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Mr. Brazeau. Origins. Beliefs. Symbols/ Icons. Festivals. Milestones. Texts. Festivals. Milestones. Texts. Symbols. Origins. Beliefs. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400.
Festivals Milestones Texts Symbols Origins Beliefs $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
According to the Christian scriptures, Jesus was conceived by:
Category #1 $100 Question The Holy Spirit
The source that provides the most detailed information on the life of Jesus is
Category #1 $200 Question The New Testament of theBible.
What role did Pontious Pilate play in sentencing Jesus to death?
Category #1 $300 Question Jesus was brought before Pilate…..Pilate said not enough info to convict….left it up to the people….he said he was washing his hands of the Jesus….people sentencedhim to be crucified
Category #1 $500 Question Sentenced to death by crucifixion Made to carry his own cross Nailed to the cross When he died his body was wrapped in linenand brought to a special tomb Tomb was cut out of rock 3 days after death MM went to the tomb to anoint body with spices Body was gone…Angel appeared and told them Jesus had risen from the dead
What is the Last Supper?….Explain the events that took place
Category #1 $400 Question Last meal that Jesus shared with his disciples Took the bread, gave thanks and broke it….This is my body that will be given up for you Took the wine and said this is my blood….This is my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant
Category #2 $100 Question Apostles Creed
Category #2 $200 Question God created everything in6 days and then rested on The 7th day Created Adam and Eve
Category #2 $300 Question Jesus returning to earth one last timeto judge the living and the dead Believers will go with him to heavennon believers will go to hell
Category #2 $400 Question Jesus was human, suffered asa human in order to accomplishthe forgiveness of sin andhuman salvation Jesus was attempting to bridge the gap between people andGod, open the way to eternal life
Christian worship usually takes place on: (what days of the week)?
Category #3 $100 Question Saturday EveningSunday Morning
What action does a Roman Catholic perform as he/she walks into a church?
Category #3 $200 Question Dip two fingers in holy water and blessthemselves beforewalking to the pew
Category #3 $400 Question Represents Jesus First two letters of the Greek word meaningChrist
Category #3 $500 Question During Lent, before Easter Commemorates the 40 days during Jesus’ fasting in the destert
Category #3 $300 Question RosaryStart with Apostles Creedat crucifix Big beads are our fathers10 Hail Mary End decade with Glory Be
Category #4 $100 Question Christmas
Category #4 $200 Question Considered to be withGod in heaven andcan therefore hear ourprayers
Category #4 $300 Question Ashes marked on the foreheadto remind them that they are mortals and will return to dust aftertheir death
Category #4 $400 Question Three Wise men giving the baby Jesusgifts of frankincense, myrrh and perfumes Romans for year end to honor Saturnthe God of harvest. Also honoredMithras, God of light
Why is Holy Week the most holy period of the Christian calendar?
Category #4 $500 Question Palm Sunday- celebrate the day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was welcomed by crowds Holy Thursday- Last Supper Good Friday- Death of Jesus Easter Sunday- Resurrection of Jesus (most holy of Christian celebrations)
Category #5 $100 Question Cleanses the soul of original sin