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Representation: NL Descriptions, EMO20Q

Representation: NL Descriptions, EMO20Q. Q: Do you feel this emotion at Disneyland? A: no Q: Do you feel this emotion when you run over a dog? A: possibly, yes. Q: is it remorse? A: no Q: Do you feel this when someone close dies? A: Not necessarily, but you could I suppose

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Representation: NL Descriptions, EMO20Q

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Representation: NL Descriptions, EMO20Q Q: Do you feel this emotion at Disneyland? A: no Q: Do you feel this emotion when you run over a dog? A: possibly, yes. Q: is it remorse? A: no Q: Do you feel this when someone close dies? A: Not necessarily, but you could I suppose Q: When stealing something from a friend do you feel like this? A: I think so, but I don't usually steal stuff though. Q: There is a sound that does not let you sleep at night at your apartment do you feel like this in reaction to this noise? A: yes Q: is it annoyed? A: no Q: You are walking through South Central very late with your very expensive laptop and you see a stranger quickly moving towards you, do you feel like this when that happens? A: yes, getting closer. Q: Fear? A: no but close Q: Nervousness? A: no, that's a near synonym but I think it's slightly different Q: Do you feel like this when there is a big event coming up and you "cant wait" for it to happen A: no, actually the opposite... you don't want it to happen. Q: how about anxious? A: yes, it's anxious... I think i'll count it, but that wasn't the exact word. Do you know it?

  2. Speech Production And Perception (Gray's Anatomy via wikipedia.org)

  3. MRI Recordings Play external files... (SAIL Realtime MRI Corpus)

  4. ASR: Spectrogram (Rob Hagiwara, http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~robh/howto.html)

  5. - Bag of words (unigrams) - N-gram language models - Emotion dictionaries - Lattices - Orthography (punctuation, capitalization, emoticons) - Wordnet - Syntax - Semantic roles - World knowledge Text Features

  6. ASR: HMM (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Markov_model)

  7. ASR: Lattice (Georgiou et al., ACII 2011)

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