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GLEON 8-IT Working Group (ITWG8). Fang-Pang Lin, Feuchtmayr Heidrun Barbara Benson, Hsiu-Mei Chou, Hipsey Matthew, Honti Mark, Nakamura Ryosuke, Solomon Chris, Tanaka Yoshio, Whey-Fone Tsai, Winslow Luke gleon 8 @Hamilton.nz. Structure of the ITWG8 meeting. Tuesday Session 1 Recap & Warm-up
GLEON 8-IT Working Group (ITWG8) Fang-Pang Lin, Feuchtmayr Heidrun Barbara Benson, Hsiu-Mei Chou, Hipsey Matthew, Honti Mark, Nakamura Ryosuke, Solomon Chris, Tanaka Yoshio, Whey-Fone Tsai, Winslow Luke gleon 8 @Hamilton.nz
Structure of the ITWG8 meeting Tuesday • Session 1 Recap & Warm-up • Update from last meeting • Collective discussions for brain storming. • Comments from Tim Kratz and Peter Arzberger. • Session 2 Break out • Based on Barbara Benson’s pre-meeting note and the comments & discussions from Session 1. • Break into 3 groups • GLEON Data Integration: Winslow Luke, Hsiu-Mei Chou and Honti Mark. • Data Access Policy: Feuchtmayr Heidrun, Babara Benson • Data Standards: Ryosuke Nakamura, Yoshio Tanaka, Whey-Fone Tsai, Fang-Pang Lin Wednesday • Session 3 Break out • Hands-on discussions & report write-up • Input from GLEON users – Challenge from Chris Solomon. • Session 4 Special issues discussions & Conclusions • Input from GLEON users- Challenge from Paul Hanson on QA & QC discussions, and from Peter Arzberger on new sites for GLEON data integration.
ITWG8 Products • Document drafts on • “GLEON Data Integration” • “Data Access Policy” • “Recommendation on data standards” expected to be online in gleon.org by 31, March, 2009 • Focus tech development on • Two new sites added to data integration testbed. • Enhance functionality of QA/QC. • Experimenting possible Decentralized architecture. e.g. Hierarchical structure • Software & Publication • Pending
GLEON Data Integration Authors: Hsiu-Mei Chou, Luke Winslow and Mark Honti Date: 4/2/2009 Version: 0.1 Introduction At GLEON 7 a data integration challenge was presented. Multiple GLEON sites have existing data management systems that are not directly compatible with the overall GLEON system. The data integration group was created to design and build a system that would bring the data from these sites into the system and act as a model for future sites in the same position. GLEON Architecture • Vega data model • Data query tools Data-Integration System Architecture • Metadata requirements • Controlled vocabulary • Required Metadata Table or Description • Harvest System XML Standard Example stories, First Hand Experience Steps to Join (minimum requirement checklist)
GLEON Data Access Policy • Data Use Agreement • Citation • Data availability • Disclaimer • Registration?
Data use agreement: • contact the responsible person for each GLEON site (link) to check on other uses of the data and receive information on data source. collaboration is encouraged • Provide with a copy of any manuscript to owner • The Data User must acknowledge use of the data by an appropriate citation (see Citation) • Acceptable use. restricted to academic, research, educational, government, recreational, or other not-for-profit professional purposes. • The Data User must not redistribute original data and documentation without permission • By using these data, the Data User agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement.
Citation Use of the data in publications should be acknowledged. A generic citation for our databases is: <name of data set>, <research project>, <funding source>, <contact person for data set>, The data set name and contact person for each data set can be found here (link)
Data Availability GLEON members endorse the principle that data should be openly available to the maximum extent possible. This will foster scientific research and educational development internationally, and will establish and maintain research and educational collaborations while also supporting the public use of these data (see operating principles and procedures of GLEON).
Disclaimer While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The North Temperate Lakes LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets. Data users should be aware that we periodically update data sets.
Data Standards for GLEON • Introduction of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards • Sensor Observation Services (SOS) of OGC for all time series • ISO19115: standard metadata (Group of Earth Observation (GEO)/GEO system of systems (GEOSS)) • MAP services: WMS (Web Mapping Service)/WFS (Web Feature Service)/WCS (Web Coverage Service: images)/CSW (Catalogue Service for Web) • KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is a new standard. • EML is a subset of GML of OGC. • Introduction of Grid standards used for optional security. • Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS) from European Data Grid. • Mapping services between standards and/or protocols . • GLEON Field sensor data mapping between GLEON control Vocabulary and SOS. • Develop services of local metadata mapping based on the GLEON control vocabulary