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BACKGROUND. “PCT 56 WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY” was formulated during 1991 following a R&D venture when an AAC Mining Shaft was threatened with closure due to extensive concrete failure which effectively put the lives of underground personnel at risk. The concrete failure was caused by excessive underground water that leached the cement from the concrete causing reduced mechanical failure at the areas where shaft guide equipment was fixed to the structure. Subsequent improvements to the formulation was necessary and during November 2008 “PCT 56 WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY” was submitted to the SABS for testing. A joint Risk Assessment of the product was conducted in conjunction with the Harmony Gold Mining Group in accordance with the International Risk Matrix. Several supporting products has subsequently been formulated, all containing PCT Technology. “PCT 56 WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY” however remains the “flagship”. The following presentation has been prepared to create awareness of our product range.
THE PERMANENT SOLUTION. A wide range of water and solvent based paint products and sealers are available for sale to prevent paint failures on moist areas caused by water penetration or dampness. Some of these products are of superb quality and contain synthetic fiber to add extra body or are used in conjunction with synthetic wool or membrane. However, these products are all based on generic polymer binders, are expensive and do not offer a permanent cure to the destructive properties of water, moisture or dampness. During 1991 PYRAMID COLOUR TECHNOLOGY developed a chemical procedure or treatment to permanently prevent penetration of water or moisture in all cement products and bricks. PCT WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY is truly remarkable and has no similarity with any traditional paint products or waterproofing composites. PCT WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY cures by chemical reaction when subjected to atmospheric carbon gases and oxygen and resultant water repellent properties are permanent. IT IS THE ONLY TECHNOLOGY THAT OFFERS PERMANENT WATER REPELLENT PROPERTIES AND MAY BE OVERCOATED WITH PAINT.
PCT 56 WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY. • FEATURES: • A red/pink transparent chemical that cures by chemical reaction and obtains permanent water repellent properties when applied to cement surfaces and bricks. • BENEFITS: • Repellent properties are permanent. • Inexpensive. • Easy to apply. • May be over coated with paint. • Save on paint usage. • Readily available on national basis. • Restricts the growth of algae or mildew. • Inorganic and resistant to acids. • “PCT 56” IS NOT A PAINT, IT CURES BY CHEMICAL REACTION WHEN SUBJECTED TO ATMOSPHERIC GASES.
WARRANTY OF PERFORMANCE. PCT WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGYCC WARRANTS THE FOLLOWING: “PCT 56 WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY” will perform for a period in accordance with the life expectancy of the surface or substrate that it has been applied to subject to surface preparation and application procedures being conducted in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. “PCT 56 WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY” is compatible with any high quality water based paint. THIS WARRANTY IS RESTRICTED TO REPLACEMENT OF THE CHEMICAL ONLY. PCT WATER REPELLENT TECHNOLOGY cc, it`s representative or a duly authorized distributor reserve the right to investigate all recorded claims