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Parental Concerns about Technology in Education. Kristina Badgley Cecilia Braer Lori Ferrington Phillip Grim Katie Hyso Melanie Stiehl. An “Anti-Technology” Group Presentation, CEP 810. Living in a Technological World.
Parental Concerns aboutTechnology in Education Kristina Badgley Cecilia Braer Lori Ferrington Phillip Grim Katie Hyso Melanie Stiehl An “Anti-Technology” Group Presentation, CEP 810
Living in a Technological World • Today’s American teens live enveloped in a technological world. • School districts push for more technology in classrooms • Cell phones have more capabilities than ever • 7.5 hours on the Internet a day becomes the norm • Social networking sites become a way of life • What does this mean for parents?
What Parents Are Saying 1. Technology is “costly” 2. Technology is dangerous and misused 3. Technology is distracting 4. Technology impedes life skills
Technology's Cost in Schools • Cost of implementation of NCLB • Connecticut estimated $7.2 mil state/$117.2 mil local funding spent in 2007 to meet NCLB requirements • 33.3% of annual operations budget went to technology in 2008-2009 in RCS • Technology becomes priority • San Diego, CA • Kearns High School, UT Concern 1: Technology is “costly”
In the Budget • Budgeting for technology • Purchase and installation • Removal of old • Staff development • Maintenance and repair • "Technology is an infrastructure in constant need of repair and update.” • "We expect to get 5 years of ‘shelf-life’ from each computer. This means that we forecast replacing 20% of our fleet (on average) each year.” Reason 1: Technology is “costly”
Training Costs Money & Time • Teacher Training • Cost constraints • Time constraints • Student Training • Time constraints • Computer etiquette Concern 1: Technology is “costly”
Planning for Complications • Computer Log-in Failures • Internet failures • Site failures • Dependability Concern 1: Technology is “costly”
Access to Technology • Digital Inequality Concern 1: Technology is “costly.”
Cheating • Cheating by cell phone • Texting answers • Taking pictures • Computer Cheating • Plagiarism • Copy and Paste • Only changing a word or two • Not citing • Spark notes Concern 2: Technology is dangerous & misused.
Dangers of Technology • High Risks • Physical Activity • Cyberbullying • Privacy Concern 2: Technology is dangerous & misused.
Technology as a Distraction • Social Interaction • Communication • Tool for Research • Alerts, Instant Messages, Voice Messages, etc. Concern 3: Technology is a distraction.
Life Skills Dangers • Technology is addictive • Creates impatience with other media • Traditional “values” in question • Social Interaction is taking a toll Concern 4: Technology impedes life skills.
Title? (life skills) • Social Networking Sites • Isolation • Lack of Individualism • Decline in pupils’ understanding each other • Texting replacing talking (is this education related?) Concern 4: Technology impedes life skills.
Conclusion Many parents see the current shift of technology in the next generation. While beneficial when used properly, the dangers of technology are vast: -Affects school budget and resources -It can be misused with dangerous consequences -In school and in life, it is a major distraction -Students' life skills are being disrupted and corrupted
Bibliography Slide 4: United States. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001). , 2001. Web. 4 Aug 2010. <http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/index.html>. deVries, Dianne, Robert Palaich, and John Augenblick. "Costing Out No Child Left Behind." Hawaii Educational Policy Center. Augenblick, Palaich and Associates, Inc., 04 2004. Web. 4 Aug 2010. <http://www.hawaii.edu/hepc/pdf/Reports/Survey_of_State_Costs_AB801.pdf.> Alpert, Emily. "A Backlash Against Classrooms with High Technology -- But No Air Conditioning." Voice of San Diego16 Feb. 2010: n. pag. Web. 4 Aug 2010. <http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/education/article_f1baf388-1b76-11df-a719-001cc4c03286.html>. Nicholas, Peter, and Julia Love. "Republicans decry stimulus funds for iPods, cellphones." Los Angeles Times 3 Aug. 2010: n. pag. Web. 4 Aug 2010. <http://articles.latimes.com/2010/aug/03/nation/la-na-republicans-stimulus-20100803>. Slide 5: "Budgeting for Technology." Journey to Excellence. North American Division Office of Education, 2010. Web. 4 Aug 2010. <http://www.journeytoexcellence.org/plan/technology/budget.phtml>. Pliss, Mike. "Department of Information & Instructional Technology." Ithaca City School District. Ithaca City School District, 2007. Web. 4 Aug 2010. <http://www.icsd.k12.ny.us/legacy/board/budget/2006-07/2006-2007BudgetBackground-IIT.pdf>. Ferrington, Eric. Personal Interview by Lori Ferrington. 3 Aug. 2010. "2008-2009 Budget." Romeo Community Schools. Romeo Community Schools, 2009. Web. 4 Aug 2010. <http://www.romeo.k12.mi.us/index.aspx>.
Bibliography Slide 8: http://uwire.com/2010/07/20/study-classroom-technology-distracts-from-learning/ http://library.mcneese.edu/tutorial/advantages.htm http://chronicle.com/article/Distractions-in-the-Wireless/46664/ Slide 9: http://www.gc.cuny.edu/faculty/research_studies/attewell03.pdf http://heheli.com/business/top-4-health-problems-caused-by-computer-use/ http://www.ncpc.org/resources/files/pdf/bullying/cyberbullying.pdf http://youthdevelopment.suite101.com/article.cfm/technology_dangers_and_risks_for_teens Slide 10: http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20100802/tc_pcworld/hownewtechnologyisrewiringourbrains http://www.acacamps.org/campmag/0805technology http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1153583/Social-websites-harm-childrens-brains-Chilling-warning-parents-neuroscientist.html