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Explore the rich history of Korea from the Three Kingdoms era to modern times, including periods of dynastic rule, Japanese annexation, division, and the Korean War. Discover how Korea's culture and society have evolved over centuries.

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  1. KOREA I. Three Kingdoms (100-668 CE): a. Koguryo- dominates the North b. Paekche- controls the the Southwest c. Silla- in the Southeast *During this time, Korea borrowed Chinese culture.

  2. Unification!!! II. After the Silla Dynasty brings all of Korea together… there are only two more periods of Dynastic rule! a. Silla Dyn- golden age b. Koryo- where Korea gets it’s name c. Choson- acknowledges China as a superior; Confucianism replaces Buddhism as dominant system.

  3. Japanese Rule III. Control of Korea • Annexed- after hundreds of years of conflict, and 200 years of isolationism (1500-1700), Japan took over Korea. • Harsh rule • Examples- forced labor/slavery • Farming- improved, but ½ was taken

  4. Korean Nationalism a. Peaceful protests • The March First Movement (1919) b. Japanese annexation of other countries c. “identity theft”

  5. Japanese Defeat • WWII = defeat • US and SU agreement • Japanese surrender • SU above 38th Parallel • US below 38th Parallel • Only suppose to be until elections were held

  6. Cold War Rivalries • Permanent division of Korea • Communists and Non-communists • Help of SU in N. • Help of US in S.

  7. 1948 Division of Korea • N. Korea • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea • S. Korea • The Republic of Korea

  8. War in Korea • Clash at 38th Parallel • 1950 • NK invaded SK • Intention = reunite • SK retreated • UN • US and allies sees NK invasion as Comm. Threat • SU armed NK • US pressure on UN = war • MacArthur – SK • SU and China - NK

  9. War in Korea (continued) • Stalemate • 1953 = armistice • Left Korea divided at 38th • Demilitarized zone • After war • Nearly 1 million dead, numerous refugees, and land in ruins

  10. SK Today • Large army • Economic and religious freedom • Gov’t • Harsh until 1980 • Elections • Powerful • Restricts human rights but... • Democratic rights increasing

  11. SK Today (continued) • Economy • After war = ruins and refugees • US aid • Today = Asian Tiger • Free market economy • Manufacturing • Interdependent • Rising standard of living • Confucian Ideals

  12. NK Today • Closed society • Comm. Dictatorship • Kim Jong Il • Self sufficiency • No religion • Large milit. • Majority of people farmers • Economic trouble • Collapse of SU • Human rights

  13. Study Guide • Cultural bridge • Homogenous society • Dynasties • March First Movement • North Korea • South Korea • Annexed • 38th Parrellel • Korean War • SU role • US role • Describe SK today • Describe NK today

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