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Judaism. The first of the monotheistic traditions. South of Phoenicia 2000 BC. Abram the Sumerian found in (Genesis 11-25) lived to be 175 years old! 11 th generation from Noah Married Sarai and left for Canaan with father and nephew
Judaism The first of the monotheistic traditions
South of Phoenicia 2000 BC • Abram the Sumerian found in (Genesis 11-25) lived to be 175 years old! • 11th generation from Noah • Married Sarai and left for Canaan with father and nephew • Told by God that he would be the founder of a chosen people • Abram was 75 and his wife was old as well and they, as of yet, had no children.
Abram has a son • Abram leaves with his wife for Egypt since Canaan was in famine • (Story from Genesis 12) • Abram is told by God to go back to Canaan • God makes the Abrahamic Covenant (two way promise between man and God) • God will bless him to be the founder of a great nation to control the promise land • Abram has a lot of money but no kids • Hagar (handmaiden of Sarai) gives birth to Ishmael but are banned
Abram picks up an “H” • At 99 years old Abram is told that his name is to be changed to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah • Law of Circumcision is followed and Abraham is a prophet • Abraham and Sarah have a child of their own after 3 visitors • Isaac is born but then God tells Abraham to sacrifice him! • Abraham goes to kill Isaac but is stopped by an angel and is accepted by God
Abraham’s Grandson • Jacob became a powerful ruler in Canaan and through 2 wives and 2 servants had 12 sons (12 tribes) • Joseph was despised by his brothers and eventually sold into Egypt (Rachel’s first born) • In Egypt he becomes powerful in Potiphar’s house then is placed in jail for doing the right thing • In jail he reads the dreams of some prisoners and helps the Pharaoh out and made the right hand man of the Pharaoh
Heading to Egypt • When the famine hits Egypt and the rest of Mesopotamia many come from all over to get grain from Egypt • Joseph’s brothers show up and Joseph play’s a trick on them to test them • Joseph invites them all to Egypt where they will stay until Moses
Out of Egypt • Once Joseph’s decedents stay in Egypt they are eventually mistreated and enslaved. • The Hebrews pray for God to deliver them out of Egypt and Moses comes to the rescue • Moses was born a Hebrew but then raised as an Egyptian by the Pharaoh's wife. • Moses discovers that he is a Hebrew and runs away to Midian where he meets Jethro and Zipporah
Moses • While living in the mountains he sees a burning bush and God speaks to him • Moses is commanded to go back to Egypt and demand that Pharaoh release His people • Plagues inflict Pharaoh until he finally lets them go • Blood • Frogs • Gnats and Lice • Flies • Pestilence • Boils • Hail • Locusts • Darkness • Death of Firstborn
Moses • Moses leads the people out of Egypt and God promises them a promised land • Moses travels up to Mt. Sianai and there receives the 10 Commandments; the new law code of the Hebrews • When Moses returns he is angry because his people have been worshipping other gods. • The people wander for 40 years until all die but their posterity make it to the promised land
Hebrews are United • When Moses leaves (never dies but is translated) the remaining Hebrews place the 10 commandments into the Arc of the Covenant • The people are divided into 12 tribes (after 12 sons of Jacob) • Saul first to unite the tribes as a King of Israel (10 tribes) • Built the Capital in Samaria • Drove the Canaanites out but could not drive out Philistines
David the giant slayer • David grew up as a Shepard from Judah (the southern kingdom) • Fights against Goliath of Philistines and kills him with a sling • Becomes king and places the capital of Judah in Jerusalem • Makes a covenant not only with God but with his people as well
Solomon • David’s son and successor, Solomon brought Israel to its high point • Constructed a great temple to replace the tabernacles of Moses time • The temple was a place to worship God • Made trade relations with other nations and was known for being wise and fair • Ruled in the 900’s BC
End of the Tribes • After Solomon the 10 tribes of Israel revolt and break from Judah • Israel is destroyed by 722 BC by Assyria and scattered • Judah is conquered and the temple destroyed by the Chaldeans in 577 BC • From this time until WWII they would be a wandering people • Known for their hard work ethic the Jewish people today are disproportionally wealthy
Final Jewish Terms to know • Moses writes down the history of his people in 5 books known as the Torah • Jewish people today celebrate Passover in remembrance of Gods protection with the plagues in Egypt • Celebrate the Sabbath (holy day) on Saturday as the 7th day of the week • Yom Kippur (יוםכיפור) is the most important holiday as day of Atonement where people fast • Hanukah is a small holiday although gets more publicity • Bar Mitzvah for boys at 13 years acceptance to manhood • Star of David became a well known symbol of Judaism after the time of King David