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Dive into the story of David to discover how temptation triumphed and the aftermath it brought, urging us to be vigilant, humble, and repentant in the face of sin. Explore the consequences of spiritual neglect, pride, and how cover-ups only lead to further destruction.
Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. (I Cor. 10:11-12)
When Temptation Triumphs
When Temptation Triumphs • The Unnecessary Triumph Of Temptation: • David’s problems began before the adultery ever took place, with a period of spiritual neglect in his life. • Even though God surrounded him with blessings, he began taking wives for himself (2 Sam. 5:10, 12-13) • He loved & knew God’s laws, but his passions controlled his decision making, so he disobeyed God. (Deut. 17:14-17) • No doubt this multiplying of wives was wearing away at his strength, integrity, character, and spirituality. • David appears to have forgotten that he was God’s man… his humble, faithful, & godly beginning. Lost his closeness. • Additionally, David was experiencing many successes on the battlefield… a vulnerable heart and mind! (I Cor. 10:12)
When Temptation Triumphs • The Unnecessary Triumph Of Temptation: • During this time David gave in to adultery when there was plenty of opportunities to stop. • He should have been at war (2 Sam. 11:1) – “When kings go out to battle” – David is in the wrong place! • From a look, to lust, to adultery (2 Sam. 11:2-4) – He wasn’t wrong for accidently seeing her and appreciating beauty. The look transformed into lust and then an act. • God gives David a CLEAR way of escape (vs. 3) – The servant knows this isn’t right and uses convicting wording. • Both David and Bathsheba were guilty this day – Either one of them could have put on the brakes, but neither did. • There was certainly pleasure, but it was short lived. Soon guilt, shame, and difficult consequences had to be faced
When Temptation Triumphs • The Unnecessary Triumph Of Temptation: • Application… • Resist spiritual neglect! We make ourselves vulnerable and create opportunities to sin (2 Peter 1:5-11) • Be aware of pride and overconfidence during times of success and when our lives are flowing smoothly (Deut 8:1, 14, 17) • None of us are immunized to sin. When we begin to think we are, we take a major step toward losing the battle! • Recognize the open doors for sin – Adultery: husband is out of town, alone with others, strong drives, times of hurt • Sin can be very pleasurable, but its pleasures are short lived. Focus on the consequences! (Prov. 9:17-18; Rom. 6:23)
When Temptation Triumphs • The Aftermath Of Temptation’s Triumph: • David stands at the crossroads – Acknowledge and repent or hide and cover up? (2 Sam. 11:5ff) • Unplanned news creates decision time – Repentance meant facing difficult consequences, shame, and disrespect • David knew he couldn’t hide… He wrote more about God’s awareness of our lives than anyone else (Psa 10:13-14) • A creative plan backfires: David has really fallen! He isn’t concerned about Uriah or the other men. He is only thinking “cover up” – He didn’t factor in Uriah’s integrity • As panic sets in, the sin deepens. First adultery, then pride, then deceit, and then murder. Finally, more cover up! • Verse 25 – Many men died to cover this up and David doesn’t care… He doesn’t think Joab should care either! • David did what was evil in the sight of the Lord! (2 Sam 12:9)
When Temptation Triumphs • The Aftermath Of Temptation’s Triumph: • He lives a lie, continuing the cover up, for a long time! • He likely felt like he had gone too far… That there was no turning back… The darkness just kept getting darker! • The self portrait of a sinful man – Misery, guilty, shame, physical distress, internal war, hopelessness (Ps 32:1-5) • Thankfully, when Nathan says “YOU ARE THE MAN,” David quickly repents! (2 Sam. 7:12ff) • Is it possible that David didn’t think he was the man? Had David grown accustomed to the cover up? How long would David have continued living the hypocrisy?
When Temptation Triumphs • The Aftermath Of Temptation’s Triumph: • Application… • Which way of escape will we choose? One offers a sense of escape, but it is false and is only for this life. The other has consequences now, but offers eternal & real escape • Cover Ups: Fear of consequences, lies, detailed plans to cover up, more lies, more cover up It changes us! • Repentance: Guilt of sin, acceptance of responsibility, acknowledgement to God and others, acceptance of consequences, and repair to own life and to others. • Lies will catch us, none escapes (Prov. 12:19-20; Ecc 12:13-14) • It is never easy, but there is only one way to handle our sin… repentance and confession in Christ (I John 1:8-9) • In repentance there is: Purging, joy, gladness, healing, praise, renewal, rightness, cleanness, etc. (Psalm 51:7-12)
When Temptation Triumphs • The Cost Of Temptation’s Triumph: • That short lived moment of pleasure cost David more than he ever could have imagined: • Immediately David’s spirituality, character, integrity, and respect suffered a major blow. Could’ve kept him down! • Then the child born to him & Bathsheba died… The child was about a year old at the time (2 Sam 12:13-14) • David’s children lived out his decision making… • Ammon sees Tamar as beautiful, lusts after her, and decides to rapes her through a very crafty and deceitful plan (2 Sam. 13:6-12; 14) • Absolam becomes angry and seeks to murder Ammon. He deceives his father, creates a crafty & deceitful plan, and does it (2 Sam 13:23-29) • Absolam rebels against his father. He manipulates the people and acts deceitfully and craftily. He temporary steals away the throne • Surely David would have loved to take it all back. The day of his sin haunted him. David, was the pleasure worth it?
When Temptation Triumphs • The Cost Of Temptation’s Triumph: • Application… • Sin carries terrible costs and consequences for us and those around us. More than we could ever imagine! We need to stop deceiving ourselves… we can’t escape! • The Sin Principle: Sin takes us further than we meant to go, keeps us longer than we meant to stay, and costs us more than we meant to pay (Proverbs 6:27-28) • Sins just like David have destroyed many homes and lives… but it doesn’t take the “big sins” and cover ups to do it! • Our decisions can strengthen or destroy our children… We will sin and they will know it. How will we handle it? What will they learn by the way we handle our failures? • No consequence is worse than the spiritual consequence. (Isaiah 59:1-2; James 1:15; I Tim. 4:2)
Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. (I Cor. 10:11-12)
“Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mt. 11:28-30)