 2010) There are a number of programmes that they do such as: • Working with youth clubs to provide positive and informal educational opportunities to around Greater Manchester • Provide high quality learning opportunities for young people and volunteers • Provide a year-round programme of sport, activities and training to members of their affiliated club • (GMVSC: 2010) • Reference: • Greater Manchester Voluntary Support Centre (GMVSC) (2010) Greater Manchester Federation of Clubs for Young People. [Online] available at http://www.gmvss.net/?q=gmfcyp (accessed on ????) England: Reducing gang violence To reduce gang involvement in Manchester. The MMAGS (Manchester Multi Agency Gang Service) was set up. The service works with 80 gang members at any one time. .(CYPOSC 2009) The service primarily focuses on: • Challenging behaviour associated with gang culture • Engaging with a range of agencies to support gang members out of gang involvement. • Working with the individual and with family members to develop strategies to exit gang culture • Longer term interventions to help young people to change their lifestyle. Also there is a voluntary Woman's project known as RECLAIM who work with approx 30 young girls in the south of Manchester between June 2008 and Feb 2009 to try and combat some of the elements that attractive kids to the gangs.(CYPOSC 2009) • Reference: • Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee (2009) Gang Related Violence [Online] Available at: http://www.manchester.gov.uk/egov_downloads/7_Gange_Related_Violence_1_.pdf (Accessed on 7th March 2010)
Week three: Community Links Evaluation: • That all locations have suggested education as a form of crime reduction. Personal skills developed: • Researching skills • Evaluation skills • Analysis skills
Week Four – Press Release Summary Week four allowed the team to create a press statement, which was aimed at reducing the moral panic and vigilantly behaviour that was occurring within the Porto Beach area. To do this the team created an short report about what they have achieved so fair and gave a short statement about the current issues the police were facing. The next slide shall show the press statement.
Week Four – Press Release Porto Beach Chronicle 11th March 2010 “No serial killer within Porto Beach area” Murder has been on everyone’s mind lately in Porto Beach especially with the resent death toll reaching 6 victims within the Downtown area alone. However the police have realised the following statement regarding some of the issues put forward by the media and local people of the area. The police have acknowledged that recent statistics have indicated a moderate rise in murder rates within Porto Beach over the previous months. However they would like to stress that statistics should be used with caution as even though they indicate a rise in murders within the Porto Beach area, there has only been a 10% rise for the year. With regard to the uneasy relationship between the locals and themselves the police would like to reassure local residents that they are looking into new techniques on how to reduce crime within that area. The police would like the local residents to be made aware that to deal with the resent rise in criminal activates, research has been done on multi agencies works which is in practice Manchester, Florida and Scotland to combat the social problems that have impacted on some of the more recent murders, within the area. These include using education and recreational programmes to change the communities mind set in regards to social issues like racism, gang violence and domestic abuse. In their final statement the commanding officer referred to the recent murders as unrelated and would like to assure the public and those who were recently involved in the vigilante groups that there is no serial killer within the Porto Beach area. The police would like to thank everyone for their help and patients through these difficult times and would stress that if they have any further information to contact them at anytime.
Week four-Press Release Evaluation: • That information given to the public should be short and to the point. • That it is better to inform them to maintain cooperation and confidence within the local police. • That there are many ways in which a community and police force can interact with on another in order to prevent further criminal behaviour.
Lindsay Hartman Unver Personal Evaluation • Being the SIO, I made sure to send in weekly reports to the Police Chief on the progress we were making as a team. I tried to stay on top of comments that were made to our group by the Police Chief, so that we could take the information and apply it to our work. I feel that I was able to add information to the group about Fort Walton Beach, which was relatable to the other members of the group. • The biggest challenge that I faced was figuring out the Wiki and determining what exactly my role was, and how to help others. Hopefully I was able to succeed in this task. • The skill that I acquired that would be useful for me when I am in the work force was being able to complete a project with complete strangers. Especially since we couldn’t see each other and we were all from different countries. In the real world, I may have to work with someone over the internet or through the phone, doing this project gave me the skills to work though the unfamiliarity, and accomplish the task(s) at hand.
