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The technology of three-dimensional methodical system of learning. Author: professor Zh.A.Karayev Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty 2014 . Actuality of technification of the education system.
The technology of three-dimensional methodical system of learning Author: professor Zh.A.Karayev Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty 2014
Actuality of technification of the education system Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" article 51. “Rights, duties and responsibilities of pedagogical employee "paragraph 3.2 "Pedagogical employee is obliged to ensure the quality of educational services provided in accordance with the requirements of state compulsory educational standards. “ "We must pay great attention to the functional literacy of our students, in general of all younger generation. It is important to our children to be adapted to modern life "(N. Nazarbayev. "Strategy of Kazakhstan - 2050"). Low rates of Kazakh schoolchildren in international comparative studies of the quality of education PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS. Transition from informative and explanatory (instructional) model of education based on knowledge of centric approach to the constructive learning model based on functional and competence approach.
Definition and general characteristics of TTMSL Definition TTMSL – project of Pedagogical System (PS), realized on practice. PS=MSL+DPr (Methodical System of Learning + Didactical Process) DPr=М+Pa+Ma (Motive + Pedagogical activity + Management); MSL =aim, content, methods, forms, sources of learning Characteristics of TTMSL • Diagnostic aim setting and objective assessment of (criterial assessment) academic success of students. • The structure and content of DPr built for pupil development through independent cognitive activity. • Integrity of DPr. • 100% guarantee that students achieve results.
TTMSLconsists of two parts: • synectical part; • part oriented on result • Synectics (Synectic – combination of heterogeneous elements) – research technique, based on socio-psychological motivation of collective intellectual activity proposed by V. Gordon. • Synectics– is a transition to creative thinking, which depends on understanding the possibility of combining of incompatible, at first glance, things. • Synectics presents guidance to the generation of new ideas. • Synectics presents guidance to the generation of new ideas. • In a synectic partTTMSL is applied a technology of critical thinking, consisting of three phases: challenge, implementation, reflection.
Characteristic of stages of critical thinking formation Critical thinking - is the ability to raise new questions, to produce a variety of arguments, to make independent decisions.
Summary table of the objectives and methods on Technology "Critical Thinking"
Part of TTMSL oriented to result Diagnostic setting of learning objectives, transition from informative content to activity-based, developing training content, the introduction of activity-based pedagogical qualimetry, including criteria system of evaluationassumes implementation of the TTMSL oriented on result. An operational setting of learning objectives is characterized by the fact that they are stated in terms of learning outcomes expressed in the actions of students that can be accurately measured and identified. Quality of teaching, the ratio of objectives and learning outcomes as a measure to achieve the objectives, with that the objectives are set only operationally and predicted in the zone of proximal development of the student.
уровни иерархии Didactical matrix<=> Logical and structural model of TTMSL(Interrelation of taxonomy of aims with the levels of mastering, motive, activity, skills and quality of knowledge) Т
Psycho-pedagogical bases of TTMSL • Theory of L.S. Vygotsky on the transition, in the learning process, of mental development of the student from the zone of "actual development" to the zone "of proximal development", implemented through the work, passing from reproductive to a productive level. • The concept of S.L. Rubinstein on the inclusion of the object's thoughts in new connections in the thinking process and thereby identification of new properties in it, leading to inventions and discoveries. • Philosophy and pedagogical views of John Dewey. • "The theory of complete assimilation" B. Bloom. • "Theory of needs" A. Maslow. • The concept of V.P. Bespalko on pedagogical technologies.
Pupil – subject of a didactic process Didactical matrix EVALUATION Stage of reflection Technology of critical thinking Functional Productive activity literacy SYNTHESIS creative Stage of comprehension ANALISYS APPLICATION Reproductive activity UNDERSTANDING Stage of Challenge KNOWLEDGE Self-development of student and the formation of functional literacy through the application of TTMSL. 2
Some construction principles of three-dimensional content of methodical system of training • Personality and pragmatist approach, developing education, suggests that students in a process of performance of a leveled tasks system gradually climbed up the ladder of didactic matrix development,herein the stepping stones ladder of development are leveled exercises - tasks; With orientation to diagnostic set aim of education and upbringing in the school must be made a content selection in all school subjects of the curriculum. • The task of skills formation as a learning objective should be reflected in the structure of the educational process and the system of exercises in the textbook and the learning process, on their number and system of their inclusion in the context of the lesson and method of development in homework.
