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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Delve into the significance of the Sword of the Spirit in Christian discipleship, emphasizing precision in usage and the relationship between the Spirit and the Bible. Learn about the errors in emphasizing one over the other and the claims and blessings of Scripture. Discover how the Sword serves both defensively and offensively in spiritual warfare, with insights into Jesus' temptations and defenses. Explore the importance of knowing and wielding the Word of God, guided by the Holy Spirit, for a victorious Christian life.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Eph.6:10-20

  3. The Sword of the SpiritEphesians 6:17 Sword is μαχαιραν / maxairon – short sword of the Roman foot soldier A weapon that requires precision in both its defensive and offensive uses

  4. The Sword of the SpiritEphesians 6:17 The Bible must also be used with precision ρημα / rhema refers to individual words or particular statements You must use the verse appropriate to the particular attack being made. It is a sword, not a club

  5. Relationship of the Spirit & The Bible Sword of the Spirit = The word of God First error – emphasis on the Bible to the neglect of the Spirit’s role The Spirit teaches & enlightens the believer – 1 Cor. 2:12-16; 1 John 2:27; Eph. 1:18 Without the Spirit, Bible study is just academic & religion become legalistic

  6. Relationship of the Spirit & The Bible Second error – emphasis on the Spirit to the neglect of the Bible Mystical interpretation results in conclusions contrary to the Bible The Holy Spirit is never the source of a teaching contrary to the Bible The Spirit of God and the word of God are always in agreement with each other

  7. The Claims of Scripture About Itself God is its author: 2 Timothy 3:16 2 Peter 1:20 It is Inerrant and infallible: Psalm 19:7,8 Proverbs 30:5

  8. The Claims of Scripture About Itself It is Authoritative: Isaiah 55:11 Isaiah 45:23 It is Complete: Proverbs 30:5-6; Deut. 4:2; 12:32 Revelation 22:18

  9. The Claims of Scripture About Itself It is Sufficient: 2 Timothy 3:16 It is Effective: Hebrews 4:12-13 It is Determinative John 8:47

  10. The Resources & Blessings of Scripture Source of Truth: John 17:17 Source of Joy: Proverbs 8:33 Luke 11:28 Source of Spiritual Growth: 1 Peter 2:2

  11. The Resources & Blessings of Scripture Source of Power: Jeremiah 23:29; Romans 1:16 Source of Guidance: Psalm 119:105 Source of Comfort: Psalm 119:50 Romans 15:4

  12. The Resources & Blessings of Scripture Source of Perfection: Psalm 19:7-11 Source of Protection: Psalm 119:9-11 Source of Victory

  13. The Sword as a Defensive WeaponMatthew 4 The Spirit of God leads Jesus into wilderness for the specific purpose of being tempted by the devil – vs. 1 The devil is real – Jesus addresses him as a real personal being. The temptations Jesus will face are real – Hebrews 4:15.

  14. The Sword as a Defensive WeaponFirst Temptation - Matthew 4:2-4 Satan is διαβολοας / diabolos - the "slanderer" Jesus is hungry after fasting for forty days and nights – verse 2 Satan challenges Jesus to prove He is the Son of God by commanding the stones to become bread – verse 3

  15. The Sword as a Defensive WeaponFirst Temptation - Matthew 4:2-4 The Slander: Calling into question God’s care and provision for Jesus The Temptation: For Jesus to satisfy the desires of His body through His own means and methods instead of relying on God to provide. The Defense: Deuteronomy 8:3

  16. The Sword as a Defensive WeaponSecond Temptation - Matthew 4:5-7 Satan challenges Jesus to prove He is the Son of God by having the angels perform a public miracle - vs. 5 & 6 Satan is the master at twisting scripture - he quotes parts of Psalm 91:11-12

  17. The Sword as a Defensive WeaponSecond Temptation - Matthew 4:5-7 The Slander: God had not brought Jesus the honor and glory the Son of God deserves The Temptation: Prove He is the Son of God & gain the following of the people by Satan’s method instead of God’s The Defense: Deuteronomy 6:16

  18. The Sword as a Defensive WeaponThird Temptation - Matthew 4:8-10 Satan’s challenge – verses 8-9 The Slander: The Father has not given to the Son what He deserves & requires too much. The Temptation: To gain the world by Satan’s method instead of God’s The Defense: Deuteronomy 6:13

  19. The Sword as a Defensive WeaponMatthew 4:1-11 The Result: The angels came and ministered to Jesus at God’s direction

  20. The Sword as a Defensive WeaponMatthew 4:1-11 Jesus did not defeat Satan by quoting Scriptures Jesus defeated Satan by knowing the Word of God and being obedient to it.

  21. The Sword as an offensive weapon The Spirit uses the word of God to convict people of sin, righteousness and judgment – see Hebrews 4:12-13 The core of every ministry must be the Scriptures Living according to the Scriptures is submission to God and resistant to the devil – so he flees (James 4:6-7)

  22. The Sword as an offensive weapon Matthew 22:23-28: the Sadducees challenge Jesus about the resurrection. Jesus cites Exodus 3:6 to prove them wrong, rebuke and silence them

  23. The Sword as an offensive weapon Matthew 22:24-36: the Pharisees challenge Jesus about the great commandment Jesus cites Deuteronomy 6:5 & Leviticus 19:18 answering their challenge and applying it to them Jesus cites Psalm 110:1 and reduced them to silence

  24. Conclusions How well can you handle the sword of the Spirit, the word of God? Every Christian is called to know and obey the Scriptures by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a matter of commitment and diligence not personal ability

  25. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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