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"MPGDs for TPC readouts at the Energy, Intensity and Cosmic Frontiers

"MPGDs for TPC readouts at the Energy, Intensity and Cosmic Frontiers. Paul Colas, CEA/ Irfu Saclay. Principle of operation. electrons are separated from ions. t. Ionizing particle. The electrons diffuse and drift along the an E field. E. B. y. x.

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"MPGDs for TPC readouts at the Energy, Intensity and Cosmic Frontiers

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  1. "MPGDs for TPC readouts at the Energy, Intensity and Cosmic Frontiers Paul Colas, CEA/Irfu Saclay

  2. Principle of operation electrons are separated from ions t Ionizingparticle The electrons diffuse and drift along the an E field E B y x A magneticfieldreduces diffusion Localisation in time and in x-y TPC review - P. Colas

  3. There isnothingcheaperthangas as active medium. There isnothinglighterthangas(atatmospheric pressure). A TPC allows a continuoustracking in 3D at a verylowmaterial budget, and at a verylowcost (by ‘voxel’) It canthushandlevery high multiplicities. The gasitselfcanbe a target for someexperiments (nuclearphysics, darkmattersearch). dE/dx measurementprovides non-destructive chargedparticle identification in a widemomentum range. Principle of operationand advantages STAR heavy ion TPC TPC review - P. Colas

  4. TPC review - P. Colas

  5. TPCs are very versatile Theycandetect x-rays, high energylow-ionizingparticles, highlyionizing ions, nuclearrecoils… (10 talksatthisconference are on TPCs) Gaschoice and pressure are according to applications (velocity, diffusion, radiopurity, multiple scattering…). Verywide range of operation conditions: from a few e-/pad to 5000 e-/cm for ions and 60000 for liquid Argon. TPC review - P. Colas

  6. MicropatternTPCs Manywire-chamberTPCs have been verysuccessfulafter David Nygren’s TPC 2g and Hargrove’s Carleton TPC: DELPHI and ALEPH at LEP, STAR at RHIC, ALICE at LHC… But the trend isnow to use MicropatternTPCs: Easier to manufacture small pads No need for strong frames Fast and efficient ion collection Natural ion feed-back suppression O(1%) ratherthan 20-30% TPC review - P. Colas

  7. There is a completetheory of the resolution in MPGD TPCs (see Ryo Yonamine’s talk). In GEM/THGEM TPCs, the diffusion in the amplification deviceprovidesenough diffusion for charge sharing betweenneighbouring pads, for pad widths about 1mm. Spatial resolution D. Arrogancia et al. 1/ √12 Hodoscope limit 1/ √(12Neff) Neffincludesionizationstatistics and gain fluctuation effects TPC review - P. Colas

  8. 3 Large TPCs, 72/80 modules 40x40 cm² The T2K/ND280 Micromegas TPC Four years of smooth running with ‘Bulk’ technology. Dead areas kept to minimum by avoiding frames dE/dx essential atseparating e/µ/p TPC review - P. Colas

  9. See Markus Ball’s talk GEM upgrade of ALICE TPC Stability issues are underscrutiny TPC review - P. Colas

  10. ILC R&D Several Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors types of readout modules are studied GEM (test with 3 modules) Micromegas (test with 7 modules) 25% X°

  11. Micromegas with Resistive Anode Pad width limits MPGD TPC resolution Charge dispersion technique with a resistive anode w : pad width 0: resolution at Z=0 without diffusion Equation for surface charge density function on the 2D continuous RC network: mesh B mesh B E E Amplification gap: ~100m Amplification gap: ~100m resistive foil: ~75m insulator: ~100m pads pads : the surface charge density R: the surface resistivity of the resistive layer C: the capacitance per unit area. Direct signal readout technique Resistive foil also provides anti-spark protection TPC review - P. Colas

  12. Micromegas module • Module size: 22 cm × 17 cm • 24 rows × 72 columns • Readout: 1726 Pads • Pad size: ~3 mm × 7mm • 7 miniaturized electronics flat behind the modules

  13. Extrapolation of the spatial resolution Extrapolate to 2.3m & B=3.5T ---Micromegas with 3 mm width pads --- GEM with 1 mm width pads B=1T B=0T B=1T B=3.5T

  14. Concept in 2002 by Michael Hauschild: detect single electrons. Realized in 2004 by Jan Timmermans, H. Van der Graaf, PC, et al. (see Michael Lupberger’s talk) The Digital TPC Use the pads of a pixel chip (TimePix for instance, with 55µ pads) as collecting anode for a Micromegas TPC. Applications to axionsearch, LC TPC, darkmattersearch TPC review - P. Colas

  15. NEXT TPC : High pressure enrichedxenon : spaghetti + 2 meatballs + energyresolution Neutrinoless double beta decay TPC review - P. Colas

  16. EXO-200 • 200 kg TPC of LXe 80% enriched in isotope 136; • 136Xe double beta decay; • Limit on 136Xe 0bnn decay T½(0) > 1.2·10²⁴ [1]. • EXO-full • a ton scale experiment (1-10tons); • 136Xe 0bnn • mn in the inverted hierarchy region. Enriched Xenon Observatory Double beta decay: High pressure gas TPC (Bern) Advantages of Xe • background rejection with Barium tagging. • Xe 2 decay still to be observed TPC review - P. Colas

  17. Principle : bouncenuclei and detecttheirionization and/or light In large volumes, neutrons interactseveral times, allowing background rejection. MIMAC : low-pressure gas TPC for directionalsearch DARK MATTER SEARCH TPC review - P. Colas

  18. 2-phase liquidxenon TPC In large volumes, neutrons interactseveral times, allowing background rejection. DARK MATTER SEARCH TPC review - P. Colas

  19. TPC review - P. Colas

  20. TPC review - P. Colas

  21. liquid noble gas TPCGLACIERLBNEPANDA-XXe-100 TPC review - P. Colas

  22. TPC review - P. Colas

  23. TPC review - P. Colas

  24. TPC review - P. Colas

  25. R&D for GLACIER (A. Rubbia et al.) : LEMs (SimilarresultswithMicromegas) D. Lussi, RD51 mini-week (April 2013) TPC review - P. Colas

  26. The spherical TPC withball amplification allows the range below 10 GeV to bestudied, withnitrogen and He gases(Macro-Pattern Gaseous Detector) LOW MASS DARK MATTER SEARCH TPC review - P. Colas

  27. Sincealmost 40 years of existence, the concept of TPC plays an important role in Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics. It got a new blood in the recentyearsthanks to the introduction of MPGD readouts and various inventions. It isnowused in variousfields of research a the Energy, Intensity and Cosmicfrontiers. CONCLUSION TPC review - P. Colas

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