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The RDE Project: Training Simulator and Test Facilities in Indonesia to Support HTR Development. T. Setiadipura S. Bakhri G.R. Sunaryo. Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety – BATA N.
The RDE Project:Training Simulator and Test Facilities in Indonesia to Support HTR Development T. Setiadipura S. Bakhri G.R. Sunaryo Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety – BATAN IAEA Technical Meeting on Knowledge Preservation for Gas Cooled Reactor Technology and Experimental Facilities, Vienna, 10 – 12 December 2018.
IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Challenge(s) : • ~270 millions people. IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Challenge(s) : • Distributed electricity demand. • Distributed natural resources. IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Nuclear Energy Technology Contribution ? • Small Modular Nuclear Reactor • Cogeneration options • Passive Safety Features IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Pebble Bed High Temp. Reactor We’ve plan to start with the small 10MWt REAKTOR DAYA EKSPERIMENTAL (RDE) An HTR Pilot Plant for Nuclear Cogeneration IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Pebble Bed Fuel and Core Design IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RDE – Nuclear Island Nuclear Steam Supply System Co-axial Hot Gas Duct 700oC Helium from the core will be directed to Steam Generator And produce superheated steam ~530oC, ~6 Mpa. Main Helium Blower Reactor Pressure Vessel Main Steam, ~530oC Steam Generator Pressure Vessel Main Feed Water, ~145oC IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RDE – Power Conversion System Steam from Nuclear Steam Supply System,then directed to the power conversion system to produce electricity. Co-axial Hot Gas Duct Main Helium Blower Electricity Production Reactor Pressure Vessel Main Steam, ~520oC Steam Generator Pressure Vessel Turbine Generator HP LP Main Feed Water, ~145oC Cooling Tower Condenser IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RDE – Power Conversion System Besides electricity, steam can be utilized for experimental of cogeneration applications. Exp. Steam Cogeneration Application Co-axial Hot Gas Duct Main Helium Blower Electricity Production Reactor Pressure Vessel Main Steam, ~520oC Steam Generator Pressure Vessel Turbine Generator HP LP Main Feed Water, ~145oC Cooling Tower Condenser IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RDE as model for Indonesian NPP Small Modular Concept to provide small and large electricity demand. Initial study on a 150MWt upscale based on RDE is already started. Kepadatan Penduduk Small Unit Electricity Demand Large Unit Electricity Demand RDE will become one of “NPP Model” in Indonesia with huge demand for electricity and/ heat application. Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional 11
Uncompleted Dream…. Re-visited Dream…. …still there (technically) waiting for the HTR application. Important to revive and continue the momentum… IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Knowledge and Facility Accumulation (to be preserve) Available or being developed facility related to HTGR in BATAN are as following: • A 30MW Material Testing Reactor called RSG-GAS. • HTGR Simulator • RCCS Test Facility • Helium Purification Test Facility • Cryogenic Unit • Molecular Sieve Unit • Safety and Accident Analysis Code IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RSG-GAS (Material Testing Reactor): potential neutron irradiation facility IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
PRTF RSG-GAS (Material Testing Reactor): potential neutron irradiation facility NDT FACILITY IR3 IR4 NRF S6 IR2 IP S5 FRS NRS4 IP CIP NRS3 IP NRS2 NRS1 IP BERYLLIUM BLOCK REFLECTOR S4 S3 S1 S2 IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RSG-GAS (Material Testing Reactor): potential neutron irradiation facility Neutron Beam Facility IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
HTGR Simulator 06/03/2017
HTGR Simulator Status at 2017 IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
HTGR Simulator Status at 2018 Besides the technical goal, HTGR Simulation also important tools for public acceptance or to build stake-holder trust. IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RCCS Test Facility Manifolds Conceptual Drawing 5-riser pipe IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RCCS Test Facility Built as an additional test facilities on existing thermal-hydraulic exp. Facilities which mainly for LWR. Conceptual Drawing IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RCCS Test Facility Expansion Tank Air Cooler Risers IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RCCS Test Facility Instrumentation Layout Conceptual Drawing IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Cryogenic Test Facility RDE’s Helium Purification System Component in manufacturing phase. Drawing of Cryogenic Unit IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Molecular Sieve Test Facility RDE’s Helium Purification System Test facility in manufacturing phase Drawing of the Molecular Sieve IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Design and safety analysis RDE APA-BATAN(2014) PBR steady-state core heat & flow analysis. Thermal Hydraulic Analysis PEBBED – US INL VSOP-Thermix GRSAC TRIAC-BATAN(2018) TRISO Failure Ratio Analysis Design and Safety Analysis Tools Fuel and Material Performance Neutronic Analysis BATAN-MPASS (1995) PBR Steady-state Equilibrium analysis code. TIMCOAT – MIT Radiactive Release Analysis Under Development… IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
APA-BATAN Initial Validation Axial Temp. Profile (different R) Axial Temp. Profile (R=0) • Benchmarking Case for HTR-10: • IAEA-TECDOC-1694 "EVALUATION OF HIGH TEMPERATURE GAS COOLED REACTOR PERFORMANCE" BENCHMARK ANALYSIS RELATED TO THE PBMR-400, PBMM, GT-MHR, HTR-10 AND THE ASTRA CRITICAL FACILITY, 2013 IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
TRIAC-BATAN Initial Validation the above value is taken from HTR-Module case. HTR2018, 8-10 October, Warsawa, Poland.
TRIAC-BATAN Vs. PANAMA PANAMA results which we’d like to duplicate by our TRIAC-BATAN. HTR2018, 8-10 October, Warsawa, Poland.
RDE Licensing Status Site Permit DONE! Jan 2017 - Jan 2021 Includes : Geography, Topography, and Demography Geology and Geotechnical Aspect and Foundation Seismology Volcanology Hydrology Land and Water Used Air and Water Quality Meteorology Human Induced Events IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RDE Licensing Status Site Permit DONE! Jan 2017 - Jan 2021 • In Progress, need to submit: • Detail design • Safety analysis report Design Approval Construction Permit Graded Approach was aggreed: 27 August 2018: initial documents was submitted. Commissioning Permit Operation Permit IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
RDE Licensing Status Site Permit Done @ Jan 2017 !! In Progress Design Approval Due date: Jan 2021 Construction Permit Commissioning Permit Operation Permit IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Conclusion RDE was initiated to be the milestone of nuclear power plant realization in Indonesia, based on specific Indonesian Demand. For Knowledge Preservation Perspective: RDE project is ‘momentum’ for knowledge accumulation and preservation. RDE is currently in the phase of Design Approval. Knowledge and Facility accumulation is in progress. Knowledges, Experiences, and Facilities/Tools from other countries is expected. Synergy and Collaboration is an important aspect. IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities
Thank You BADAN TENAGA NUKLIR NASIONAL PUSPIPTEK AREA BD.80, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15320, INDONESIA. +62 21 756 0913 | Fax. +62 21 756 0913 tsdipura@batan.go.id @humasbatan Humas Batan Humas Batan badan_tenaga_nuklir_nasional IAEA TM on Knowledge Preservation for HTGR and Exp. Facilities