Joanne Eastham Personal Evaluation:Throughout this unusual and interesting assignment I have been able to work on my communication and organizational skills. I have managed to stay alert to what other people have been adding to the project as well as contributing to it as much as possible. As the pubic information researcher I have attempted to edit and add information where necessary and be helpful to where it is needed. The most challenging aspect of the project was being in a group with people that I have never met before and only communicating through messages on the internet, although this was the most challenging it also proved to be the most interesting part of the project. Learning the wiki and program being used was also a challenge that I faced. The skills that I have acquired while doing the project have given me more responsibility on my organization and time keeping which will help me in any future job that I have. Communicating with people without ever meeting them face-to-face although was a challenge I believe that it is a skill that will also help me with any future job or experience.
Louise park Personal Evaluation • Being the GIA my job was to, Coordinate work on defining the location of murder scenes, discuss and take control of victim profile, review and edit news conferences and releases and review and edit slide shows. • The biggest challenge I found as trying to make sure that I accomplished my role and the fact that there was no face to face interaction amongst us as a group. I hope I manage to get into my role and accomplish what that role was intended and that I contributed to the group. • I believe this project was a good way in which to gain new skills. The new skills I gained where learning how to work in a group and make a decision as a group. • It has been an challenging task for me yet worth it and believe that this sort of work would also benefit other people
Keeley Herrington • Personal Evaluation • In this task my main role was Evidence Disclosure Officer. The task was unusual which at times made it difficult to understand. The main contributions that I have made is making sure that the material I used and added to the site was useful and relevant. Also making sure that i contributed my work on time allowed me to improve my time keeping skills. • The biggest challenged I faced was finding out how to navigate around the wiki site as I'd never used it before. Also trying to understand what the tasks were about. • The skills that I have acquired from undertaking this task are that I was able to co-operate with other people especially ones that I have never met before. I also learnt how to be self motivated as it could have been easy to forget or choose not to do the tasks.
Roquia Shah • Personal Evaluation • In this task, my main role was to be the Geographical informational Analyst. The main contributions that I have made are to making sure the case study material that I provided was relevant to our task, also completing other tasks and overall working together being part of a group. • The biggest challenge that I actually faced was trying to get to know how the idea of the wiki pages worked. With help from the other people in my group, this was achieved. Another challenge that I faced was meeting up to the deadlines to complete the tasks that were set weekly. • The skills that I have acquired that would be potentially useful in the real world and in future employment are that I can quite easily interact and work well with people I don’t know and that are from different places rather than from the same location that I am in. I also believe that I have improved my skills in managing my time efficiently on the wiki and also when being faced with problems with the tasks I have got on well with cooperating with the other people in the group to understand where I went wrong and find the
Donna Maclaine Personal Evaluation: As this was a group project it would have been easy to sight back and let others do the work, I would have to state that I was not one of those people. I would like to think that I took an active part in this wiki project not only fulfilling the role that I was assigned to but also by stepping up and helping out where required. With this in mind some of the main areas I was apart of include design, editing, decision making, and providing information as well as checking on research materials. The biggest challenge of taking part in this wiki project would have to have been working with individual whom I had never met, on face to face terms. However this experience has shown that team work and cooperation can be done in a number of ways and is one skills I can use in the real world. Some others skills would be patients, time management and decision making. Over all I would have to state that this experience has been interesting and enjoying; something that I would recommend to other pupils.
Louise kelly • Personal evaluation My role as the PIC was to improve operations in the work force in general. A media campaign was considered regarding vigilantes, taking into account a neighbourhood watch scheme. This role involved doing tasks that were new to me such as the use of the wiki site and preparing news conferences which perhaps made it challenging, although I aimed to thrive at them to the best of my ability. The biggest challenged I faced was as I was the PIC, my role involved working in partnership with the PIO and at times our paths crossed as we were on the site at different times, making it difficult to create publications together. However. Group 17 all worked together and we all kept in contact regularly. The skills I have required are perhaps mainly time keeping skills. As the PIC I had to contribute to group tasks a great deal, thus I had to ensure this was done in good time so my group members could read and consider my statements.