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Mauritania: Overview • Major deposits: Gold, copper and iron ore and reserves of oil and gas, including the Chinguetti Oilfield. Oil production started in February 2006 and it has provenreserves of 600 million barrels • Border countries:Algeria and Western Sahara ( to the North), to the East by Mali and to the South by Senegal. The country isborderedcompletely by the Atlantic Ocean. • Land Mass : 1.0307.000 km2 Capital : Nouakchott • Population: 3.359.185 people (2012).The Demographicalgrowth rate is 2.3% • Official Language: Arabic, but French isused as the language of business • Religion : Mauritaniais an sociallydemocraticIslamicRepublic. • Currency: Ouguiya (UM). Exchange rate (October 2013) 392,83 UM = 1 Euro & 299,24 UM =1 USD$. Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
Mauritania: Overview • GDP Per Person (2012 Esti.): US$ 1 310 • Inflation rate: 4% in 2011 • Contribution of the Extractive Industries to GDP 25% (2011) Projection of FDI in $ million (IMF) • Foreign Direct Investments are growing • Estimated GDP Growth : 2010-2013 : 6 % GDP Growth % (IMF) Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
Political Context • The Government has been democratically elected • Multiplicity of media and civil society • Adherence to the EITI member countries ( 2005), country conforming to the principles of EITI ( 2012) • Stability of institutions and security • The Government has made the strategic decision to modernize Mauritania with the following objectives: • Promoting good governance • Enhancing the government performance • Increasing the efficiency of public policies • Establishing the foundations of a modern State Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines
III. Organisation of the Ministry of Petroleum, Energy & Mines
The central administration of the Ministry of Petroleum, Energy & Mines includes : • The Minister’s Cabinet, the General Secretariat and the Central Directions. • I –The Minister’s Cabinet:: 2 Heads of Mission, 5 Technical Advisors, Internal Inspector and a Personal Secretariat. • The following organisations & companies report to the technical and administrative supervision of the Ministry of Petroleum, Energy & Mines: National Mauritanian Hydrocarbons Company (SMH) , The National Agency of Renewable Energy (ANADER) , Mauritanian Gaz Company (SOMAGAZ) Mauritanian Electricity Company (SOMELEC), Mauritanian Company of Refining Industries (SOMIR), Mauritanian Office of Geological Research (OMRG), National Industrial and Mining Company (SNIM), The Committee of the Mauritanian Mining School (CEM) . • The Ministry monitors the good running of the: Agency for Rural Electrification (ADER), National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNHY), The Company for the Management of Petroleum Installations (GIP), Mauritanian Company for the Storage of Petroleum Products (MEPP), Project to Support Petroleum Management (PAGEP), Project for the Institutional Reinforcement of the Mining Sector (PRISM),
Mining Sector The Mining Code • Mining Code 2008/2009 updated 2012 with the following objectives : • Provide competitive advantages to the investors in the mining sector • Establishing the norm « first come first served » • The Mining Code is completed by a new Standard Mining Convention (2012) which guarantees the stability of the fiscal system throughout the exploration period • Exploration Phase : • License awarded (by Cabinet) of surface of 1.000 km² to a company incorporated in Mauritania with sufficient technical and financial capacities. • Guaranty for good execution of the work program and prior payment of fees and rights ($6.000); • Payment of progressive surface fee year by year from $6,5/km² (first year) to $80/km² (9thyear) Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
Mining Sector Mining Code (Continued) • Exploitation Phase: • License awarded to a company incorporated in Mauritania for a period of thirty years and renewable many times for ten years. • State participation in the capital with a 10% free equity and an option for acquiring a maximum of 10% cash participation in the exploitation company. Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
Mining Sector Application Award Permit Application Fiscal Regime : Deduction regime according to practice in the mining industry Competitive rates Exemption during the first 3 years of production Tax exemption on dividends that are reinvested A simplified tax system for subcontractors working with mining operators Exploitation Permit Assessment 3 years 1/4 Assessment 3 years 1/4 3 years Assessment Return of Permit Installation Phase 2 years Production Phase EXPLOITATION PHASE EXPLORATION PHASE 30 years Max 9 years Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
Petroleum Sector • New legal framework in 2010 updated in 2011 • New Standard Exploration Production Agreement 2011 • Period of exploration: 10 years maximum divided in 3 phases • Period of operation : 25/30 years, renewable 10 years • Recovery cost with a rate to be negotiated • The applied taxation concerns the Industrial and Commercial Profits • No taxes Import/Export for oil operations • A simplified tax system adopted for the foreign service providers working with the oil operators • 10% of State participation free equity starting from exploration managed by SMH (NOC). Option for acquiring a maximum of 10% cash participation. Ministry of Petroleeum, Energy and Mining
