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Manifest Destiny. Oregon Country:. Where it is: Between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains North of California. States in the area: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana and Wyoming. Treaty we got it from: Adams- Onis Treaty. Oregon Country cont…:. The Oregon Trail:.
Oregon Country: Where it is: Between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains North of California. States in the area: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana and Wyoming. Treaty we got it from: Adams-Onis Treaty.
Oregon Country cont…: The Oregon Trail: The Oregon Trail was a 2,000 mile journey that started in the Mississippi, went over the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains, and through the Platte, Snake, an Columbia Rivers.
Oregon Country cont... “Fifty-four Forty or Fight!” The British and the Americans had a joint occupation on the Oregon Country until 1844, when the Oregon settlers believed that the Americans should have sole ownership of the area. At the election of 1844, the democratic party supported that Oregon be part of America. They used the slogan, “Fifty-four Forty or Fight,” to show the wanted degree of border for the nation. Great Britain refused, but came to a compromise to place the border at 49° N in June 1846.
Stephen F. Austin recruited 300 American families to settle the fertile land along the Brazos and Colorado Rivers. Texas: Main Idea: Texans won their independence from Mexico and asked to be admitted to the United States. In 1830, the Mexican government issued a decree that stopped all immigration from America, and it angered the American Texans. Conflict in Texas started in 1830
Texas cont...: General Antonio de Santa Anna became the President of Mexico in 1833. The Alamo: Texas declared its independence on March 2, 1836 at Washington-on-the-Brazos(4 days before the siege of the Alamo). The Alamo was a small mission in the town of San Antonio. Santa Anna found a small Texan force inside the mission and, for 12 days, kept pressing on the Texans until the Mexican force finally overcame the Alamo’s defenders. After Texas declared its independence, Sam Houston became the commander and chief of the Texas forces.
Texas cont...: Battle of San Jacinto: The Battle of San Jacinto took place on April 21 at present-day Houston. Sam Houston and his small army initiated a surprise attack on Santa Anna’s army. All the while the Texans shouted, “Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!” The Texans had won and at the end of the battle they had captured 700 soldiers, including Santa Anna. On May 14, 1836, Santa Anna signed a treaty that recognized the independence of Texas. Although Texas was independent, The U.S. President, Andrew Jackson, refused to annex Texas because the addition of another slave state would upset the balance of slave and free states in the Union.
Texas cont...: Texas became a state on December 29, 1845 with James K. Polk as President.
War With Mexico States included: New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming. Trade increase with New Mexico affected the U.S. by more settling of the region. The Santa Fe Trail: The Spanish explorers and missionaries from Mexico influenced the culture of California. The Santa Fe Trail was the route that the first American trader, William Becknell, took in order to get to Santa Fe. It covered the Missouri and Arkansas Rivers.
War With Mexico cont...: John C. Fre`mont described the climate of California by saying there were, “large farms and grazing establishments.” The U.S. insisted that the border of Texas was at The Rio Grande River, but Mexico said it was the Nueces River. Polk called an emergency meeting with the cabinet because a Mexican force had attacked the Americans at the Texas border. They all agreed that this was grounds for war with Mexico. Some Americans said that if the U.S. was extended to the Pacific it would be safely bordered by the sea rather than a foreign country.
War With Mexico cont…: President Polk sent General Winfield Scott to capture Mexico City(the capital). Fredrick Douglas, a free African American, felt that the war against Mexico was “disgraceful” and “cruel.” When California won it’s independence it was named the Independent Republic of California. The country’s flag had a bear and a star on a white background.
War With Mexico cont…: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (signed in February 1848) ended the war with Mexico. The border of Texas ended up at the Rio Grande River. In 1853, The Gadsden Purchase gave us the states of Arizona and New Mexico. The states we acquired from Mexico included: California and New Mexico.
Gold Rush: Countries who sent the “forty-niners” included: Mexico, Europe, South America, Australia, and China. The Gold Rush happened in 1849 in California. The people that came to dig for gold were called the forty-niners. The mountain range all of them had to cross was called the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. San Francisco grew from a tiny city to a population of over 20,000. Levi Strausse: Levi Strausse was a jewish immigrant that sold sturdy pants, called Levi’s, made from denim to the miners who came to California. A Boomtown is a community experiencing a sudden growth in business or population.
Gold Rush cont...: Religious Refuge in Utah: In 1830, Joseph Smith founded the Mormon church in New York. The neighbors of the church didn’t agree with them so they moved to Ohio, then Missouri, and then to Illinois. In 1844, a mob killed Joseph Smith and Brigham Young took his place. Young decided it was time for the church to move again. This time, they settled near present-day Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah did not become a state until 1896.
Sources: digital-topo-maps.com • historyonthenet.com rv-travel-with-kids.com learner.org 50states.com ntu.org cibu.edu