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What do you think EL Civics is?

What do you think EL Civics is?. Our LOGO! ELC. What do E L and C stand for?. What do you know?. Time to take a pre-test!. English Literacy Civics Education Grant in Oregon. Regional Meetings Presentation Fall 2007 Sponsored by the

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What do you think EL Civics is?

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  1. What do you think EL Civics is?

  2. Our LOGO! ELC • What do E L and C stand for?

  3. What do you know? • Time to take a pre-test!

  4. English Literacy Civics Education Grant in Oregon Regional Meetings Presentation Fall 2007 Sponsored by the Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development

  5. What is EL/Civics? EL/Civics stands for English Literacy and Civics Education

  6. What is the federal definition of EL/Civics? • The Federal Registry, November 17, 1999 defined civics education as: “an educational program that emphasizes the contextualized instruction on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, naturalization procedures, civic participation, U.S. history, and government to help students acquire the skills and knowledge to become active and informed parents, workers, and community members.”

  7. What is the purpose of EL/Civics? • The intention of EL/Civics is to provide integrated English literacy and civics education to immigrants and other limited English proficient populations to promote effective participation in the education, work, and civic opportunities of this country. • Activities funded through the EL/Civics allocation will extend instructional services; funds are to be used to supplement, not supplant, adult education programs.

  8. What is required of Oregon grantees to fulfill the purpose of EL/Civics? • Incorporate Crossroads Café and/or On Common Ground into instruction. • Incorporate innovative instructional strategies by using distance education and/or technology. • Expand educational services. • Demonstrate strong community support and partnerships.

  9. What else is required? • Participate in professional development training and activities that focus on civics curriculum development, including contributions to the EL/Civics listserv. • Utilize the state approved assessment tools. • Utilize TOPS data system. • Meet or exceed statewide performance levels for federal reporting.

  10. Additional Requirements in Oregon • Annual End-of-Year EL/Civics reports • Executive Summary of program year highlights, challenges, outcomes (both anticipated and unanticipated), and impact of program based on previous year Continuation Application • Annual Continuation Applications • Reflection on program implementation • Future strategies, including use of program guides • Budget

  11. EL/Civics in Oregon • ABS programming administered through 17 community colleges and the Dept. of Corrections in Oregon • 12 community colleges administer EL/Civics grant program • Urban & rural • Small & large • Campus-based & community-focused

  12. EL/Civics 2001-2004: Overview of our beginnings • Each college interpreted grant requirements differently • Different levels of participation across the state • Program implementation was not cohesive or very systematic

  13. EL/Civics 2001-2004 Professional Development • Listserv administered by one state-contracted faculty from a participating college • Website administered by one state-contracted faculty from a participating college • Quarterly trainings led by two state-contracted faculty from participating colleges

  14. EL/Civics 2001-2004 Curriculum • Crossroads Café video series • On Common Ground video series • 2002, Companion workbooks for use with On Common Groundcreated by Susan Gelder & Melanie Holland of Mt. Hood Community College, for CCWD

  15. EL/Civics 2001-2004 Standardized Assessment • CASAS and/or BEST Plus Program Evaluation & Improvement • End-of-Year Report/Continuation Application • Program Review • AIDDE model (Analyze, Identify, Design, Document, Evaluate)

  16. EL/Civics 2004-2005 A Year of Renewal & Reflection • Hired state EL/Civics Coordinator (external, contracted position) • Re-examined original RFPs • Began rethinking our approach to Professional Development for EL/Civics

  17. EL/Civics 2005-2006 A New Beginning • Created EL/Civics Advisory Group • Re-invented Professional Development offerings • EL/Civics State Coordination part of Education Specialist position (internal) • Created EL/Civics Planning Guide • Integrated California Civic Objectives with Crossroads Café and On Common Ground

  18. EL/Civics 2006-2007 Continuous Improvement • Professional Development retreats in October, January, and April • Teaching and Learning in Authentic Contexts study circles • Intra- and Inter-program collaborations

  19. EL/Civics Planning Guide: Table 1- Competency and Objective Summary

  20. EL/Civics Planning Guide: Table 2 – Integrating Objectives into Instruction

  21. EL/Civics Planning Guide: Table 3 – Instructor Needs Assessment

  22. EL/Civics Planning Guides: Definitions and Instructions • Definitions and Instructions for EL/Civics Planning Guides are available electronically • CCWD Adult Basic Skills website • http://www.oregon.gov/CCWD/ABE • Click on Title II, Compliance Calendar • Program Reports.

  23. Questions? • What else would you like to know? • Who do you contact for local program information? • At CCWD contact • Jenni Newby, ABS Leadership Specialist jenni.newby@state.or.us 503-378-8648 ext 234

  24. Answers to the pre-test

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