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Blade by Tim Bowler. CONFLICT 1. “Anyway. She’s too far away. I can have my knife out and into pug face before she’s covered half the ground between us. Probably time to stick her too. My fingers are getting closer to my knife that’s down in my left sock (2).”.
CONFLICT 1 “Anyway. She’s too far away. I can have my knife out and into pug face before she’s covered half the ground between us. Probably time to stick her too. My fingers are getting closer to my knife that’s down in my left sock (2).” This conflict is one of the more important one’s. it is because its in the beginning of the 1st chapter and it sets the mood for what kinds of trouble he gets in throughout the rest of the story.
CONFLICT 2 “They beat the shit out of me, then stand back breathing hard. I lie there on the towpath aching for em to go. I can feel the scratches on my face, blood in my mouth and the bruises all on my body”.(12) During this conflict, blade goes through a unpredictable moment. By this happening he thinks one of the ways to survive is to fight and always carry a weapon to stay protected. It has him getting into more trouble later in the book.
CONFLICT 3 I freeze. I'm clutching the window, shaking. Silence again, dead silence. Inside, outside, like the world’s gone still. Bang! A second gunshot. Mary’s dead and Buffy to. So now I'm on my own. .During this conflict a man stares at him and then all of a sudden starts to chase him with a gun trying to shoot him. This shows that blade stays in trouble if there is a guy chasing him with a gun. This doesn’t change him at all throughout the story.
CONFLICT 4 Look at those punks right their. I should go over and give them a taste of this pocket knife. I'm sure me and my knife can take on four scrubs for sure. During this part of the conflict he makes a dumb choice by going and messing with those boys , who were minding their own business. The outcome of it all I'm sure wasn’t what blade wanted to happen.
SETTING 1 “I wonder what kind of action is action is going on in this dark alley this time of night. Its only one way to find out” During this conflict blade tries to prove, going to a dark alley by himself shows that he is tough. He gets jumped by 6 other boys. This conflict doesn’t change the way blade approaches life.
SETTING 2 “On my way down pedestrian street I felt that I was being watched by a couple of men couldn’t see where they were but could just feel that they were there. It seems in this conflict that he has been in trouble and around this stuff for so long, that its to the point where he can feel and sense danger when its close.
SETTING 3 “Look at that banded building on the corner. I m going to go check that out and see what I can find in their. Maybe I can find a bigger blade. In this conflict he finds a bigger blade and later in the story he puts it to work. It gets him in trouble but gets out of it with no charges against him. Blade has been a undisciplined child throughout the story by the actions he’s made.
NARRATOR 1 “Footsteps in the garden, a shadow coming toward the door. Stops. I can see him now. It’s the grunt I saw outside Mary’s front door. Ugly-looking gobbo. The narrators attitude towards this character is a negative one. I know that because throughout the story he says negative comment. For example, on page 45 he says I saw that ugly looking gobbo grunt outside the door..
So He’s looking at me with his puggy face, this big jerk of a policeman, and I'm thinking, take him out or let him live?