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Status of Costing Activity for the US ITER TBM Briefing to Tom Mann 27 October 2005. Participants: Mohamed Abdou, Neil Morley, Dave Petti, Clement Wong, Alice Ying UCLA . Outline. I. ITER Plans ITER basic device components for TBM and support systems and ITER/TBM interface.
Status of Costing Activity for the US ITER TBM Briefing to Tom Mann 27 October 2005 Participants: Mohamed Abdou, Neil Morley, Dave Petti, Clement Wong, Alice Ying UCLA
Outline • I. ITER Plans • ITER basic device components for TBM and support systems and ITER/TBM interface. • What the International Partners (TBWG), including US, agreed to. • II. U.S. Current Plans • TBM options and strategy. • Description of designs of TBM test articles. • External loops and ancillary equipment (piping, heat exchangers, tritium extraction, etc.). • III. Costing Activity and WBS for DCLL and HCCB
Blanket Testing in ITER is essential • Achieve a key element of the “ITER Mission” “demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power for peaceful purposes” “test tritium breeding module concepts that would lead in a future reactor to tritium self-sufficiency, the extraction of high grade heat, and electricity production” • Achieve the most critical milestone in fusion nuclear technology research: testing in the integrated fusion environment • This has been the focus of the US Technology Program for a long time. It is the first real opportunity to apply the results of R&D from the past 30 years on blankets, materials, PFC, etc. • The ITER TBM project provides a driving force to bring Fusion Nuclear Technology R&D the first step toward reality • Develop the technology necessary to install breeding capabilities to supply ITER with tritium for its extended phase of operation • Resolve the critical “tritium supply” issue for fusion development - and at a fraction of the cost to buy tritium for large D-T burning plasma
TBM Mission “Test tritium breeding module concepts that would lead in a future reactor to tritium self-sufficiency, the extraction of high grade heat, and electricity production.” Specific TBM Test Objectives in ITER: • validation of TBM structural integrity under combined and relevant thermal, mechanical and electromagnetic loads • validation of Tritium breeding predictions • validation of Tritium recovery process efficiency, tritium control and inventories • validation of thermal predictions for strongly heterogeneous breeding blanket concepts with volumetric heat sources • demonstration and understanding of the integral performance of the blanket components and material systems
ITER Operation • ITER operation starts in 2016. It has HH operation (~3yr), DD phase (~1yr), low duty cycle DT (~3yr), high duty DT (~3yr) • The ITER schedule shows Test Blanket Module operating in the device from Day 1 • The ITER International Partners agreed on a general strategy for each blanket concept: 4 sequential test articles corresponding to the 4 modes of ITER operation • Average fluence: 0.09 MW•y/m2 after 10 years; 0.3 MW•y/m2 after 20 years
TBWG agreed to allocate the 3 test ports by blanket concept, not by party Port # 16: Helium-cooled Ceramic Breeder TBMs (all Parties) Port # 18: Helium-cooled Lithium Lead /Dual Function Lithium Lead TBMs (EU/China) Water-Cooled Ceramic Breeder TBM (Japan) Port # 2: Dual-Cooled Lithium Lead /Dual Function Lithium Lead TBMs (US/China) Li-Breeder TBMs (RF, KO) Helium-Cooled Ceramic Breeder TBM (only if a liquid breeder option does not make it) Note: The interface with ITER device & facilities has been fixed (7/2005)
Space allocation in the test port cells The space below the ceiling for a height of 500 mm is reserved for ring manifolds (vacuum fuelling, venting, special gas) and service lines (electric power, instrumentation)
ITER test port configuration has been fixed (by ITER & TBWG) (U.S. DCLL TBM is shown for illustration of how a TBM fits into this configuration) VV – Cryostat Duct Cryostat Bio-Shield VV Port Extension TBM Frame Assy Bio-Shield Port Opening Plasma Transporter Pb-Li Primary Coolant Loop Ancillary system TBM VV Closure Plate Pb-Li Concentric Pipe Port Cell Area
Diagnostics Syst. Helium Coolant Syst. Coolant Purification Syst. PbLi loop incl. T extraction syst. T-Building TBM Subcomponents Integration (Illustration) TCWS Tritium processing system • EU HCLL TBM PbLi loop • Located as close as possible from TBM (behind bioshield plug) • Sealed (air contamination) and shield (ray) container (2.190 x 2.315 x 1.600 m (l x h x w); • box weight 20,000 kg)
Port A Integration The maximum external size of the container is 2.62 m (W) x 6.5 m (L) x 3.68 m (H). The length is limited by the bioshield requirements and the latest building design.