Oil Sector Application Award Contract Exploitation Authorization Estimated recoverable reserves Program and implementation schedule Estimated investment Funding arrangements Enviromental Impact Assessment Rehabilitation program Standard Production Exploration Contract Assessment Sub phase 1 Geological Studies Geophysical Studies Drilling 1/4 Sub phase 2 Assessment 1/4 Sharing Production based on the R factor Sub phase 3 Assessment End Contract Fiel Development Fiel Operation EXPLOITATION PHASE EXPLORATION PHASE NEGOCIATION 25/ 30 years Max 10 years Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
Petroleum Sector Downstream: Hydrocarbons Code • Legal framework adopted in 2002 • activities of import, export, refining, storage, racking, transportation, distribution and marketing of refined hydrocarbons • Activities subject to license • Revision to enhance the framework and to enable a PPP to rehabilitate, develop and manage storage capacities Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
Oil and Gas Blocks in Mauritania ( October 2012) Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
Improvement of the Factors of Production Costs • A major investment program in the infrastructure sector has been developed by the Government, with the aim of significantly improving the conditions of development in the Private sector : • Establishment of a Free Zone in Nouadhibou (starting 2012) • Iron Ore Port in Nouadhibou, extension of the Commercial Port of Nouadhibou and the Extension of Port of Nouakchott (2013) • New International Airport (2014) • Water supply: Aftout Saheli Project 200 000 m3 per d ay (2010) • Energy : launch of Gas Power Plant project and extension of the electricity network, Renewable Energy (15 MW Solar and 30 to 40 MW wind projects) • Roads : opening up of the valley and the northern area with the construction of secondary roads, • Education : Akjoujt Mining School, Mining Technology Training Center Akjoujt, University Campus , • Telecommunications : optical submarine cable ACE (2012) Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
VII. Important Assets An effective Mobilization of Private Operators • Mining : more than 300 Exploration Licenses and 12 Exploitation Licenses • Iron Ore : Snim/GuelbII, Xstrata/Askaf, Bumi/Tamagot, • Gold : Expansion of Tasiast Gold Mine • Granite : Joint Venture with SNIM • Quartz : 2 exploitation permits • Phosphate : Bofal Indo Mining Company • Oil & Gas : 1 PSC Exploitation Phase Petronas • Tullow Oil : 1 Onshore bloc et 1 Offshore (deepwater) • Total E&P: 1 Onshore bloc et 1 Offshore (deepwater) • Kosmos Energy: 3 Offshore Blocs (deepwater) • Chariot Oil & Gas: 1 Offshore Bloc Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
SNIM The New Vision of SNIM is to guarantee its integration into the Top 5 worldwide exporters of Iron Ore from now until 2025 with an annual production of 40 million tonnes and a cost of production that does not exceed $40/T • SNIM: Exploits essentially two types of iron ore in the region of Tiris Zemmour in the North of Mauritania: the hematite mineral and the magnetite mineral. • Hematite: The major deposits of hematite actually in production are T014 ((Kédia) and M’Haoudatt . They provide 60% of SNIM’s total production. • Magnetite: The Guelb El Rhein, the only deposit of magnetite in exploitation at this time, contains several hundred million tonnes of proven reserves. The Guelbs Factory where these minerals are treated, has an annual capacity of 4.5 million tonnes. All mining operations are carried out by SNIM themselves, research, pit optimisation, earth moving, ship-loading, rolling, training, explosives, rail transport, maintenance etc. • The Guelb II project includes essentially the construction and equipment of a second iron ore magnetite enriching factory. It mobilises an investment of nearly 750 million USD and covers: the extension of the existing mine, the construction of an mineral enrichment factory with an annual capacity of 4MT, the extension of the Central Electric, the extension and modernisation of installations and existing annexes, putting into exploitation a water capturing field and a network of water conveyance Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
SNIM In October 2013, announced the results of their exploration at Tizerghaf, situated 40 km north of Zouerate, they evaluated probable resources of 830 million tonnes ( inferred) of magnetite iron ore • The PDM is an ambitious program of which the cost is about 1 billion USD. This program will focus on. • The modernisation of SNIM’s existing infrastructure • The increase by a significant amount of the production capacity of the Company. • The 8 components of the PDM are: • Guelbs II Factory, New Mineral Port (NPM), Modernisation and Rail Maintenance (MMV), Modernisation of the Communication System (MSC), Modifying the Handling of TO14 (MMT), Modernisation of the Zouerate Electrical Network (MRE), the extension of staff accommodation and Rehabilitation of hotels, new professional training centre of Zouerate (NCFPZ) • SNIM is also involved in developing iron ore resources with partners including the following projects: • Project El Aouj ( Xstrata), Project Tazadit 1 ( MinMetals), Project Leagarib Ministry of Petroleum , Energy and Mining
