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A third-person spider shooter game from the developers of Space Invaders .

A third-person spider shooter game from the developers of Space Invaders . . Premise. Shinra Corp. is drilling for oil on an island just outside the coast of Lake City.

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A third-person spider shooter game from the developers of Space Invaders .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A third-personspidershooter game from the developers of Space Invaders.

  2. Premise Shinra Corp. is drilling for oil on an island just outside the coast of Lake City. Bruce, a typical American middle-class worker is late for work and is hasting through the morning traffic. He’s late for his jet-pack demonstration, an invention that’s finally going to finance Bruce early retirement.

  3. Story When he arrives to the island he meets a colleague, all covered in blood. The dying colleague tells Bruce in a dramatic voice that ”We drilled to deep. Suddenlygiantspiderscamepouringout of everydrill-hole and killed everyonein sight.” It is now up to Bruce to contain the spiders on the island, or betteryet, killthem!

  4. Characters Bruce: Middleaged American inventor at Shinra Corporation Working on a new invention, a jetpack for human transportation

  5. Game idea • By navigation Bruce through the 3D world you aidhim in his conquest of slaughteringspiders. • You canuse the jetpack for shortthrusts to make a quickescapeavoiding the spiders. • The goal is to exterminate!

  6. Physics • Gravity – Pulls Bruce down after eitherjumping or using the jetpack. • Velocity – All movingobjects has a velocity. • Acceleration – Some of the gameobjectsuses acceleration.

  7. Network • System Link – Lobby Data to send: • Players position and rotation • Playershealth • Enemies position

  8. Advanced 3D graphics (effects) • Texturedheightmap (Content processor) • Directionallight (AloneEffect) • Animations • Particlesystem

  9. Particlesystem • Fire • Smoke • Dirt

  10. Software culling • Onlydrawwhat you see, for efficiency • Done by boundingfrustum

  11. AI – Fuzzylogic • Flockingamongenemies • Behavior (if in range of Bruce, then attack or flee, otherwisestray) • Awareness (”ifherun, I run”)

  12. Projectplan • Iteration 1 • Game states • Usecases • Menu • Input • Iteration 2 • Draw objects • Movement • Camera • AI • Iteration 3 • More AI • Networking • Physics • Particle systems • Finalization • Concurrentprogramming

  13. Questions?

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