THE ROLE OF DIDACTICAL MATRIX IN DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL THINKINGAND ORGANIZATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL LEARNING, AS A WHOLE1. Taxonomy of tasks of didactic matrix form a hierarchy of tasks, quite appropriate:-to the stages of technology of critical thinking such as: challenge - comprehension - reflection;- hierarchies of application of thin and thick questions;- hierarchy of different types of thinking at different levels of complexity;-formation stages of techniques of thinking activity of students.2. Leveled tasks necessary for the development of individual search activities of students, criteria-based assessment of their academic success, organization of address corrective action.3. Solution of leveled tasks plays an important role in perfecting skills of pupils needed for their successful performance at international researches of education quality PISA, TIMSS, etc.4. Taxonomy of tasks provides an optimal combination of individual and group forms of activity of students.
Tasks on constructing of content of three-dimensional methodical system of learning (on taxonomy of B.Bloom, V.P. Bespalkoetc.)
Formation of methods of cogitative activity of students - one of the main challenges of TTMSL • In conditions of developmental, pragmatical learning pupils must learn methods and techniques of self-exploration - cognitive activity. The driving force in this plays methods of cogitative (mental) activity. • Under the techniques of mental activity is understood the logic operation or a set of logical operations, subordinated to resolution of certain problems. • Main types of methods of cogitative activity are: 1) analysis and synthesis; 2) a comparison; 3) the allocation of main; 4) generalization and systematization; 5) specification; 6) proof and refutation; 7) modeling. • Formed methods of cogitative activity becoming active learning methods, help to achieve higher levels of learning/ • Execution of leveled tasks allows the formation of rational methods of mental activity. • TTMSL content consists of tasks that require the use of any method of mental activity.
Критериальное оценивание учебных успехов учащихся в условиях применения TTMCO. Критериальное оценивание – это оценивание по научно-обоснованным критериям, соответствующим целям и содержанию образования, т.е. оценка, складывающаяся из составляющих (критериев), которые точно отражают учебные достижения учащихся по разным направлениям развития их учебно- познавательной компетентности. 2. Таксономия Б. Блума, Таксономия В.П. Беспалько, дидактическая матрица служат основой для разработки системы критериального оценивания в условиях формирования функциональной грамотности школьников. 3. Критериальное оценивание должно стимулировать поступательное развитие ученика по «лестнице» дидактической матрицы. 4. Критериальное оценивание предпологает внедрение многобалльной системы оценивания в практику. 4
Assessment by method of stimulation (computed method, transparent gradebook)
levels α3 α2 α1 ТКРn ТСРn ТСР1 ТСР2 ТКР2 ТКР1 Individual trajectory of student development
levels α3 α2 α1 2-я четверть 3-я четверть 1-я четверть 4-я четверть The averaged semester academic achievements of students Т (semester)
Pedagogical technologies of learning as a condition for the modernization of the education system Only by creation of educational technologies can be overcome current stagnant state of both pedagogical science and practice, are overcome well-known negative phenomena. To go from the traditional Pedagogical System without diagnosticity of goals and objective control, without didactically reasonable content, random didactical processes and ossified organizational forms to prospective PS, is required a special design of it and experimental refinement to the degree of excellence when guaranteed the ratio "goal-result." Pedagogical technology develops classical didactics, and this development is expressed in articulated principles of pedagogical technology: structural and meaningful integrity of technology, its diagnosticity purposefulness, completeness, socio and nature aligned, finally, the intensity of all processes.
A transition of all the work of learning and upbringing in the education system on the rails of educational technology means a decisive change in school practice from arbitrariness in the construction and implementation of the pedagogical process to the strict validity of each of its elements and stage, focus on objectively diagnosedfinal result . A transition in the practice of education system at rails of pedagogical technology means equally decisive turn and in pedagogical science from the widespread substitution of genuine scientific research and scientific demagogyand verbal gymnastics to search of true fundamental and applied pedagogical knowledge, capable to become a direct productive force in the improvement of school practice. Updating of school is only possible through science-based improvement of pedagogical technology, involving a strictly scientific design and exact reproduction in the classroom ensuring the success of pedagogical processes, rather than hope for the mythical occurringfrom nowhere pedagogical skill of the teacher. Good, science-based technology of learning and upbringing - this is the pedagogical skill. (V.P.Bespalko. Components of pedagogical technology, Moscow, 1989).
What gives applying of TTMSL? • TTMSL integrates two world trends of pedagogical technology: technologies, oriented to research and technologies, result-oriented. • Transition from knowledge centric didactics to three-dimensional pragmatical didactics. • Provides functional literacy of students, criterial evaluation system. • To implement the project "Developmental books" where as a developer of the textbook becomes the teacher himself. • Effectively solves the problem of ungraded schools with combined classes. • Ensures effective use of ICT in the learning process. • Implement health sparing didactics in school practice.