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Four main factors determine our potential for catching disease. Understanding these essential factors will help us determine the best solution to our health problems.
How does disease develop? Four main factors determine our potential for catching disease. Understanding these essential factors will help us determine the best solution to our health problems. These factors are:
1. Environment The environment is a neutral factor by itself; meaning, the environment nurtures life according to complex mechanisms which allow living organisms to adapt as well as to cope with the challenges to survival.
Many believe that organisms have the innate ability to overcome these obstacles and develop defensive and offensive mechanisms in order to reproduce their kind and as well as improve their chances to survive.
Drastic improvements, as presumed, would lead to organisms evolving, hence, the theory. On the other hand, slight adaptation behaviors or steps involve using available resources to allow a species to survive without necessarily evolving into new species.
Humans react to the environment in intricate ways which can be further complicated by the fact that they themselves have now the capacity to mindlessly alter or intelligently redesign the environment. The race to reach Mars is one extreme example of this human capacity which is fraught with so many variables and unknowns.
But we do not have to go far to realize that what we have done to the environment has degraded its capacity to sustain healthful living. Think about the pollution and destruction that our ecosystems or global systems (coastal areas, river systems, forests, atmosphere and ozone layer) have suffered from our eagerness to harness resources without regard to natural processes?
How we react to the environment that has in turn reacted to our own activities determines our vulnerability to diseases. How can we not develop respiratory diseases or lung cancer with all the toxins we release in the air? How can we not suffer dietary problems when the food we eat has been devitalized through so much processing?
How can we grow nourishing food when we do not return what the soil needs to keep it well-nourished as well? In short, we make the environment what it is and, in return, it makes us what we are now – prone to diseases.
2. Emotional condition Many unresolved emotional issues can lead to the disruption of the functions of the body, particularly the immunity system. When people blame their “low resistance” for their sickness, they are actually claiming the fact that the immunity system is the first and last line of defense in the body’s battle with the environment and the deficiencies and diseases it brings.
A person who is grieving is considered “depressed” since that emotional condition is not the normal condition conducive to healthy living.
Yes, we can accept that a certain dose of sadness and sorrow can bring about beneficial changes in our lives. But when such moments cause us not to eat properly, not to get enough rest for recovery or not to do physical exertion, the body will start dropping its defenses and becomes easy prey to diseases.
The wise King Solomon gave this vital medical advice: A cheerful heart is good medicine; but a sad face dries up the bones.
3. Unmitigated stresses Many people go through days and days of unrelenting stress and end up with hypertension, especially people who live in the crowded cities. One related case was the medical findings on many young American soldiers in their late teens and early twenties developing cardiovascular disease during the Korean War.
Not only does stress cause systemic ailments, it can also affect the mental condition of those who have no coping mechanisms for releasing the stress.
Today, the popularity of music therapy and massage therapy has provided immense relief to those who regularly make use of them. Homeopathy is based on the principle that the “demise of a certain disease starts from the mind”.
Putting our minds in a condition of equilibrium (through music or relaxation) can begin the process of renewing the body’s defenses against disease.
4. Lifestyle disorders People do not only react to the environment, they also fight or go against it oftentimes. Think of extreme-sports practitioners who take challenges beyond normal limits sometimes without regard to their health or safety. Frostbite is a common danger to mountain climbers which has led to amputation of toes or fingers.
But this is an extreme case; we know there are lifestyle disorders which many undergo without even knowing it. We could be eating good food or doing regular exercise; however, if we spend so much time being sedentary on a daily basis or not getting sufficient sunlight or breathing naturally fresh air, we become prone to diseases.
We must begin to consider how we can improve our lives such that we give to the body what it deserves so that it will take care of us as well.
The Peterson Group of Jakarta and Malaysia has practiced homeopathy as the best choice for resolving diseases. As more and more people realize that they have a choice between homeopathy and allopathy, many also come to respect the value and the advantages that homeopathy has over allopathic.