Vertical Port Frame Opening space for TBM 20 Test Blanket Module Backside Shield 20 Configuration (and size) of TBM within ITER Test Port Port plug = Frame + TBMsFrame = FW structure + Box structure + Backside shields 20 mm gap all around inside frame openings Cut-view Vertical cross-section of Frame (at the center of flexible supports) 1660 TBM Frame Assembly • Port can be divided vertically or horizontally • The maximum size of a test module (half vertical port) is 1.66m x 0.484m (TBM maximum first wall area is 0.8m2) Unit: mm 484
TBM Attachment on Common Frames TBM Attachment on Common Frame Shield plug is set behind the TBM. Shield plug has feed through for pipings and instrumentation. TBM is hold on the shield plug by similar mechanism as ITER shield blankets (flexible support). Attach modules and feed pipes through shield plugs of rear side. 534 1288 760 1740 Plasma Port 18 (water cooled) Port 16 (helium cooled)
A space of 16.6 m (L) x 7.3 m (W) x 6 m (H) is assigned in the south east corner of the TCWS vault for the primary heat transfer systems (PHTSs) of the TBMs in the ’01 ITER FEAT design. Four PHTSs for EU and JA TBMs and a pressure relief tank for the RF TBM PTHS were integrated in the space at that stage. Though now the same space is assigned for the TBMs, it is noted that an emergency escape to the tritium building is located near the TBM area and therefore at least 0.5 m width along the east wall has to be assigned for the escape corridor.
Locations of Cooling System and Tritium System Cooling systems in TCWS Vaults Pipings in vertical shaft between TBMs and Systems TBM analysis system and tritium systems for liquid metal breeders in transfer casks in the port area Tritium systems in glove boxes of tritium plant room
Test Blanket Module T-Recovery Glove boxes Tritium Plant Layout
Tokamak and Tritium Plant Isometric View Plan View
INTERFACES WITH THE BUILDING FACILITIESWhat ITER will provide: • Electric power • De-mineralized water (for filling coolant loops) • Standard VV equatorial port interface including cooling of flange • Heat rejection (from weld preparation on valves on intermediate HX placed in the TCWS vault - note two valves in series required for redundancy) • “Standard” port handling and transfer from and to the hot cell facility • “Standard” loading and unloading at the hot cell ports and “standard” RH tools for maintenance & refurbishment in the hot cell • Acceptance of any tritium bred (interface to be clarified) • Interface with ITER control room TBWG-11: 22-24 October 2003, Garching R. Haange, ITER Naka JWS
INTERFACES WITH THE BUILDING FACILITIESWhat Parties will provide: • TBM in form of complete port plugs • Any non-standard port handling and hot cell refurbishment tools • Primary - and intermediate, if required - heat transfer loops including associated auxiliary systems • Tritium processing systems • Power and I&C cubicles including cabling • Dummy TBM (to be used in case a TBM develops unacceptable damage and no spare is available) TBWG-11: 22-24 October 2003, Garching R. Haange, ITER Naka JWS
US TBM Selected Concepts 1. The Dual-Coolant Pb-17Li Liquid Breeder Blanket concept with self-cooled Pb-Li breeding zone and flow channel inserts (FCIs) as MHD and thermal insulator -- Innovative concept that provides “pathway” to higher outlettemperature/higher thermal efficiency while using ferritic steel. --US lead role in collaboration with other parties (most parties are interested in Pb-Li as a liquid breeder, especially EU and China). -- Plan an independent TBM that will occupy half an ITER test port with corresponding ancillary equipment. 2. The Helium-Cooled Solid Breeder Blanket concept with ferritic steel structure and beryllium neutron multiplier, but without an independent TBM -- Support EU and Japan efforts using their TBM structure & ancillary equipment -- Contribute only unit cell /submodule test articles that focus on particular technical issues
US DCLL TBM module All structures are He-cooled @ 8MPa self-cooled PbLiflows in poloidal direction SS frame Front FCI is the Thermal and MHD Insulator lining all PbLi channels FS structure PbLi in PbLi out He in Back He out PbLi in FW He counter flow PbLi out Be front face
Electromagnetics/Neutronics unit cell design Unit (mm) Ceramic Breeder TBMInserting “US” unit cells into the EU HCPB structural box
Example: DCLL TBM Testing Schedule in ITER (4 sequential test articles)
Test Blanket “Project” Deliverables DRAFT (US responsible) • 1.8.1 DCLL • Test Module • Helium Flow Loop (primary) • PbLi Flow Loop • Tritium Processing Systems • Secondary Helium Flow Loop (and Heat Exchanger for PbLi Flow Loop) • 1.8.2 HCCB • Test Submodule • Ancillary Equipments (primary helium flow conditioners, measuring systems for helium, tritium, and test submodule)
US Test Blanket Work Breakdown Structure [DRAFT] The R&D described in the WBS is required to gain critical REFERENCE case data required to design, fabricate and operate test module/submodules that achieve their experimental goals related to understanding simultaneous tritium generation and high grade heat extraction, as well as to satisfy ITER safety and qualification criteria. The R&D for the higher performance TBM is developed under TBM Base Program R&D.
