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Team Leadership Perspective Team Leadership Model Leadership Decisions Leadership Actions Team Effectiveness Principled LeadershipHow does the Team Leadership Model Work?. Overview. Historical Perspective of Team Leadership 1920s-1980s. . . . . . . 20-30s . 40s . 50s . 60-70s . 80s . Huma

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    1. Leadership

    2. Team Leadership Perspective Team Leadership Model Leadership Decisions Leadership Actions Team Effectiveness Principled Leadership How does the Team Leadership Model Work? Overview

    3. Historical Perspective of Team Leadership 1920s-1980s

    4. Historical Perspective of Team Leadership 1990s

    5. Team Leadership Description Team research (Ilgen, Hollenbeck Johnson & Jundt, 2005) Focus on team variables Role of affective, behavioral & cognitive processes in team success Team performance & viability Role of mediating processes such as: Trusting, bonding, planning, adapting, structuring & learning Issues Difficult to understand the team process because of its complexity Leader ineffectiveness is major obstacle to overall team effectiveness

    6. Team Leadership Description Critical factor in success of organizational teams understand role of leadership in teams: Ensure team success & avoid team failure Functions a leader must perform Complexity involved in performing these functions How performance of these complex functions relates to actual team performance Team leadership capacity Shared or distributed leadership Encompasses entire team

    7. Team Leadership Model Model provides leader or designated team member with a mental road map to help Diagnose team problems, and Take appropriate action to correct team problems Effective team performance begins with leaders mental model of the situation Mental model reflects Components of the problem Environmental & organizational contingencies

    8. Team Leadership Model Leadership behavior Seen as team-based problem solving Leader uses discretion Which problems need intervention Make choices about which solutions are the most appropriate Effective leaders have the ability to determine What interventions are needed, if any, to solve team problems

    9. Hills Model for Team Leadership

    10. Leadership Decisions

    11. Leadership Decision 1 Leaders can: Diagnose, analyze, or forecast problems (monitoring) or take immediate action to solve a problem Focus on problems within the group (internal) or Which problems need intervention Make choices about which solutions are the most appropriate Effective leaders have the ability to determine What interventions are needed, if any, to solve team problems

    12. Leadership Decision 1

    13. Leadership Decision 1

    14. Leadership Decision 2 Leaders can: Determine if team needs help in dealing with relational issues or task issues Task functions include: Getting job done Making decisions Solving problems

    15. Leadership Decision 2 Leaders can: Determine if team needs help in dealing with relational issues or task issues Maintenance functions include: Developing a positive climate solving interpersonal problems Satisfying members needs Developing cohesion

    16. Leadership Decision 3 Leader must: Determine what level of team process needs leadership attention: Internal task or relational team dynamics, if: Conflict between group members Team goals unclear External environmental dynamics, if: Organization not providing proper support to team

    17. Leadership Actions Leadership Functions performed internally or externally

    18. Leadership Actions Set of skills or actions leader might perform to improve task performance: Goal focusing (clarifying, gaining agreement) Structuring for results (planning, visioning, organizing, clarifying roles, delegating) Facilitating decision making (informing, controlling, coordinating, mediating, synthesizing, issue focusing) Training team members in task skills (educating, developing) Maintaining standards of excellence (assessing team and individual performance, confronting inadequate performance)

    19. Leadership Actions Set of leadership actions leader needs to implement to improve team relationships: Coaching team members in interpersonal skills Collaborating (including, involving) Managing conflict and power issues (avoiding confrontation, questioning ideas)

    20. Leadership Actions Set of leadership actions leader needs to implement to improve team relationships, contd.: Building commitment and esprit de corps (being optimistic, innovating, envisioning, socializing, rewarding, recognizing) Satisfying individual member needs (trusting, supporting, advocating) Modeling ethical and principled practices (fair, consistent, normative)

    21. Leadership Actions Set of skills or behaviors leader needs to implement to improve environmental interface with team: Networking and forming alliances in environment (gather information, increase influence) Advocating and representing team to environment Negotiating upward to secure necessary resources, support, and recognition for team

    22. Leadership Actions Set of skills or behaviors leader needs to implement to improve environmental interface with team: Buffering team members from environmental distractions Assessing environmental indicators of teams effectiveness (surveys, evaluations, performance indicators) Sharing relevant environmental information with team

    23. Team Effectiveness

    24. Team Effectiveness

    25. Team Effectiveness

    26. Team Effectiveness

    27. Team Effectiveness

    28. Team Effectiveness

    29. Team Effectiveness

    30. Team Effectiveness

    31. How Does the Team Leadership Approach Work? Focus of Team Leadership Strengths Criticisms Application

    32. Team Leadership Model provides a cognitive map to identify group needs and offers suggestions on appropriate corrective actions Model assists leader in making sense of the complexity of groups and provides suggested actions to improve group effectiveness

    33. Team Leadership How does the model work? 1st - Leader engages leader mediation process Decides appropriate action - to monitor or take action If teams function satisfactory no action If monitoring reveals action needed which level(s) internal or external

    34. Team Leadership How does the model work? 2nd Determining exact intervention needed Internal relationship problem Internal task problem External environmental problem 3rd Determine action needed or which level to intervene

    35. Team Leadership How does the model work? 4th Decide to intervene at any or all 3 levels Address the individual internal, relational Clarify group roles internal, task Negotiate of team with higher up in organization - external

    36. Strengths Provides answers to what constitutes excellent teams Provides a cognitive guide that assists leaders in designing and maintaining effective teams Recognizes the changing role of leaders and followers in organizations Can be used as a tool in group leader selection

    37. Criticisms Complete model has not been totally supported or tested May not be practical as the model is complex and doesnt provide easy answers for difficult leader decisions Fails to provide much guidance for handling everyday interactions and complications of team management More focus required on how to teach and provide skill development in areas of diagnosis and action taking

    38. Application Useful in leader decision making Can be used as a team diagnostic tool

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