IX. Tasiast Kinross acquired with a 100% stake, the gold of mine of Tasiast on 17 September 2010, after having acquired Red Back Mining Inc. The mining has a very high potential, with a vast gold system, which is largely unexplored. • Kinross-Tasiast finalised a framework study for the expansion of the Tasiast mine, based on the period of 16 years. For the first 8 years of effective exploitation, the average annual production should reach 1.5 milion ounces of gold, with an average sales prices from $480 - $520, with a quality estimated at about 2g/t and average rate of recovery at 93% • This is an open cast mine, producing 8000 tonnes per day with the current factory and with an output of 60,000 tonnes per day envisaged after the expansion project. • As of June 2011, the proven and probable mineral reserves of the Tasiast mine are estimated at 7.6 million ounces. The measured mineral resources et indices were 9.1 million ounces, and the mineral resources presumed at 4.6 millions ounces. The Tasiast Mine will exploit a deposit of 30 tonnes of gold. Tasiast is the first gold producing mine in the Republic Islamic of Mauritania Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines
X. Current Status and Perspectives for the Development of the Mining Sector
Geological Coverage : Total coverage of Mauritania: 1/500.000Coverage of 52% of the Territory to 1/200.000- Format : SHP,PDF Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining
D-Reguibat: Archean and Birimian formations: with mineralisations of uranium, iron, gold and copper...) • C-Mauritanides: metamorphic, volcanic & sedimentary formations with copper, gold, iron, beryl, manganese and nickel mineralisation….) • B-Coastal: formations Paleozoico-Cenozoic formations with mineralisations of Ilménite, monazite, zircon, phosphates, salt …) • A-Taoudeni: deposits of Proterozoic superior to Paleozoic, with mineralisations of copper, gold, zinc, uranium…etc
Potentialities: Coastal Basin • Titanium/Zirconium: Jreida,Tanit,Lemsid, Cap Timiris • Peat: 23 known occurrences in the Coastal Basin with more than 3 million m3 reserves of peat discovered over an area of 5000km2 • Gypsum: One of the largestdeposits of gypsum in the world, situatedat Sebkha N'Drhamchabetween 50 and 100 km to the North/North-East of Nouakchott, 9 billion metric tonnes • Phosphates: Resourcesidentified of more than 130 Mt with content 20% P2O5, in the Bofal-Loubeira Zone, easily exploitable, close to main roads and withaccess to the Ocean.
Potentialities: Mauritanides • Copper: Guelb Mogrein Deposit (IOCG), known since Neolithic times, mined by First Quantum/MCM, production (2011) 35,281 tonnes of copper & 62,938 troy ounces of gold, reserves 32.06 million tonnes 1.09% copper and 0.79 g/t gold. • Iron Ore: Large region favourably for both hematite, magnetite and the mineralisation of Geothite at Kaouate, Tamagot, Legleitate and Idjibiten • Gold: several deposits at Fra Agharghar (Vararate), Kadiar, Mbout and Bouzraibia. The majority of prospective sites are “Greenfield” • Barite: Barite discovered in several places in the Mauritanides notably at Bouzraibia • REE (Terres Rares): exist in the region of Bounaga
Potentialities: Taoudeni Basin • Copper: Sedimentary Copper in the Neo-proterozoic-Cambrian, continental sediments of Taoudeni Basin, notably found in the Char and Teniagouri groups • Or: Aluvial Deposit, “red bed” type • Uranium: non compliant uranium, sandstone type, red-bed type, and associated with phosphates • Lead,Zinc • Potentialities: Tindouf Basin • Iron Ore: Phanerozoic oolitic type
Potentialities: Reguibat Ridge • Gold: Orogenic and hydro-thermal, deposits of gold and paleoplacers • Uranium: Large deposits • a) Bir en Nar 1.33Mt @ 704ppm U3O8 containing 2.06Mlbs U3O8 • b) A238 45.2 Mt @ 235 ppm U3O8 containing 23.4 Mlbs U3O8 • c) Aura Calcrete 68.7 Mt @ 300 ppm U3O8 containing t 50.2 Mlbs U3O8 • Diamants: Discovery of a kimberlitic dyke at Maqteir (2000), more40 kimberlites discovered in the country( 2005-11) • Ornamental Stones: Amsaga, Tijirit and Tasiast Terrains Zednes regions • Nickel, Lithium and Beryl: Occurrences of nickel present in the Paléoprotérozoic, Beryl is found in Iguilid Lithium found in several places principally at the Chambi belt green stone, Zone Nich Sebkhet, the Tijirit belt as well as the North East part of the Amsaga Complex.
Honour– Fraternity - Justice Thank you very much for listening!! Please come and meet us in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania! Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining Route de la plage rond-point Sabah, Nouakchott Mauritanie, BP : 4921 Tél. 00(222) 45259515 Fax : 00 (222) 45255250 www.mauripem.com Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining