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RPRP Southwest Rural Policy Network Quarterly Meeting Durango, CO June 16-17, 2009

RPRP Southwest Rural Policy Network Quarterly Meeting Durango, CO June 16-17, 2009. RPRP Community Forum Training May 12-14, 2009 Denver, CO Overview and Proposed SWRPN Event. SWRPN Representatives Attending. Carla Chavez, New Mexico Voices for Children, NM

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RPRP Southwest Rural Policy Network Quarterly Meeting Durango, CO June 16-17, 2009

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  1. RPRP Southwest Rural Policy NetworkQuarterly MeetingDurango, COJune 16-17, 2009 RPRP CommunityForum Training May 12-14, 2009 Denver, CO Overview and Proposed SWRPN Event

  2. SWRPN Representatives Attending • Carla Chavez, New Mexico Voices for Children, NM • Joyce Hospodar, Rural Health Office, UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, AZ • Amy Kobeta, Children’s Action Alliance, AZ • Lucy Sanchez, Amigos Bravos, Inc., NM

  3. RPRP CommunityForum Training Agenda • Day 1 • Nuts and Bolts, Framing and Outcomes, and review of Content and Design of Participant Guide • Day 2 • Outreach, communication, logistics, and having table facilitators and volunteers • Day 3 • Making an impact, revisiting Network policy issue, and complete plans for CommunityForum

  4. AmericaSpeaks Resources • CommunityForum Guidebook (2 copies per RPRP grantee) • CommunityForum Workbook • Fundamentals, Samples, PPT Slides, Training Worksheets, other background material • CD with Complete PPT Deck, other information • RPRP CommunityForum Technical Assistance

  5. Issue: Clean Water in the Southwest • Quality of drinking water decreasing • Health of children decreasing • Amount of available water decreasing • Clean-ups not happening • Pharmaceutical dumping in water increasing • Tribal/EPA/State proprietary water concerns

  6. Impact (of clean water) • Healthy People • Children not exposed to toxins • Diseases of adults lowered • Healthy Environment • Healthy farming • Healthy fish, cattle, hunting, etc.

  7. Impact (of clean water) cont’d • Healthy Economy • Less long term negative impact • Clean-up projects beneficial to current Stimulus initiatives • Costs more to clean water than to keep it clean • Increased tourism and recreation • Healthy Community • Less sick people • More green space

  8. Type of Forum, Location, Size • Forum Type: Tribal-Mayor Summit • Locations: • Santa Fe, NM • Sedona, AZ • Supported, endorsed, and hosted by the Mayors of both cities • Size – 50 people per location

  9. Leaders to Enlist • Governors of Tribes • League of Cities • Mimi Steward, NM • Ann Kirkpatrick, AZ • Other (to be identified)

  10. Ideas for “Framing” the Issue • How does water make life special in the Southwest? • Imagine or remember a time when you played in water and drank water and what that was like? • What do you wish for the future in the Southwest?

  11. Forum Outcomes • Awareness that clean water is a pressing issue • Prioritized list of issues related to clean water (cause and effect) • Commitment to lead policy solutions • Connections of Tribal Leaders and City Mayors to each other and to the RPRP Southwest Rural Policy Network

  12. Expected Outcomes: 6 – 12 Months • Public policy drafted • Leaders visit polluted sites • Researchers on board • Clean water part of the NIH study

  13. Unforeseen Activities • Interfacing with Caroline re: proposed newsletter, other required communication • Interfacing with proposed intermediary • Planning/Hosting CommunityForum in AZ & NM (via AmerciaSpeaks support and TA)

  14. SWRPN Next Steps • Approval by SWRPN to move forward • Establish Action Team to work on content, establish schedule, organize forum, etc. • Connect with Janet Fiero, AmerciaSpeaks, for her support, next steps, and how the SWRPN proposes to best use her

  15. Guidelines for TA from AmericaSpeaks • What we get: • 8 days of TA support valued at $4,800 • Our coach – Janet Fiero who lives in Montana • Travel not covered so if the SWRPN wants the coach on-site, $$ must come from another source • What we need to do: • Submit SWRPN TA Plan by Wednesday, July 15, 2009 • Specific format provided • Utilize funds (ideally) by Thursday, December 31, 2009

  16. Discussion/Questions/Next Steps Thank you!!!!!!

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