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New and Improved? but Not Really New. HELP-TEAM. STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM. INTERVENTION TEAM. Response to Intervention TEAM. Intervention Team. It doesn't really matter what it has been called or will be called. The purpose of this team is to help students that are struggling in some way. This usually refers to academics but can include emotional/behavioral/social concerns..
1. Intervention Processfor At-Risk Students
2. New and Improved
butNot Really New
3. Intervention Team It doesnt really matter what it has been called or will be called. The purpose of this team is to help students that are struggling in some way. This usually refers to academics but can include emotional/behavioral/social concerns.
4. Team Members
5. Identify At-Risk Population It must be determined which students are at-risk. The lowest 10% in each grade level (not necessarily each classroom) will be our target group. This can include reading and math.
During the first 4 weeks of school provide regular classroom instruction.
6. How will that be determined? Grades 1 and 2:
Administer assessment to all students
Review previous years testing
Review any other previous assessments
Grades 3-5:
Administer assessment to all students
Review previous years testing
Review state assessment scores for students scoring not proficient
7. What about Kindergarten? Kindergarteners need more time for adjustment to school. Review of DIBELS, Scott Foresman and Saxon math data should take place at the end of the first semester. Begin process at this time.
8. Initial Intervention Team Meeting The initial meeting should take place after students have been identified. Referring teacher should complete the Intervention Team Referral Form.
9. What do we do? Review data with all personnel in attendance
Answer questions
Get permission for vision/hearing screenings and tests (see permission form) if last screening was over 1 year.
Brainstorm interventions (interventions must be research-validated)
10. Give us a chance! It is very important that each student have the opportunity to be successful in the classroom with general education instruction. During the first 3 weeks of school each child has an equal opportunity to make progress.
11. Week Three During the third week of school the reading specialist will be asked to complete a screening on each child that has been identified. Recommendations for interventions should be made at that time. Other interventions may have been agreed upon during the initial Intervention Team meeting.
12. What about Math? Although it is uncommon in the lower grades for students to be referred based only on math difficulties, it does sometimes happen. It is suggested that the teacher determine a screening that can be used to provide a basis for interventions
13. Week 4: Interventions Begin Interventions begin (3 x per week for 30 minutes each time)
Teacher/reading specialist/ Intervention Specialist collect data (see data collection form)
Suggested personnel to implement interventions: teacher, teacher assistant, reading specialist
See suggested intervention form
14. Week Five Interventions Continue (Students must continue to receive instruction in subject area with classmates may be modified. Intervention must be scheduled at an alternate time.)
Intervention Specialist will complete a probe on each child in intervention program.
15. Weeks Six and Seven Interventions continue on a regular basis (3 x per week for 30 minutes)
Intervention Specialist completes a probe at the end of the seventh week
16. Weeks Eight and Nine Interventions continue on a regular basis (3 x per week for 30 minutes)
Intervention Specialist completes a probe at the end of the ninth week
17. At the end of the first nine weeks you should have the following data: Classroom assignments
Classroom tests
Reading specialist screening report
Math screening if needed
TCAP data (if available)
Intervention data
Intervention Specialist probe data
K-TEA if needed (counselor)
K-BIT if needed (counselor)
18. Second Intervention Team Meeting At the end of the nine weeks a second meeting should take place. The original members of the team should be present.
If the student has shown progress the interventions continue through the first semester. At that time another review should take place.
19. Has student shown adequate progress? YES
Continue interventions.
20. Has student shown adequate progress? No
Go to next step.
21. Request for Further Testing If the student has not made progress, the intervention team should invite members of the schools special education staff to this meeting. It is at this point that the school should request permission for additional testing. The responsibility for testing is placed on special education personnel.
22. Special Education Referral Process 40 day turn around from date on parent permission form.
Data collected (but not limited to) within the 40 day window:
IQ Test
Behavior checklist
Parent survey
Achievement test
23. Eligibility Meeting Parent
Referring Teacher
Special Education Teacher
School Psychologist
24. Promotion and Retention Policy
25. Exceptional Children Support Staff Schedule
26. Intervention FormsFound at both the Teachers and Administrators Link Questions?