Responsible person for base cost estimate for WBS Levels 3 and 4 • Use template on slide 7 for base cost estimate • Base cost estimate would include: • Labor hours, rates • Material and Equipment (procurements) • Travel
1.8.1 DCLL Oct. base cost estimate to be filled by the proposed responsible person
1.8.2. HCCB Oct. base cost estimate to be filled by the proposed responsible person
Primary He Coolant Loop TCWS Secondary He Coolant Loop TCWS Test Port Pb-Li Primary Coolant Loop Transporter Area DCLL He and PbLi Circuits Corresponding to Ancillary Equipment
Some General Guidelines for the US TBM Costing Cost for the Reference Case • Cost is for the period between now and the shipment of the TBM deliverables (Test articles and ancillary equipment) in 2015 for DAY ONE ITER operation. The period is 10 years from 2006 to 2015 • The cost is the total cost for the TBM project (based on the Reference designs/deliverables) including R&D, design, engineering, fabrication, qualification, etc., as well as the cost of interface with ITER and other parties. • The deliverables are based on the Reference Designs described in the Design Summary Documents. • The DCLL Reference Case has a PbLi exit temperature of 470ºC and a test module that occupies half a port. • For the HCCB: submodule that has a size of 1/3 of one-half port and uses the EU (or Japan) first wall/box (first wall/box is not part of the US deliverables) • The R&D Cost includes all costs related to the reference design that occur within the next 10 year period whether they are related to the first (Day ONE) Test Articles or subsequent test articles. But the Cost of the deliverables includes only the cost of the First Test Article and associated equipment. • The US effort should take advantage of the R&D efforts in other parties. • R&D performed by other parties and available to the US should, in general, not be duplicated by the US and should be costed separately. • Cost estimates should state clearly what R&D done by the other parties is essential to the US TBM project.
US ITER TBM Costing Activity Milestones • 12-Aug-05 Costing Activity Initiated • 31-Aug-05 WBS established for Level 6 and lower Responsible persons for Level 6 and lower assigned • 7-Sep-05 WBS for Level 6 and lower revised • 9-Sep-05 Conceptual design summaries for DCLL and HCCB issued • 6-Oct-05 Initial schedule and base cost estimate for WBS level 6 of DCLL and HCCB • 27-Oct-05 Initial schedule and base cost estimate for engineering design, procurement/fabrication, and ancillary equipment • 7-Nov-05 R&D decision criteria established • 30-Nov-05 Complete revised schedule and cost estimate for WBS level 6 and lower (include contingency factor) • 12-13 Dec-05 “Physical” Meeting (all information about costing will be presented and discussed) • 16-Dec-05 R&D priorities finalized • 13-Jan-06 Initial Draft Costing Activity Report Due • 15-Feb-06 Complete Draft of Final Costing Activity Report • 22-23 Feb-06 Physical meeting (internal review of draft report) • 1-Mar-06 Complete incorporating comments into the Report • 15-Mar-06 Send Final TBM Cost Estimate Report to DOE • 28-Mar-06 “External” review